"So, will you allow me to control your body? I can even help you to open your second magic circle."

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"I already have two magic circles." Niken closed her mouth tightly realized that she unconsciously blurted out the number of her magic circle.

"I know. But the other one isn't purely yours. What I mean is your own magic circle."


Niken pondered for a moment, wondering whether she could believe this person or not. In her logic, this person was a stranger to her, and she should not trust this person blindly.

But then again, why was her heart telling the opposite?

She decided to accept this mysterious man's offer thinking she didn't have much time to delay her return.

"Okay. I allow you to help me. But if you break your promise, I won't forgive you." Niken's tone sounded like a frightening threat, but the man smiled, looking amused by her threat.

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A second later, Niken saw the man raise a hand, creating a purple magic particle. The particle flew and dived into Niken's forehead, causing her eyes to turn purple.

Not long after, Niken returned to her time and in her sight, a liquid spilled from the bottle held by Eryl.

Niken snapped her finger once, and suddenly the bottle Eryl was holding moved into her hand along with its contents.

This made Eryl felt shock and glanced at Niken in disbelief.

'Niken' gave a lopsided smile along with a dangerous glint in her eyes as if she had found a new target. Surprisingly, the sparkle in the girl's eyes was able to make Eryl shuddered in horror all over his body.

"Time's to play."

Before Eryl had time to digest what was happening, 'Niken' disappeared and appeared right in front of him, making Eryl gasped in astonishment. He didn't feel scared because of Niken's sudden appearance, but he felt chills run down his spine when he saw a pair of cold purple eyes and a murderous aura emit from the girl.

Eryl didn't know what had happened because the next second, he felt excruciating pain in his chest, and his body was knocked back against the rock. The impact on his body was too strong to break the boulder.

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Strange. How could this seemingly weak human girl suddenly become strong in an instant?

Eryl was about to rise to his feet when suddenly his body pulled down to the ground. He felt heavy as if the force of gravity was pulling him to be swallowed by the earth. He hasn't even had time to endure, he hasn't had time to activate his magic circle, but Niken has done something to him.

"Ugh!" the longer he felt the pressure of gravity, he felt like his bones were being crushed by something heavy.

In the next instant, his body flew into the air quickly before being pulled back by the intense gravity and smashing him to the ground.

"So, this is how I use gravity. It feels terrific."

"Well, I thought you were a formidable opponent, but you were just an ant." the wizard did not understand how the girl he met could be defeated by this weak mix-blood wizard.

There's nothing special about this mix-blood wizard. He only has one magic circle and is solely at the blue stage. There were so many wizards who had a blue magic circle in his era that he was not interested in.

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He was only interested in wizards with more than two magic circles. That was why he was so attracted to this little black-haired girl who was petite and looked weak.

Appearances are very easy to deceive. This girl looks weak, but she actually has three magic circles inside her body. It's just that he could shortly notice something about Niken. Even though this girl had tremendous potential, Niken was inexperienced in balancing her stamina consumption and energy cultivation.

Instead, this girl accidentally took her own life force.

And when Niken fought the mix-blood wizard, Niken couldn't take hold of her potential strength at all, and this guy managed to corner her.

In truth, the wizard wasn't willing to get his hands dirty by killing ants, but since this guy had made it difficult for the little girl that caught his interest, he would teach this lowly mix-blood a lesson.

After all, when else would he feel what it was like to have a time master's power?

'Niken' raises a hand towards the mix-blood then an indigo magic circle appears under Eryl's body.

Eryl was shocked beyond the words. Not only did this girl have magic, but she had an indigo magic circle!! He felt he had messed with the wrong person.

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"Aaaaaarrrghh!!" was the scream in pain from Eryl.

He didn't know why, but his whole body ached as if he had been stung by poisonous bees. Not only that, he felt like the blood flow in his veins was moving so fast without him being able to stop it.

Apart from the excruciating pain, he felt all his strength and energy disappear as if evaporating from his body. In a matter of seconds, he felt fragile and helpless as if he was an old man who was old and just waiting for his last moments.

'Niken' smiled with satisfaction at her handiwork and deactivating the magic circle made Eryl breathe a sigh of relief once again.

Eryl was no longer a handsome young man who was dashing in his prime, but now his body was thin, and his skin was covered with wrinkles. Eryl's current figure was like an old geezer who was weak and helpless.

Eryl tried to raise a hand to see what was going on. He panicked like a chicken at the sight of his bone-thin hand.

Eryl shuddered with horror when he saw 'Niken' walk over to her. He could even see two small horns on Niken's head and a devil-like tail on the back of the girl.

Niken currently looks like an evil witch who is preying on her target.

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