That day, many people came to see the changes taking place in the lake. Flowers were blooming beautifully along the road to the lake. Birds were flying and singing cheerfully, while numerous mermaids were swimming above laughing and joking.

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This sight was truly unusual for the residents, and they felt amazed and seemed astonished by this drastic change.

Isn't it rumored that evil mermaids live in this lake? Why don't these mermaids look like evil mermaids who want to eat them? On the contrary, they seem to like to play, and there are several children playing water with them.

Since when did the barrier array break down, and since when did the flowers bloom so beautifully? They feel like they are in the middle of a flower garden!

The inhabitants who have lived there all their lives still don't dare to come near the mermaids because there is no barrier to protect them. But the travelers, along with Niken and others, dared to go over and play with the mermaids.

Thanks to the help of Niken and Merylin, who disguise themselves as ordinary humans, tourists are not afraid to approach the mermaid. Little by little, they eliminated the rumors about evil mermaids living in the northern continent and replaced with mermaids who were kind and lovable.

It took them days to change their image and make the people who have lived in this northern country for a long time get used to their new environment.

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Niken also helped Merylin move the prospective baby mermaids from a special pool in the basement to the incubator cave at the lake's bottom.

Lionel contacted a member of the Ace force to report the incident in this northern country without revealing his identity and Kazuto as an Elementalist knight. Niken and Kazuto work together with Merylin to change the paradigm of the citizens and bodyguards.

Changing the residents' opinions towards mermaids is not easy, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Zehell helps Niken uncover his father's past evil deeds and the lord's greed.

Initially, very few believed it. But when they saw the mermaids' condition confined in the basement cell along with the incubator mermaid that was bred illegally by the lord, their perspective began to change.

They were disgusted by letting Lord Traze rule this country for so many years. They demanded to remove the title of the lord and replace him with someone else.

The news of their demands spread so quickly that they reached Hakim's ears and promptly sent an envoy to investigate what was happening in the northern country.

As a result, Lord Traze and old Eryl were arrested for torturing and taking advantage of the spirit race. Furthermore, all the northern countries' inhabitants have demanded to overthrow the lord and ask for a replacement where the lord can establish good relations with the mermaid kingdom.

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Their ancestors were on good terms with the mermaids. They told a story about mermaids to their children and grandchildren to the present generation. They only heard about the beauty of mermaids from their ancestors and the ugliness of mermaids from their lord.

But they never met face to face whether it was an evil mermaid or just a mermaid. They only saw a mermaid show that was always the same every evening with a barrier as their borderline.

Now they saw firsthand with their own eyes that evil mermaids did not exist at all. Instead, there is a mermaid who is cheerful and likes to play in the water. There is not a single threat of danger from the mermaids.

That was why it was easier for them to believe that their lord had deceived them for these tens, maybe hundreds of years, and tortured mermaids without their knowledge.

Gradually, the relationship between humans and mermaids began to be harmonious again, and everything returned as it should be.

Shakina, Zehell's sister, was not interested and was surprised to hear that her biological mother was a mermaid. The girl locked herself in her room without wanting to go out or be served. Zehell understands that his sister needs some time alone so she can digest what she has just experienced.

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The mermaid princess decided to return to her kingdom to take over the throne and become a queen after satisfied enough to spend time with Niken.

The coronation ceremony was held privacy, and they could not invite humans or wizards to attend. Therefore, for the time being, the mermaid will not surface for the next few days for the new queen's coronation ceremony.

Only Ceryle and her family are allowed to participate in the coronation ceremony because they are also sea sprites.

Meanwhile, Zehell, Lionel, and Kazuto are waiting for an explanation from Niken how Eryl, who should have looked young, has become so old. And how could Niken beat the mix-blood wizard?

Even though Niken's magical cultivation energy was more potent than Eryl's at this time, that girl wouldn't be able to beat Eryl, who was experienced in fighting. Eryl often challenged Zehell in mock fights to improve their magic skill in combat. Hence his experience and concentration of creating a magic circle were way more superior to Niken.

Moreover, Niken will not be able to create a magic circle while moving around because Niken's concentration is not sufficiently divided between the use of the magic circle and the use of physical force.

That's why they couldn't understand how Niken was able to beat Eryl.

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Well, they feel proud of Niken, who was once just a caterpillar that couldn't do anything, has now grown into a beautiful and brilliant butterfly.

Still, they wondered how Niken had gotten through it all.

Meanwhile, Niken is fidgeting in her sitting position, feeling reluctant to start her explanation. She knew that her mentor and her lover would ask him this sooner or later, but she had no idea that the mere explanation would make her nervous to death.

Would they believe that a wizard had entered her body and controlled her? What if they get angry?

Plus, she couldn't help but remember the kiss added to her guilt for Kazuto.

Hhhh... what a hassle.

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