Niken never had the desire to be the strongest. She just wanted to be stronger than today so that she wouldn't become a burden to those who protected her.

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"I don't want to be the strongest. I just want to be strong enough so that I can protect the people I love."

"That's a good thought. I'm sure you won't stray from your path."

Niken smiled slightly at the support from the ocean lord's familiar spirit. "By the way, is there really no way to help Flynn?"

Aqua chuckled in an amusement tone as she realized that Niken still hasn't given up thinking of a way to save the soul-eater daemon.

Aqua was about to reply that there was no other way to let Flynn die in peace when she realized something.

She remembered that there had not been any evil spirits that had returned to their original state before this because no one could restore their condition. Turning the evil spirit back into pure itself was impossible, and yet, Niken could do it.

Besides, an inexperienced wizard-like Niken was able to defeat Eryl, the mix-blood wizard who was very experienced in using his magic techniques, who have ever thought? Even though Niken got help from other people, that did not deny that Niken did defeat the mix-blood wizard.

Niken was even able to speed someone's life around without killing that person. Usually, when a time master advanced someone's life forward, that person would meet instant death. That's why a time master will only turn the time of life backward to be younger rather than older.

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Somehow, but it seems that Niken has the ability to turn the impossible into the possible.

Perhaps, Niken might be able to save the daemon, Aqua thought seriously.

"Niken, I think I found a way to save the daemon."

"Really? How?"



"If you can speed the life of the mix-blood wizard, you should be able to turn Flynn's lifetime too."

"You mean turning Flynn's life around before he eats human soul?"

"That's true, but… Right now, Flynn is dying. If you turn his life around while he's dying, fearfully, your life energy will also be lessened."

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"How can?"

"It's okay to turn around someone's life if your target is a healthy person. But if you turn life when that person is sick or dying, your life energy will decrease. That's why the time master can't raise the dead because that means he sacrifices his own life to give life to the dead person."

Niken gasped in shock at this explanation. She can raise the dead?

"Niken, don't ever use your power to raise the dead. You will die right away if you use it." Aqua could tell what Niken was thinking.

If one day someone Niken loved died in front of her, this girl would definitely use her power to bring that person back to life regardless of her life.

Ah, she shouldn't have to tell Niken about her real power of the Time Master.

"Sooner or later, you will become the next phantasm lord, why don't you try it?"

"??" Niken tilted her head in confusion and waited for Aqua's next explanation.

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"Even though right now, your vlinder is still in its cocoon form, but it has already given you a small part of its power. That's why you have an indigo magic circle."

"Actually… I don't know what a phantasm lord is. What does that have to do with saving Flynn?"

Aqua exhaled a very long sigh. She felt like a mother who had to explain why the sky was blue or why fish couldn't walk on land to her curious child.

With great patience, Aqua explained to Niken what abilities a phantasm lord had.

As the name suggests, a phantasm lord was capable of creating illusory worlds without even batting an eye. The illusion could be of beautiful things, but it could also be of terrible things.

The phantasm lord could trap a person into his world of illusions for the rest of his life and kill the victim slowly or directly.

Apart from creating illusions, the Phantasm Lord was also capable of manipulating memory. He could change, erase, and add memories to the target.

In Flynn's case, Aqua explained how Niken could help Flynn by manipulating his memories. Suppose Niken managed to get into Flynn's most profound memories and sort past memories. In that case, Niken could erase bad memories and strengthen the daemon's fond memories with the mermaid princess.

If Niken succeeds in doing so, Flynn's demon will not be too strong to rebel because Flynn's desire to remain sane will become stronger.

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Niken blinked her eyes several times as she listened to Aqua's explanation regarding her abilities. She was sure she would no longer be surprised if she had a secret power, yet she was still shocked beyond words.

She never thought she could manipulate someone's memories!

"I can do that? I mean, with me as I am now, can I do it?"

"Frankly speaking, I'm not sure. You've never used illusory power before. Without the help of the vlinder, you will get lost, and maybe… you won't be able to return to your body once you enter Flynn's astral dimension."

Niken bit her lips nervously. She was eager to save Flynn, but if there was a possibility she couldn't return, she doubted that Kazuto and Lionel would allow her to do so.

"I will still do it. If there is any hope of saving him, I will hold onto that hope. I will definitely save him with all my strength." was the firm tone from Niken's voice, making Aqua even more amazed by this young girl.

"Good answer. I love your passion. Don't worry, I'll help you there. I'm also a spirit familiar, so I can accompany you reaching his memories."

Aqua could see the bright sparkles dancing in the girl's eyes.

Ah, how lucky vlinder has a master like Niken. Now she understands why vlinder chose Niken to be the next phantasm lord.

If the phantasm lord had a wicked heart and ambition to become the number one ruler in the world, there would be no doubt that many cries and gnashing of teeth would be rampant in all corners of the earth.

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