Niken did not know how many memories of Flynn that she has seen. She felt somewhat guilty for having peeked into other people's memories. She hoped Flynn would not get mad at her after this.

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After finishing intensifying Flynn's last happy memories, Niken returned to the empty space when she first came here. There was still nothing around, but the dominant color of the surroundings had changed.

Previously it looked gloomy gray, now it has changed to white.

The surrounding of a person's astral dimension usually indicates the personality of that person's soul.

The astral dimension of Niken, which was previously dark and lonely, was darker and colder than this place. At that time, her celestial soul was confined within her own dimension. Hence her astral world was empty.

Now that Niken has been practicing her energy cultivation, her astral dimension started to change to become colorful little by little.

There was some green grass that adorns the footrest and some lovely plants that refreshed one's eye.

Flynn's astral dimension was also in the same state as her dimension when she first woke up as Xiao Yue. Only time could make this empty space more colorful.

Niken was sure Flynn would be alright and would not be consumed by his hatred to become a cruel demon. She also believed Merylin would be with Flynn to help him out.

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"I guess it's time to go back."

Aqua nodded in agreement, seeing that there was nothing more they needed to do in this place.

But when Niken was about to find a way out of this astral, Flynn suddenly appeared blocking her path.

Niken smiled to see Flynn's eyes look alive, the same as they were five hundred years ago.

"Flynn, you have returned."

Flynn smiled with her, but Niken couldn't understand why Flynn's smile looked sad.

"Niken, why did you want to help me? You should have let me die."

"Because you are my friend and also Merylin is waiting for you. We managed to restore the condition of the mermaid lake. Come out and see for yourself. Everything is starting to return to the way it was five hundred years ago."

"I know. I heard it from within Zehell's astral place. Do you know what my intention toward you was? I'm planning to throw you into the lair of the evil mermaids so Merylin could devour you. If she gets half of your magic power, she could break the array and kill all the inhabitants of this country. That is my real plan."

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"..." Niken didn't know how to react to this revelation.

She knew that a daemon would always plot evil thoughts in his mind. However, Niken never once thought about the possibility that Flynn planned to harm her.

"Are you afraid of me now?" Flynn's question makes Niken wonder, is it true that she is afraid of him?

Flynn lowered his head guiltily.

Why didn't that girl hate him? Everything would be easier if the girl hated him.

Ah, no. Things will be easier if Flynn hates Niken. He would not hesitate to kidnap Niken secretly and throw her into a mermaid lake so the evil mermaids could devour her.

Flynn could do it, and he felt sure the Elementalists and Zehell would not be able to stop him. His most excellent chance was when Niken request to talk to him privately in the inn room.

Flynn could have knocked out Niken and immediately brought the girl's body back to the mermaid lake. He had forgotten his friendship with Niken when he heard that Niken had a good relationship with Zehell.

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Flynn hated the Elementalists. He hated the wizards, especially the Zehell family. His great hatred made him hate anything related to wizards and Elementalists, so he hated the humans who lived in this country even though they didn't know anything.

That is why Flynn also hates Niken, who turns out to be the black knight's inamorata. And the black knight was the legacy disciple from Zehell, made him hate Kazuto to the bone.

Strangely, when he was about to kidnap Niken, something was holding him. Somehow he couldn't endanger the girl's life, so he lost the golden opportunity to free the evil Merylin.

"As expected. It's really hard for me to hate you." Flynn's voice was so faint it was almost a whisper that Niken couldn't hear him.

"You said something?"

Flynn shook his head reluctantly, then his body faded away before disappearing together with the wind.

Niken walked again to find a way out, and just as she was about to step across the line that divides this place with the outside world, Niken heard Flynn's voice.

"Thank you."

Niken turned to the sound source and saw Flynn's shadow, who was now smiling at her. Niken beamed at this sight and then turned around to walk out.

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It's just ...

For some reason, Niken didn't return to her place but reverted to the grassy field where she met the wizard who stole his kiss.

Surprisingly, she couldn't find Aqua, who had previously been leaning on her shoulders. It felt as if she had come to this place alone.

Niken took a deep breath then walked towards the tree where the wizard usually sat there. She was kinda hoping to meet the wizard to just say thank you, but she found no one.

Not long after, Niken heard an explosive sound not far from her position.

Niken instantly turned around to see what was happening, and she could see that flames were burning the whole forest. Not only that, the sky above became cloudy and dark clouds gathered, causing several lightning bolts to appear shouting at each other.

Is there a battle? What should she do? She didn't know this place, she didn't even know what year it was.

Should she approach the battlefield or wait here?

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