In fact, Kazuto felt Niken's arrival and sprinted toward him. But he deliberately did not go over to the girl because he knew that the current Niken was not the Niken he was looking for.

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The Niken who ran over to him was the Niken from the past. Nor did he need to worry that Richard, who was lying nearby, would hurt Niken because the man needed Niken to be alive.

Even though Richard looked dead in front of him, Kazuto more than knew that the man was still alive. This man was an immortal and would not just die with his sword.

Only Niken could cause this man's death, but this very man kidnapped the girl, and no one knew the girl's whereabouts.

Kazuto himself was known as the best tracker second to the white knight, could not trace Niken's magic. Even the white knight lost track of her as if the girl was not in this world.

Kazuto grith his teeth as his patience almost broke apart when seeing the man still lying motionless.

"She had already left. When will you show your true form?"

At first, Kazuto didn't understand why this immortal changed his physical appearance as his inamorata's older brother during their duel. But when he felt Niken's presence from the past, he understood it instantly.

This person deliberately used Richard's form to influence Niken's thoughts in the past.

Richard, who had seemed lifeless, now gave a sly grin as he rose to his feet.

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"Ah, this is so fun. The little girl will misunderstand you. I wondered if you guys would break up away when she came back."

Kazuto did not flinch from where he stood as if Richard's words did not affect him.

Richard destroyed his illusion array, and instantly his black hair grew and turned silver. On the other hand, his black eyes changed color and were replaced with red eyes.

"Well, where were we?"

Kazuto pointed his sword towards the wizard.

"Where's Niken?" Kazuto was about to feel tired of asking the same questions over and over again, but he didn't stop asking them.

"Same question again? If you want to meet her, you have to step over my body." then the wizard smiled crookedly because he knew precisely, the black knight could never kill him. "Well, if you could kill me."

Kazuto's forehead twitched at the wizard's confidence. In the next second, Kazuto moved so fast that the human eye could not see his body.


Two swords hit each other and...

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Present time…

Niken often stole glances at Kazuto and couldn't concentrate on listening to discussions about their next trip.

Niken also heard something about the island floating in the sky where the winged magical beasts lived. But her mind did not focus on the floating islands as she was still thinking of ways to improve the awkward atmosphere between Kazuto and her.

Niken felt guilty for thinking negatively towards Kazuto by being cold and avoiding his touch.

Now, when she managed to calm her mind, she was craving the man's touch. But it was Kazuto's turn avoiding her, making her confused.

Ah, no. Kazuto didn't avoid her. The man gave her some privacy to clear her mind.

Niken did not know how to approach Kazuto, as this was the first time she had a relationship. If she had the initiative to touch that man, would Kazuto look down on her?

Ah! Why didn't Lionel leave her to be alone with Kazuto?

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As if her mentor could hear Niken's scream in her heart, Lionel cleared his throat to break Niken's reverie.

"Let's call it a day for now. You decide yourself where to go first. The wolf clan or the floating island. I will leave the final decision to the two of you." Lionel folded the outlined map on the table while telling them his conclusion.

"I don't know why you guys are fighting, but you better fix your relationship first before we leave here."

Niken's cheeks flushed at Lionel's words.

Ah, sir Lionel, we're not fighting! Niken shouted silently.

"How are your feelings?"

Niken turned to Kazuto, who asked in a gentle tone without any hint of annoyance in the man's voice.

Niken's heart softened, and she didn't care anymore if he would look down on her. The man was her lover, and she should not hesitate if she wanted to touch him.

Niken walked closer and then wrapped her hands around Kazuto's waist before burying her head into the man's broad chest.

Kazuto chuckled lightly at Niken's adorable attitude and tightened the girl's hug to bring her closer to his body.

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"Looks like your mood has improved."

Niken pouted at herself felt even more guilty. "Forgive me. I didn't mean to avoid you."

"Oh? You're avoiding me? I don't feel like you're avoiding me. Besides, even if you avoid me, I will catch you." Kazuto said in a humorous tone while brushing his nose against Niken's tiny nose.

Niken smiled amusedly, and suddenly the burden of guilt that haunted her heart was lifted and evaporated from her body.

For a moment, the two of them looked at each other as if hypnotized by their partner's beautiful eyes. The two felt they were in their own world, and they thought they're at home in each other's company.

Kazuto planted a kiss against hers before deepening their kiss. They made out solemnly and enjoyed every second of their intimacy session. There was no lust or rush.

They were genuinely enjoying each other's soft, chewy lips as if they had the time in this world.

Kazuto was the first one who broke the kiss. "I miss you."

Niken smiled fully and replied in a sweet voice. "I miss you more."

Kazuto brought their foreheads together, inviting broad smiles on their faces.

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