Flynn knew this place because he had lived in the astral of the green-eyed wizard for so long that he knew this place was the mix-blood wizard's room.

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The most strange thing was that he still clearly remembered what had happened in the past, but he didn't really think about it. Flynn was sure he felt a lot of hatred for Zehell, but now his feelings felt empty.

His feeling of pain he experienced and the pressure of stress he had felt for hundreds of years felt blank in his heart. It was as if the torture he had received since he became a slave to this family was just a dream.

On the other hand, the sweet memories when he was with Merylin and his friendship with Niken, the time traveler girl, felt strengthened his heart.

Flynn stared at the ceiling blankly, trying to digest what was happening to him.

"Don't you want to speak something?"

Flynn did not answer the questions raised by the mix-blood. Even though he didn't hate that man right now, he still didn't like him either. In addition, at this time, he was reluctant to speak and chose to remain silent.

"I've removed the slave mark on your back. From now on, you are free daemon."

Zehell's words regarding removing the slave symbol on his back really intrigue his pique. Flynn glanced at Zehell with a questioning gaze because he didn't understand why that man had just released him now?


What puzzled him the most was how could he still remain calm when the slave mark on his back had disappeared?

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He was sure he felt the devil in his heart had awakened and was trying to take over his mind. If the slave symbol was no longer on his back, it means that there was no barrier preventing the devil inside him from releasing his anger.

But why did he feel the devil in his heart was in deep slumber once again? How is it possible?

Flynn moved to sit comfortably as he felt his entire body feeling refreshed but limp at the same time.

He felt no pain or injury that had accompanied him every time he woke up from sleep. But he felt the same weakness because he had not eaten or filled his energy with the right nutritional intake.

Honestly, what exactly had happened to him?

Then Flynn was surprised by the action of the mix-blood that he had never expected.

At this moment, Zehell bent over to form ninety degrees and faced the floor, leaving Flynn at a loss for words.

What was this mix-blood wizard doing?

Flynn still didn't react, and Zehell didn't intend to straighten himself either before Flynn let out a sound. Flynn had absolutely no idea what kind of reaction to give when he received an apology like this.

Flynn remembered why Uzzarc made him a slave because he had killed many Elementalists and ate their souls. You could say, Flynn, dig his own grave by slaughtering the human.

Flynn had already received his punishment with death torture. He was used as bait by Uzzarc along with Eryl and Shakina, but never once did Zehell torture him since he lived in the man's astral dimension.

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Zehell rarely summoned him and never vented his anger by tormenting him. Sometimes Zehell called him just to ask him to play chess or chat about light things.

Flynn felt Zehell was different from other wizards, and if Zehell was not Uzzarc's real child, maybe Flynn would not have hated him that much. Flynn hated Zehell just because he was flesh and blood of the pureblood wizard Uzzarc.

Now, come to think of it, this emerald-green-eyed man didn't deserve to be hated. It's not the man's fault that he was born as Uzzarc's child, and it's not that man's fault, Flynn ended up being a slave to his family.

But, that man lowered himself by bending his body to get forgiveness from him? Isn't it wrong?

Without realizing it, a small chuckle escape from Flynn's lips.

"If you apologize like this, what should I do to get your forgiveness because I killed so many of your Elementalist friends?"

Zehell raised his head, then smiled. "It's all over. I don't even think about it."

"If you say so. But really, what happened? How am I still alive?"

"The story is very long and quite complicated. But about how you can live, you can thank Niken. She and the mermaid princess are waiting for you to wake up outside."

Mermaid princess? Flynn was more interested in meeting Merylin than with Niken.

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He had met Niken while with Merylin; he didn't even know that the evil Merylin had returned to the mermaid he once knew.

"Ah, I mean, the queen of Mermaladia. The princess was coronated into a queen a few days ago."

Flynn got up from the bed and immediately walked towards Merylin's location.

Flynn followed the flow of Merylin's magical energy with a pounding heart. He opened the door to the main hall violently, drawing four pairs of eyes towards him.

One of them rose to her feet with tears in her eyes when she saw him. Flynn stepped towards her doubtfully as if he still thought he was dreaming.

The reason why he became so vengeful, the reason why he gave in to his hatred, was all because he couldn't see Merylin anymore. The demon inside woke up as soon as he saw with his own eyes that Merylin had turned into an evil mermaid for the first time.

Now, the moment he saw Merylin walking towards him with two legs made him couldn't believe what he was seeing. Is he dreaming? Is he just hallucinating?

"Flynn!" the familiar sweet voice and the distinctive scent of the sea from her body assault his nostril, making him sure this was not a dream.

Flynn opened his hands to welcome the petite figure with blue eyes like the sea in his embrace.

"Mery, you're back."

"En. I am back. Aaaa!" shrieked Merylin followed with laughter as Flynn brought her up and spun around merrily.

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"You're back. I can't believe it." Flynn still couldn't believe what he was going through. He stopped turning and stared intently at Merylin without lowering the girl's body.

Merylin smiled softly, then cupped Flynn's face and brought her face closer to brush her lips against the daemon's lips. Flynn widened his eyes and did not expect Merylin to kiss him at all, but then he closed his eyes and returned the kiss.

Merylin's actions made Niken's mouth wide open. She knew that the relationship between the mermaid and the daemon was very close, but they were clearly not lovers!

Niken was still stunned and too engrossed in watching the lovers' intimacy when suddenly, a hand appeared to block her vision.

Niken pouted as she turned her head towards Kazuto, who was covering her eyes with a large palm.

"Underage girls should not see adult scenes."

What!? She's not underage! She's seventeen!

Besides, this shameless guy has done more than just kiss her!

"Instead of looking at it, how about we do it ourselves?"

Niken was speechless. What a shameless wolf!

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