A knee-length silver hair man humming cheerfully made his partner stare curiously at his contracted familiar spirit.

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"Has he gone mad?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Looks like we have to leave before he goes berserk."

"I agree with you. The last time he hummed like this, he burned the whole country with his flames."

"I can hear you."

The black-haired man and the black supreme Alpha swallowed nervously when they heard the silver hair man's cold, fierce voice.

"If you plan to talk about me behind my back, do it when I'm not in your mind cell."

The black hair man scratched his neck even though he didn't feel itchy.

"Which one do you want to destroy this time?"

"Today, I'm feeling good, so I won't destroy anything for today."

Once again, the black-haired man and Alpha stared at each other in confusion.

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This murderous and crushing 'psychopath' wouldn't want to destroy anything for a day?!

Is the world coming to an end?

"I met someone."


"She is a time traveler. I don't know her face, but I know she's from five hundred years from now."

The black hair man lowered his face staring at the empty ground.

Is that why the man was humming cheerfully? Because he met someone?

"I think you will be able to meet her in the future. When I borrowed her body to help her, I felt your presence there."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing. I just don't want her to die before I see her."


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In the present time,

The very same black hair man was watching the three humans at the end of the west country gate leading to the tunnel that connects the inner side of this country.

"Who would have thought, that little girl who was once nearly raped by daemons, was someone who caught the psychopath's attention?"

Alpha focused its eyes towards the group, yet he didn't care about the little human. His eyes probed the little white thing stuck at the black knight's feet.

When they met at the lunar eclipse festival, Alpha didn't see the little creature. Black Alpha had absolutely no idea that the black knight would become his master's rival.

"That black-haired man, he will become the next Beastmaster. You have to kill him before the white Alpha grows up."

The black hair man pushed away his hair, revealing red-eye like the eyes of the pureblood wizard.

"Kazuto," the aura around the two became even more intense, and a mighty killing aura filled the air. "I promised him to take care of that little girl. I heard two insects want to harm the little girl."

"You mean Ace's force? They want to make her death looks like an accident."


An evil grin decorated the face of the black-haired man as he said, "You must be hungry? Do you want to hunt some prey?"

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Alpha licked his fangs while the very same evil grin was also emblazoned on the muzzle.

Finally! Finally, he will eat human flesh! How long had he been eating such delicious and tender human flesh? He would enjoy preying on the black knight.

"Not the black knight." As if knowing what his contracted familiar spirit was thinking, the man continued his words, "You can eat the two insects in there, but don't touch the girl and her companions."

The black wolf clicked its tongue in annoyance. "Fine."

In one jump, the black Alpha disappeared into midair and arrived on the inner side, making the night creatures run in fear to avoid it.

Meanwhile, Niken and the others had just entered the tunnel. They were now sauntering, carrying a magic tool that was useful for lighting. Initially, this tunnel was tiny and could only be entered by humans.

But the longer they walked more distant, the size of this tunnel grew bigger until a massive beast could enter this tunnel.

"This tunnel is surprisingly big," commented Niken did not expect the size of this tunnel to be larger than she thought.

The tunnel hole itself was as high as the orphanage she lived in before moving to the Bieger Academy. She was sure that the beasts living on the inner side could easily pass through this tunnel path without triggering any traps.

"Every beast who wanted to hide from its predators could enter and hide here. That's why the size was bigger here than the human area. The tunnel became smaller so that the beast wouldn't keep walking and entering the city." Kazuto explained, gaining a nod in understanding from Niken.

The tunnels were large, but their twists and turns made Niken wonder if there was an end to this turn.

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Each time they walked for five minutes, they had to turn right. Five minutes later, they turned left, and so on.

Now she understood why this tunnel was called a twisting tunnel. This place only has one concrete road, but it has tens or even hundreds of turns.

"Now, I understand why ordinary humans wouldn't dare to enter this tunnel. This place could drive someone crazy."

Kazuto chuckled at that, then stroked the back of Niken's head lovingly, making Lionel want to dig his own grave.

He shouldn't have to come, ah! Until when does he have to be the third wheel among these lovebirds?

By the time the three of them had reached the halfway point of the journey, the two masked people with no expression had finished setting a trap for Niken.

They planned to lure one of the fastest, agile, and most aggressive beasts to attack Niken.

They installed a unique array that would instantly pick up on the smell and vibrational types of Niken energy. Then they will destroy the array and spread the scent of Niken to the beast of their choice.

The beast they chose would never let go of its target once it smelled the scent that provoked them.

That way, they didn't need to kill Niken outright and let her die from being crushed by wild beasts.

Unknown to them, they themselves have been targeted by one of the fiercest and feared predators.

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