Niken thought that the two Elementalist knights would follow her from behind, so she continued walking without looking back.

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It wasn't long before she heard a whining cry not far from her.

Niken accelerated her steps towards the source of the sound, and that's when she saw a little fox cub licking its injured paw.

The cub had dense fur and was white as snow, making Niken feel itching to touch the fox's fur.

The fox noticed Niken's presence and shifted its gaze towards her with its puppy eyes making Niken's heart melted right away.

"Hi, little one. What are you doing here alone here?" Niken walked over without the slightest fear, then lifted the fox's body onto her lap.

She looked at the blood coming out of the paw and wondered if she could heal this wound?

Before she left here, Sir Zehell had taught her some healing techniques. The magic techniques Zehell taught were very simple. Still, they could only heal minor wounds such as scratches or abrasions caused by scratches by rough branches.

But looking at her fox leg wounds that seemed more than abrasions, Niken wasn't sure if the magic technique Zehell taught was capable of healing the little cub.

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Well, there's no harm trying it.

Niken activated the blue magic circle under her feet then touched the fox's paw with one hand. Even though the progress was plodding, Niken could see the blood on the little fox gradually fading.

After waiting for a few minutes, eventually, the wound on the little fox's paw closed entirely, making Niken's heart rejoice.

The fox could sense how pleased Niken was when she saw its paw recover. The white fox crawled on all fours with its two feet against Niken's chest to lick Niken's cheeks in thanks.

The lick on her cheek made Niken amused, and she chuckled. "You're welcome, little one. Isn't he so cute?" Niken intended to show the little fox to her mentor and lover.

But when she looked back, no one was there, causing Niken into a panic state.

"Kazu? Sir Lionel?" without lowering the little fox from her arms, Niken rose to her feet to return to the path she was passing.

Even though the atmosphere around her seemed calm and no frightening beasts appeared, Niken still felt uneasy if she was alone standing in a place full of unknown creatures.

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"Kazuto. Sir Lionel." Niken called the names of the two men in a loud but not too loud voice. She didn't want to attract unwanted attention from the beasts around her.

Niken tried to call her lover through her mind-linking, but she felt that something was blocking the frequency of their mind-linking connection.

"You still can't reach her?"

Kazuto shook his head limply. At times like this, why doesn't that girl have a foni stone? Everything will be resolved faster if Niken has her own stone.

It's just that he still can't bear to let Niken enter the misty mountain alone to find the foni stone.

"How about your tracking? You could trace her scent, right?"

Once again, Kazuto shook his head in response to his question. "I don't know why, but her scent was spreading all over the place and mixed with other smells. I couldn't find the exact position."

"What? What do you mean? Isn't it more dangerous for her to roam around this place?"

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"I don't know either. We'd better split up to find her."

"Okay. Contact me as soon as you find her."

After they split their search route and agreed to contact each other, they ran down their separate paths to find Niken.

Kazuto and Lionel could still communicate with each other through their foni stone. They hoped they could find Niken soon and get out of the place before midnight.

The more night it became, the more night creatures will come out of their nest.

They sincerely hope that Niken still hasn't met any night creatures. They hoped the beast would never find Niken's whereabouts.

Unfortunately, their hopes were not fulfilled because Niken was dealing with one of the dangerous night creatures.

It wasn't the night creature who found Niken, but Niken found it because she was walking straight to where the beast was relaxing. Alas, her very alluring scent, hit the creature's nostrils and aware of her presence.

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The surrounding fog was getting thicker, making it difficult for Niken to see the way forward. She decided not to make a sound and keep walking as slowly as possible without making a sound.

Unbeknownst to her, a pair of eyes watched her movements and walked around to stop behind Niken.

The nose sniffed at the pleasant aroma emanating from Niken's body. The creature felt sure it has never smelled this delicious and tantalizing.

Niken had absolutely no idea that one predator was targeting her right behind him. Yet she felt goosebumps in horror as if her instinct was telling her she was in danger.

Not only Niken, but the little fox in her arms also sensed something was getting ready behind them. Only, this fox did not tremble with fear at all and still closed its golden eyes calmly.

As the creatures jumped to pounce on Niken, an array appeared from the side of Niken's body and hit Niken hard enough to push her aside, and she was spared from the death.

Niken was shocked because she didn't know where the array wall came from, and chills ran down to her spine when she saw clearly the beast's appearance that was preying on her.

Its body was like a rat, but the size of a crocodile. It has a squat, thick build, with a large head and a tail, which was about half its body length.

Its tail swayed back and forth, destroying the beautiful plants as if the beast was enthusiastic about playing. In this case, hunting down its prey.

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