Then he jumped over to Niken's place to taste the girl's blood. He licked the remaining blood at the corner of the girl's lips, and suddenly his blood-red eyes turned darker.

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He never had this sweetness on one's blood. What's more, he felt his cultivation force increase just because of licking that very same blood. Would he become invincible if he made this human his daily food?

The vampire brushed Niken's hair and tucked it behind her shoulder to see Niken's neck's recesses, which looked seductive. He could see the veins of blood flowing from within the human skin, making all four of his fangs throbbed as they are wanting to sank deep, piercing the girl's skin.

The vampire opened his mouth wide like when he was about to suck the blood of the rat beast. He didn't want to wait anymore and wanted to suck this human girl's blood.

However, just as all four of his fangs touched the skin where Niken's neck intersected, a giant wall appeared out of nowhere and smashed into him.

Instantly the vampire's body bounced away from Niken, making the vampire hissed angrily.

Just as the vampire turned around to confront whoever was interrupting his dinner, four black wolves appeared while growling at him.

Behind the four wolves were several other beasts controlled by the black knight to keep Niken away from the predator's eyes.

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Kazuto's plan was successful because now the vampire could not see Niken's body or the other two Elementalist Knights. But the vampire knew two intruding humans had taken Niken away from this place.

The vampire still felt thirsty and could prey on some other giant beasts. Still, he had no interest in drinking these lowly beasts' blood because he only wanted the girl's blood.

In the end, the vampire walked into the darkness, and his whole body turned into numerous small bats then flew out of this place.

Meanwhile, Kazuto managed to bring Niken back into the tunnel and headed to a smaller space so that no beast could follow them.

Initially, Kazuto was utterly unable to sense the extraordinary array made by the vampire. Still, when Niken vomited blood, the white wolf cub could smell her scent.

Kazuto followed the small cub, and only then did he realize that there was an array wall preventing them from entering.

Kazuto and Lionel worked together to destroy the array. Once it was destroyed, they saw a vampire about to sank his fangs into the skin of Niken's neck.

Lionel immediately gathered the sand to form a wall and compacted it into a solid like a steel wall without uttering words.

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Simultaneously, Kazuto took out four wolf shadows from within his central energy and promptly summoned the weak beasts around them to come out and stand between Niken and the vampire.

As soon as Niken was in Kazuto's arms, the three of them dashed back to the tunnel without caring whether the vampire would kill the beasts that helped them.

Both of them could only breathe in relief when they arrived in a smaller tunnel. Kazuto laid Niken on his lap while investigating Niken's body.

Attentively, Kazuto wiped the remaining blood from her chin as well as sweat from her forehead.

Sweat? Why is Niken sweating this much?

Kazuto also noticed that Niken's heart was beating very weakly while her face was pale.

"Hey, something's wrong with Niken."

Lionel crouched down to see Niken's pale face making him frown.

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While Lionel pressed Niken's neck to check his disciple's pulse, Kazuto glanced towards Niken's lower body. It was at that moment that Kazuto caught something on Niken's calf.

There was a gleam of blood soaking the cloth of Niken's dark blue legging, but he was sure the blood didn't belong to Niken.

"Lionel, can you check her feet?"

Lionel shifted his gaze to Niken's feet then moved to investigate what happened to his disciple's calf.

He saw that there were two holes in the dark blue pants that Niken was wearing. Without asking permission, Lionel tore off the cloth of Niken's trousers making Kazuto's eyes bulge. If only Kazuto weren't holding Niken, he would definitely beat up that shameless man.

How dare that old man tear his inamorata pants! You pervert!

Author: talk about yourself

Regardless of the killing-intent from the black knight's gaze, Lionel focused his attention on Niken's calfskin, which was now purplish-blue. Initially, the blue color was only centered on two small holes, but over time, the bruise-like color spread almost to the top of the girl's knee.

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"Looks like she was bitten by a poisonous snake. We have to get the toxins out of her circulatory system. You know a person who can extract poison?"


Without waiting for any more time, Lionel contacted Danzel to immediately bring Izzy, the purple Elementalist knight, to Beast country by using a teleport from the golden Elementalist knight.

As soon as Kazuto and Lionel came out of the tunnel near the western continent's gate, they were greeted by Izzy and Hokuto.

Izzy directly approached Niken and checked Niken's calf, which had just been bitten by a poisonous snake.

Izzy took the scalpel from within her astral dimension and split Niken's skin to reveal black blood without hesitation. Niken groaned in pain even as she was unconscious, making Kazuto tightened his embrace while uttering soothing words in her ears.

Not long after, Izzy controlled the poison that was spreading inside Niken's body to not extend more than this. Gradually, the skin of Niken's purplish-blue calf faded as the black blood filled with poison was taken by the knight of venom.

Slowly but surely, Niken's facial color returned to it was before. Niken's pulse returned to normal, and her breathing returned to regular.

Kazuto sighed in relief as he kissed the crown of Niken's head with a light heart.

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