The Wolf clan inhabitants were in the southern part of the outer side of the Beast country. Dozens of years ago, the houses occupied by wolf clan members were huts made of wood, straw, and so on.

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But there was a strange infection that spreads all over the land in the beast country, causing the beastly instinct to go wild and out of control. All shapeshifter and magical beasts go savage and attack anyone they see.

Humans who couldn't transform or ordinary elementalists fell victim to these beasts.

Many died, and the buildings were destroyed so that there were almost no buildings or trees.

After the pandemic, the survivors rebuilt the buildings they lived in. Now their houses were more modern and equipped with sophisticated magic device equipment.

They no longer need to gather wood for cooking or repair the fragile roof, which was often damaged by winds and heavy rains.

The house building here was not much different from the northern and eastern countries. Although not as grand and as tall as buildings in the East country, this nation was already considered a developed country.

Niken was laid down in one of the rooms of the mansion that belongs to Kazuto's. Izzy accompanied Niken while concocting medicine to feed it to Niken when the girl wakes up.

Niken's bitten injury already closed, and now the girl needed rest to replenish her vigor and energy. She did not know as to how Niken's energy depleted to almost none.

Izzy did not know that the poisonous snake that bit Niken not only bitten her calf but suck Niken's cultivation energy.

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Niken was lucky the vampire killed the snake right before her energy dried out.

Meanwhile, Lionel and Hokuto waited in the main hall to chat for change. Hokuto was even willing to be a tour guide if they want to go to the mountain where the dragon clan lives.

As for Kazuto, that man couldn't accompany Niken even though he didn't want to be separated from Niken.

The chief clan summoned him and demanded that he meet him directly so that Kazuto had no choice but to obey his clan's chief's orders.

The chief wanted to discuss about the master Z's arrival and explain to the man regarding Ren's death.

Kazuto knew that Zephyr would come to meet Ren sooner or later, but he never knew that Zephyr would find him right away. If the man already saw him in the North region, why didn't the man counter him? The mix-blood wizard even helped them in summoning the ocean's familiar spirit.

Kazuto really couldn't understand what Zephyr's way of thinking was.

In Niken's room, Izzy was reading a book when Niken's pulse was beating abnormally.

Izzy put the book back into her astral dimension and then rise to her feet to check on Niken.

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She was stunned to see Niken sweating from head to toe as if she had been running a marathon for hours.

Is the girl having nightmares?

She wanted to wake her up from her nightmare, but she knew that she needed a lot of rest to recover right now.

The wound on her leg had healed entirely, and the snake venom that had spread to Niken's leg was also taken. All that was left was the remaining poison that had stuck to Niken's clean blood membrane. To get rid of the remaining poison, Niken must drink the concoction of medicine.

In the end, Izzy could only wipe the sweat off Niken's forehead with a clean cloth.

She could have picked up the flute to play a melody that would calm Niken's mind. Unfortunately, she did not know whether Niken's body, which was currently weak, could endure her flute's melody. Hence, Izzy didn't want to take the risk and wiped Niken's sweat with gentle movements.

Gradually, Niken calmed down again, and her face didn't look like a scared person. Izzy guessed that Niken's nightmare was over.

Unfortunately, the guess was wrong.

Suddenly Niken's body looked transparent, making Izzy widened her eyes in surprise.

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The next second, Niken was no longer on the mattress, leaving Izzy in a cold sweat.

What happened? How could Niken suddenly disappear right in front of her eyes?

To make sure her eyesight, Izzy ran her hands over the bed. She did not feel Niken's solid body and only felt the softness of the blanket that had enveloped her.

"Niken, Niken, where are you?" Izzy got up and called the girl's name while glancing around the room. "Niken, this isn't funny at all. Where are you?"


Izzy was surprised when she heard a groan from the bed and even more surprised when she saw Niken lying there again with an injured arm.


Niken opened her eyes and saw Izzy next to her, but her vision blurred, and she fainted again.

Izzy looked at the claw-like cut on Niken's arm with a look of horror on her face. Wasn't that girl fine before? Why do these scars suddenly appear like this?

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Without waiting for time, Izzy quickly treated the claw wound on Niken's arm. After cleaning the injury with clean water, Izzy sprinkled powdered medication over the wound.

Niken groaned in pain even though she was still unconscious. Carefully as if she were an experienced doctor, Izzy covered the wound with a bandage.

After finishing bandaging Niken's injured arm, she called Lionel and Hokuto and explained what had happened to the girl.

"She disappeared, then suddenly came back with a wound?" Lionel felt his heartbreaking when he saw that his disciple's arms were wrapped in bandages.

"Right. Do you know what happened to her? "

Lionel looked at Niken, who now seemed to be sleeping soundly with sad eyes.

Is it possible that the girl returned to time traveling without realizing it? How did that girl get hurt?

Hasn't Niken been doing well while time traveling?

Whenever the girl was in danger or was about to be killed, Niken would always return to this era.

But why now… that girl could get hurt?

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