There was a carriage made of gold and several diamonds adorning the circle of the carriage door. In front of it were eight stunning white pegasuses to pull the carriage and fly it to the floating island.

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In front of the pegasus and the back of the carriage were a number of light fae troops with a pair of transparent wings gleaming in the blazing sun.

Their build was so tall, even twice taller than the human. They had pointy ears and long hair, both in female and male faes. Their faces were otherworldly beautiful, and Xiao Yue couldn't help but be mesmerized at the scene.

This was her first time meet a fae after all, let alone a group of faes. She once heard many other magical creatures lived on the floating island and precisely because of her desire to see the mystical being. Xiao Yue did not object to her too-early departure towards the floating island.

Yang Shuo walked over to her with all his glory and a big smile that could captivate all the girls.

"Good day, princess. I hope you will enjoy our trip to my place."

Xiao Yue only gave a faint smile in response to the man.

In truth, she didn't have the resistance to be the wife of this extraordinary man. She even had an interest and wanted to know the crown prince more.

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However, as soon as she met the mysterious man through her time travel, not to mention the warmth and comfort that man gave her when he embraced her, her attraction to Yang Shuo vanished until it left a mark.

However, she couldn't resist or fight Yang Shuo either. The man was nice and sweet to her. He even confessed his love toward her and genuinely to marry her.

Little did she know, only because she didn't fight back, Yang Shuo manipulated her memory and controlled all the inhabitants of this illusory world with ease.

If Xiao Yue fought back and realized that she could take over this world, it wouldn't take long to dig up her forcibly buried memories.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yue wouldn't rebel as long as Yang Shuo didn't force her. The man was acting like a gentleman to her, making Xiao Yue feel reluctant to offend him.

"Well, are you ready?" Yang Shuo asked as he stretched out his hand towards her.

Xiao Yue turned around to see her brother and both parents standing on the balcony looking at her. Somehow she felt that there was a very high invisible wall between her and her family.

Wasn't their relationship before this very close? Wasn't she could still laugh together with her brother and her parents before this?

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But why does she feel that her family only sees her as a tool for this kingdom's fate?

For the first time in her entire living in Nishian, Xiao Yue felt alone and the only hands reaching her were those of her future husband.

She did not have any contradiction with Yang Shuo. She even felt safe when the man held her hand, but…

This feeling was nothing when she was in the arms of the mysterious black-haired man.

Xiao Yue closed her eyes, realizing what she was thinking.

She had to forget about that man. It didn't seem right if she still thought of another man she didn't know while she would become the wife and crown princess of the floating island kingdom.

She also had to stop comparing her feelings when she was with that mysterious man and Yang Shuo. She must forget it.

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That was the resolution that arose in Xiao Yue's heart without noticing Yang Shuo, showing a crooked smile.

A coachman opened the door of the carriage, and Yang Shuo let Xiao Yue enter first. Xiao Yue shifted her position to a corner to look at the scenery outside the window.

The carriage size was so large that it could accommodate five to eight people, but Yang Shuo chose to sit next to Xiao Yue and reduce the distance between them.

Xiao Yue didn't revolt and let the man sit wherever he wanted because this carriage belonged to that man.

As Xiao Yue touched the edge of the window to look out, she suddenly let out a startled cry when she felt something sharp pricked her finger.

"What's wrong?" Yang Shuo pulled Xiao Yue's hand to look at her now bleeding finger.

Yang Shuo promptly put Xiao Yue's finger into his mouth without asking permission, making the girl gasp in shock.

Her cheek flushed the moment she felt Yang Shuo's tongue licking her fingers and do the hard suction, making her skip a beat.

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This was the first time someone has had an intimate gesture with her, making her unable to move a muscle.

Xiao Yue lowered her head, unable to hold back her embarrassment as a pair of golden eyes stared at her intensely while sucking on her fingers. She was completely unaware of a smirk on the man's mouth.

Yang Shuo took this opportunity to bring out his fang and grazed it on Xiao Yue's finger.

Xiao Yue grimaced in pain as Yang Shuo tore off her finger's pure white skin, causing another blood to appear again.

Yang Shuo knew what effect Xiao Yue's blood had when he drank her blood. This girl's blood boosted his energy cultivation even by a little. That's why, when he drew some blood through his kiss with the girl, he was able to subdue the vlinder who was trying to rebel.

If only Yang Shuo drank a large amount of Xiao Yue's blood, he was sure he could destroy the mark and claim this girl as his more quickly.

But, he knew, if he were rude and made Xiao Yue hate him, that girl would fight him with all her might before he even had time to sink his fang to her delicate neck.

Hence, Yang Shuo took another approach. She took Xiao Yue's blood little by little, and slowly the girl would accept it completely and forget about the black knight.

The sharp object that pricked the girl's finger was caused none other than by him.

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