Xiao Yue groaned in pain, and her brows knitted together, but the girl did not wake up because the pain she felt was still bearable.

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When someone tried to force their way in to take something from someone else's astral dimension, the target will not feel so much pain if that person was unconscious and the intruder was doing it slowly.

At that time, the mix-blood wizard Eryl was still fully conscious, and the evil Niken sneaked in to 'steal' something from within his astral dimension roughly without being careful. That's why Eryl screamed so hysterically in pain that he wished he would die right away.

However, this time, the pureblood wizard infiltrated Xiao Yue's astral dimension with gentle and careful movements. Even though it still hurt, Xiao Yue's body could still endure it.

After finding what he was looking for, the wizard pulled his hand out again in the same slow motion. The wizard took a very long time to insert his hand to bring it back out with the 'something' he picked up.

The wizard didn't want to risk hurting Xiao Yue if he hurried, even though he wasn't a patient man. Somehow he could be patient when facing this little girl.

As soon as his hand came out of the hole into Xiao Yue's astral dimension, the wizard threw the 'something' he took, and suddenly a unique plant appeared. This plant had only one long, tall leaf and one flower bud that has not yet flowered.

Under the petiole was a medium-sized cocoon.

"I knew it. You have a vlinder in your body." commented the wizard while glancing at the unconscious Xiao Yue.

Without waking the girl back, the wizard walked over to the plant that contained the cocoon.

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"Tell me, how did you get away? I'm sure I've eliminated the vlinders in this world.

Not only vlinder, but I also exterminate the other familiar spirits. I only spare the Black Alpha's life" The wizard bent his body to observe the cocoons. "How did your ancestor escape my annihilation?"

The wizard wanted a reaction, but there was no reaction from the cocoon. There were no cracks, vibrations, or illusory forms to answer his question.

It seems that this particular vlinder considered him non-existent and ignored his inquiry.

"If you did manage to escape and chose this child to be your master, why didn't you come out of your cocoon? Why do you let other people control her thoughts?"

There was still no reaction from Vlinder, and the wizards were neither offended nor angry at all.

The wizard felt suspicious that the reason why the girl had still not returned to her real-time even though she had been here for almost an hour was so that he helped the girl to break free from the illusory world that trapped Xiao Yue.

Only, he knew that the illusory world that had trapped Xiao Yue was an illusory world created by the girl's own will.

To destroy that illusory world would be equivalent to killing the girl's dreams and source of happiness.

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The only way to destroy it without hurting the girl is…

The wizard's red eyes stared at the cocoon with a kill-intent.

The only way is to kill this cacoon vlinder.

His right hand went up towards the cocoon, wanting to crush it to pieces.

Just as his hand was about to touch the entire cocoon, a child's voice called out to him.


The wizard turned to the voice source and saw a small beautiful little girl with silver hair and bright blood-like eyes like himself smiling broadly at him.

"Please, don't kill it. Please don't kill my friend."

The wizard lowered his hand and turned around to face the little girl who had a similar face to him, only in the feminine version.

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"How old are you?"

"Five hundred years." replied the girl in a bell-like sweet voice. "I was looking forward to meeting you, but I didn't expect that I would appear like this. I miss you."

The wizard chuckled, hearing the girl's confession. "I'm afraid I can't say the same to you. We've met every day. "

"I know. I know you very well." the girl is still smiling sweetly while laughing, amused.

Then the two of them both glanced at Xiao Yue, who was still sleeping.

"Why did you choose her?"

"I wasn't me."

The wizard waved his hand towards the cocoon plant he had taken from Xiao Yue. The next second, the plant transformed into a celestial orb and floated back into its owner's astral dimension.

"What happens in the future?" inquired the wizard to his only daughter, who comes from the future.

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"I can't say. I know you will try to change history by making a different decision."

"Of course. You know me very well. "

"Father, my time is running out. I purposely put my energy into this girl so that she can be in this period for a long time. Can I ask you a favor?"


An eyebrow of the girl twitched at this. Even after knowing that his daughter had grown up well and lived for more than five hundred years, her father wouldn't want to change her bullying habits?

"Pretty please," the girl put on her puppy eyes while jabbing her fingers in front of her tummy. "I've never asked for anything before."

"Didn't you just ask me not to kill your friend?"


Now she understood why all the wizards and Elementalists in this world hated her father so much.

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