Without asking someone, Niken was sure that Yang Shuo was the culprit regarding her sank hand and leg.

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Niken tried to use all the techniques Lionel and Zehell had taught her before, but none of them affected the vampire as if Yang Shuo had become immune to her powers.

The hair on Niken's neck shuddered as she felt Yang Shuo push her hair aside to let Yang Shuo's eyes feast on her delicate alluring neck.

Niken bit her lip as Yang Shuo brushed her neck with one of his fingers.

"The inamorata mark is a token that you are lovers. A solid and powerful mark, and yet it can disappear when the inamorata had a change of heart." Yang Shuo's finger tracing the faded black circle made Niken feel disgusted. "Do you know, I managed to weaken your connection. Just a little more, and the mark will be gone for good."

Niken felt alarmed rang inside her head when she heard the words the vampire. What does that mean that man managed to weaken her connection with Kazuto?

"Ugh!" Niken squealed in pain when Yang Shuo pressed her head, causing her cheeked felt hurt against the ground.

Then she felt a whisper in a terrifying voice that could make her head feel dizzy.

"Forget that person and go to sleep."

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Niken bit her tongue hard, knowing the voice was trying to hypnotize her. It was so hard she could feel the taste of iron flowing in her mouth.

Without realizing it, the inamorata mark on her neck faded even more while her vision began to blur as if she was experiencing intense drowsiness.

Yang Shuo could no longer wait as he sensed someone approaching this place at breakneck speed. Although the black knight's mark of inamorata was still visible, the level of connection strength between the black knight and his inamorata was good as none.

Yang Shuo opened his mouth, and two fangs appeared ready to deliver his poison.

The vampire moved his free fingers and ripped off Niken's upper garment showing her pure white smooth skin. His eyes that began to see Niken's pulse on the girl's neck turned red like blood.

"No," in all her life, Niken never felt this scared when she saw two fangs that looked sharp and ready to pierce through her skin.

She was not afraid to die, but she was fearful that this heartless vampire would bound her life. It would be better for her to die than for him to be bound by this vampire.

Niken felt helpless. Even her mo spirit in her astral could not help her physically.

Should she accept her fate like this?

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Niken closed her eyes while trying to imagine the face of Kazuto, her most precious person. Her heart was in agony when she couldn't bring up that man's face.

No. She could still remember the man's name. Niken hasn't completely forgotten him.



Niken kept calling out that man's name, hoping she would never forget this name like when she lived in the illusionary world. Niken was still trying to remember what Kazuto's face was like when Yang Shuo lowered his head to sank his fang into her.

However, when the tip of his fangs nearly stabbed into the intersection of Niken's neck, Yang Shuo's body was blown away as if something had hit him.

Suddenly, Niken felt something fast just passed over her body, and instantly she could move her hands and feet. Not having had time to digest what was going on, someone turned her around and lifted her body as if she weighed nothing, causing Niken to shriek in surprise.

She was about to struggle and tried to run away when she heard a very gentle voice calling her name.

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Niken froze when she heard a familiar voice in her ears. She glanced at whoever was currently carrying her and embraced her protectively, and only then could she breathe a sigh of relief when she saw the man's face.


"Sorry I'm late."

Niken shook her head and immediately sank her face into the neck of the man.

A while ago, she didn't remember Kazuto's face, but the moment she saw that man's face, Niken immediately knew this man was Kazuto.

It was such a relief that she still hadn't completely forgotten about this man. She wouldn't know what to do if she forgot this person a second time.

Niken wrapped her hands around Kazuto's neck tightly while still sinking her face into the man. Niken wanted to breathe in this man's scent even longer to make sure her whole body and soul would never again forget how important Kazuto was in her life.

Kazuto himself also kissed the top of her head while enjoying the scent of the girl he missed so much.

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Unfortunately, they couldn't enjoy their reunion as long as they wanted because they heard a movement not far from their position.

Before this, the black knight had used his wind magic and slammed it towards Yang Shuo.

He felt outraged as soon as his eyes saw a man was about to force his inamorata. He was too furious to the point he did not control his strength when casting his wind magic technique.

As a result, Yang Shuo hit the cave wall so hard that several pieces of the surrounding rock shattered and hit the vampire.

Now the vampire has regained consciousness and tried to rise to his feet, causing the rocks that covered his whole body to shift away, making a sound.

"What a pity. I almost got her."

Kazuto's face darkened, and both his eyes turned red, making the atmosphere became eerie.

Yang Shuo smirked, seeing the change that had happened to Kazuto. He wondered whether that man would turn into a wolf, or would he retain his human form?

Either way, Yang Shuo felt confident he could win against the black knight. After all, he already drunk Niken's blood.

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