"What is this?"

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"Ah, this is my first time using this technique. Congratulations. You are the first to experience my newest creation technique. I named it the daemon-restrain chain."

Yang Shuo's forehead frowned at the word 'daemon-restrain.'

Daemon? As if the sucker-creatures? He's not a daemon! He is a vampire! A pureblood one and a prince!

"Lately, a lot of daemons are targeting humans in this area, so I thought I should create some technique to restrain their power and reduce the number of daemons' casualties."

"I'm not a daemon!" Yang Shuo hissed angrily, feeling his pride being trampled because the man considered him on the same level as those lowly, disgusting creatures. He is the son of a respectable vampire king in the vampire realm. He is the seventh prince in the vampire kingdom!

"You are not a daemon but aren't all vampires are similar to the daemons? You are all suckers. One sucks vitality, while the other one sucks blood. This restraining chain will not injure humans or

other beings. But it will stop anyone who sucks in something that doesn't belong to him."

Yang Shuo grith his teeth, frustrated at the man's explanation and how he wished to break free from the chain to suck this man to death. 

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Just as he feared, he instantly lost severely as soon as this man launched a move beyond that man's ability. And it turned out that this guy used him as a guinea pig to test the quality of his new technique!

That night, the wind blew violently as if to celebrate the beastmaster's victory. It was pure accident that the wind blew the man's long bang showing his dark red eyes. The man had different eye colors! One was black, and the other was red?

Not only that, Yang Shuo just noticed the flowing energy base that circulating inside the beastmaster's body.

Yang Shuo was dumbfounded at the sight as he never imagined that the man had magic cultivation!?

"You! You are a wizard! But… you come from the Wolf clan, how could it possible?"

"I have no obligation to satisfy your curiosity. What will you do now? You want to insist on hunting in this place and die in my hand, or are you leaving?"

"I will go. I will never set my foot in this place again." came the rush answer from the vampire as he wished for nothing but his dear life.

The wizard waved his hand, and in an instant, the chain evaporated and vanished into thin air. Then, he turned around to leave Yang Shuo there and continue his postponed slumber.


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The man halted his steps, only shot a glance at Yang Shuo with an uninterested look.

"Please tell me your name. I would like to know the man who beat me in just a single technique."

The wolf shifter… or perhaps, the mix-blood wizard, as he only had one red eye instead of two, disappeared as soon as he mentioned his name.

"Zen. I would never forget your name." Yang Shuo noted himself for avoiding Zen and not seeking trouble in the man's territory.

A few minutes later, Zen was seen lying in a large meadow with Alpha's black body as his pillow.

"Dad! Daddy !! "

Zen opened his eyes and turned to the girl with black hair who had beautiful emerald green eyes running towards him.

"I've been looking for you. Where have you been?"

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"Just stretching my muscles. Are you ready for tomorrow's event?"

"En. I've never felt ready like this all my life."

"Really? You already one hundred and fifty, and yet, you've never felt ready like this?"

"Dad, you know what I meant. I'm getting married!" exclaimed the girl with great enthusiasm made Zen smile.

"You won't miss me? Once you get married, we won't meet again. "

The girl's smile faltered hearing the statement. "Can't you show up on my wedding day? My fiancee is eager to meet you. "

"You know I can't let other people know that you are my daughter. I am a wanted criminal, and the Ace force is hunting me. If they find out you are my daughter..."

"They will catch me to lure you out." interrupted the girl continuing Zen's sentence. "I know it. I'll miss you, dad."

"Me too." Zen stretched out his hand to stroke his daughter's cheek. "I will always wish you happiness."

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Long story short, the mix-blood daughter married one of the wolf members. Her husband was only an ordinary Elementalist and not a shapeshifter. They lived a happy married life and were blessed with a beautiful daughter.

Because the gender of this child is a girl and is the second generation of the mix-blood wizard, this child's genes are more closely related to the father and did not have any magical cultivation energy. However, because the blood of the wizard and

wolf mixed in her body; this child was able to shift into the brown wolf with a slightly green color in the tip of her ears.

In the following years, this child fell in love with a chief clan who was a powerful wolf shifter.

The chief had already married an ordinary girl and had a five-month-old baby daughter. Alas, the chief's wife died tragically because of an incurable illness making the chief mourned for years.

The mixed-blood's daughter provided comfort and strength to make the chief fall in love with her. Not long after, they got married and had a son who was named Kazuto.

Kazuto showed his potential talent even though he was only three years old, making his father feel proud. At the same time, Kazuto's parents felt the flow of magical energy within Kazuto, making them confused to death.

Nobody knows that the magic flowing inside Kazuto is the magic power inherited from Zen through the skip generation.

Nobody knows that Kazuto is Zen, the beastmaster's descendant, and both of them need to fight to the death for the beastmaster's position as both of them had Alpha as contracted familiar spirit beast.

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