"Ed!" Scarlet exclaimed cheerfully. "We will have two new knights!"

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"Huh? Really? How do you know?"

"Hokuto. He said in his mission this time; he met with two knights at once. And just now, Hokuto sent a message that they were on their way here. Isn't that good news?"

"I'm glad to see you happy. But to be honest, that's not good news for me."


"Facing four Elementalist knights at once in the same place is quite tense, especially if you have to add two more."

Scarlet laughed loudly at the joke of her fiancé. "Oh, come on. You know very well that we will never hurt another Elementalist without a good reason."

"What about the prophecy? The more knights gather in one place; the more chance one will be an evil knight."

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"That's why I have been trying to make a bond with them. If we have a good relationship from the beginning, we could keep each other back. Besides, if we meet all of them at once, we can recognize the weird behavior of them right before they turned into evil."

Edward snorted and then turned his head towards the other.

"Aw, come on. You worried too much. Hm?" Scarlet's tried to stare at Edward with a cute face, but the man deliberately turned his face the other way.

Know-nothing of surrender, Scarlet kept moving to find his eyes.

Both of them kept struggling. One was avoiding while the other one wanted to stare straight into her inamorato's eyes.

They didn't realize they were walking towards the sofa and fell onto it.


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Now Edward's body fell right on Scarlet's body along their face was so close.

For a few seconds, their eyes interlock.

Scarlet's face reddened as steams raised from her head. Edward made a move itching to give a peck the delicious of his fiancee's lips right before the door room suddenly opened.




"Sorry to interrupt. Please continue." And the door closed again.

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"Wait!" Scarlet freaked out. She was too embarrassed to the point want to die at the moment. Is there any hole to hide her head?

On the contrary, Edward burst out laughing. "What is so funny?" she asked with a pout face as she pushed his body to sit on properly.

"You. I don't think I'll ever be tired seeing your flustered face. You always succeed in making me fall over heels for you." Edward answered gently while lovingly pull her shoulder towards him. "I love you." He said it with a husky voice while kissing the top of his beloved's crown.

Once again, Scarlet's face flushed as if she activated her heat energy. "I love you, too."

It seemed the loving bird forgot the one who disturbed them earlier. Meanwhile, the poor single blue knight could only cry at his loneliness.

He wished Hokuto could end his mission as soon as possible so he could enlighten his poor heart.


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That night, somewhere not far from where the wolf clans lived, something terrible happened.

Someone was running and kept running. The person was so frightened as if someone was chasing him. A few moments, an arrow hit his shoulder made him groan in pain. Even so, he continued to run and finally headed into the forest.

He already knew that entering the forest meant that his life was over. But at that time, he was unable to turn anywhere. He had no choice. His mind kept focused on running and running straight ahead.

He didn't feel that he was being chased anymore, but now he sensed wolves' existence.

A few moments later, the wolves began to appear and chase after him.

Too bad, the wolves caught him fast and surrounded him blockade his escape. He pulled the arrow stuck in his hand while groaning in pain.

He aimed the arrow at the wolf pack. If he dies, then he won't die without resistance. He will continue to struggle to survive until the last drop of his blood.

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