In the evening, Yuki waited for Izzy in the SS club room. Right now Izzy was hunting to 'eat' some flora energy from an S Elementalist. Aside from her, Scarlet and Hokuto were there also. They both read some books with a serious face.

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At first, Yuki did not feel suspicious because she was a nerd herself. She often got swept up in her reading so she puts on a serious face unknowingly. That's why she was not too surprised to see the two of them had stony-faced.

But over time Yuki was also curious about what kind of book they were reading. Their expressions were very tense and anxious, there were no other expressions besides those two.

Usually, people will have flat expressions when reading history books, or expressions that change when reading novels. Sad, happy, or even smile would sometimes show up when the story had a happy event.

However, it was different with Hokuto and Scarlet. From the beginning until now their faces were tense and their brows frowned nervously. What kind of book are they reading?

"Why are you so serious about reading it?" Yuki asked no longer could hold her curiosity.

"We have a problem and we have to solve it in the near future."

"What is the problem? Just tell me, maybe I or Izzy can help."

Hokuto and Scarlet exchanged glanced and agreed to tell Yuki their worry.

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"The truth is…"

Scarlet and Hokuto took turns telling the chronology of Niken's condition. It turned out Niken was Kazuto's inamorata and was dying at the moment. She would die in less than two weeks if they couldn't find any solutions.

It seemed like Niken's elemental energy was too weak to get fusion from Kazuto's energy. They need to find the Great Time Master to help her but they couldn't find any clue of the whereabouts the Great Time Master.

Now Yuki understood why Kazuto's attitude was like a lifeless person this afternoon. He felt so wretched because he might not see his inamorata again.

"Do you have a way out? I mean to save Niken?" Scarlet almost give up on finding the Great Master as they found nothing regarding Princess Xiao Yue or other time-controllers.

"Forgive me. I don't have a clue. But maybe Izzy can help."

"Izzy? How so?"

"If it's true what you say Niken's body rejects Kazuto's energy, maybe Izzy could do something about it. Not only Izzy could manipulate a person's thoughts and feelings, but she also could manipulate the body's work system."

"That's amazing! How does she do it?"

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Well, I don't know in detail. But there was once a fox that was seriously injured. Izzy used her abilities and manipulates the fox's body so it could heal quickly. The wound was miraculously recovered at rapid speed. It could even move swiftly."

"Is that true?"

"Yes. I saw it with my two eyes."

Scarlet and Hokuto looked at each other happily.


A glimmer of hope appeared at last. They no longer need to find the Great Time Master.

Well, they still need to find Princess Xiao Yue to win against the white knight. But it could wait. For now, Niken's condition as Kazuto's inamorata was their top priority.

"I have to tell Kazuto. I'm sure it will raise his spirit once he heard this good news. Why didn't you tell us before? We are almost losing our hope."

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Yuki rolled her eyes. "Why didn't you share your problem sooner? We're not a mind reader."

Scarlet chuckled on her remarked.

Brakk! There was a pounding of a loud bang due to a broken door that opened harshly. Shin Ha, who didn't give a damn with the half-broken door due to his excessive strength. He entered with a panicked face.

"This is bad! Niken used her energy again and now she fainted."


All of them without exception stood up right away and ran to Niken and Richard's house.

"What about Kazuto?"

"He went there first."

"Scarlet, I will find Izzy." Yuki opened her voice.

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"Yes. We need her. Please find Edward too. He will take you to Niken's house."


Meanwhile, in Niken's room, Richard walked around waiting for the arrival of his friends because he wanted to drive Kazuto away from his sister but could not. The man completely refused to leave Niken alone.

Richard was very angry. Not only angry at Kazuto but also mad at Scarlet. Why did she hide it? Why wasn't anyone tell him about his sister's condition? Why he did not know if Niken's body refused the energy given by Kazuto.

If he found out about his sister's body condition earlier, he wouldn't allow Niken to use her energy anymore. He wouldn't encourage her to keep practice her water bending.

But it was too late. Niken already consumed most of her leftover energy. She was dying. Her heartbeat was weakened and her body turned cold like ice. Her breath was shallow. He could no longer sense the water elemental energy from his sister.

He felt something ripped his heart seeing this sight. He felt something pulled his sister apart from him making his chest tightened.

What is this feeling? Why does he feel restless? Does it mean Niken would leave him for good?

No!! He didn't want that. He didn't want to lose her.

'Niken, please don't die on me. Please, don't leave me alone.' Prayed Richard unknowingly shed a tear.

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