Lionel and his friends walked on horseback. Lionel could feel his friend staring at him with a probing gaze, but he didn't care. They continued their journey in silence. Finally, the green-haired man couldn't hold this awkwardness.

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"Didn't I warn you before, you will regret it." prompted the green-haired man to Lionel as they began to enter another village on their horses.

"I don't regret it. Even if I could reverse the time, I would make the same choice and stay with her." besides, he will be back for Florence. He already promised the girl, and he would make sure he would keep his promise.

Well, his friend doesn't need to know about this.

The green-haired man only gave a heavy sigh. "I don't understand your thoughts."

"So... do you know what that light means? Why did you invite me to go towards that light?" he asked casually, pretending to know nothing even though he already knew the answer.

They haven't met for a long time so at least they need a topic to melt their awkwardness.

His friend chuckled and play along with him.

"That's because the young princess has awakened."

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"... Oo"

"Oo? Only that? I thought you would be happy to hear this news."

"No, I'm happy. At last, we can fulfill our promise to the princess to protect her baby girl."

"Well, I could see you don't seem as excited as I am."

"I'm not. I just had a sad farewell to the girl I was hoping to become my inamorata. Can I look happy and excited? The awakened of the little girl couldn't cheer me up. I'm not the same as you. I thought you would understand my feelings."

The green-man was shocked and pursed his lips that instant. Lionel regretted his words right away, noticing the gloomy facial on his friend.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…"

"Nah, it's okay. I already let it go a long time ago. I'm not that weak, and you know that."

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Lionel gave a thin smile as he knew the struggle of his friend. Denzel, the green knight, lost his inamorata decades ago as he gave his fusion on a non-Elementalist human. He was reckless and knew nothing about the rule to not claim a non-Elementalist to be inamorata. When Denzel knew the rules, it was too late, and he lost her.

For years Denzel secluded himself in the misty forest to mourn on his beloved. He struggled not to let his heart darkened by dark emotion. Thus, he would become an evil knight. He did succeed in holding his heart on the right path, and now he moved on from the past.

"Speaking of which, I am not too eager to meet the other knights. I feel that I will work with kids." spoke Denzel trying to change the mood.

"That's because you're almost a century old."

"Hey, I'm not that old. There are still two years to go, I'm only a century old. You're not that different from me either."

"Lionel, are you picking a fight with me?"

"No. I'm just annoyed because you grow a variety of plants along this road. Please refrain yourself using your power."

"What can we do about it? I am the green knight - Knight of the Flora. I love plants, trees, and so on. I couldn't bear to see the street here had no beauty or the freshness of nature. I have to do it; otherwise, I won't be able to stand this trip."

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"That's the sole reason why many people talk about the green knight. This area used to have no trees yet suddenly had so many trees around them pretty much confusing them. You're revealing your own identity. "

"No problem for me. Besides, no one has managed to find me until now."

Both of them were still bickering along the way. It was helpful for Lionel as he could forget his sadness over his breakup with his beloved one.

Lionel and Denzel halted their horses when a middle-aged man blocked their way. They could sense the energy that the old man had was not the energy of an Elementalist. What was it?

"I think I know you." Denzel tried to dig up his memory. He thought he saw the old man somewhere.

"You ..." Lionel began to guess. "Aren't you Princess Xiao Feng's mo spirit? Ling Duan, isn't it?" guessed Lionel.

Mo spirit is a term for a person who makes a contract with a Time Master as a second vessel. The power of a Time Master was so overwhelming that it is frightening and will result in disaster if not adequately controlled.

It is mo spirit's job to maintain the balance of the power of Time Masters. If the Time Master loses control and stops time in this world for a long time, mo spirit will absorb some energy of Time Master, thus made the master unconscious and the time would rerun once again.

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The task of a mo spirit was arduous, and there were risks he had to face. Once the contract was made, mo spirit would die if the Time Master dies. But if mo spirit dies, Time Master could still live healthily but will not be able to have another second vessel.

A Time Master could only have one mo spirit in her lifetime, so members of the kingdom must choose someone who can truly be trusted to become the mo spirit.

Seeing Ling Duan as Xiao Feng's mo spirit was alive, the two Elementalist knight figured out the real Xiao Feng, Princess Xiao Yue's biological mother, was still alive somewhere.

"Ah, right," exclaimed Danzel. "Wow ... you are getting old. You got white hair."

Ling Duan smiled in response to that comment. "It's a good thing no one heard it; otherwise, you would be considered rude, Sir. Danzel."

Denzel laughed completely unconcerned about other people's responses to him. Ling Duan gave a slight smile before spoke in a serious tone.

"As you all know, Princess Xiao Yue has woken up from her long sleep. When you get there, you will meet with six other knights."

"Six?! Ugh, six small kids?" Denzel didn't like the idea at all.

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