Niken understands very well that she is time-controllers. Not only that, but she also knew quite well that she had inherited her mother's power as a Time Master. But she did not know there was a magic circle above her head indicating that she was more than a Time Master.

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But when Niken got up and walked out, the magic circle above her head faded and disappeared without a trace.

Niken opened the door to her room and continued walking out of her house. She saw so many people releasing their elemental energy against the figure of a person far ahead.

Feeling curious, Niken continued walking without fear and was very surprised at what she saw.

Niken saw her brother spitting flames from his hands toward something. Shin Ha who's hair color was now turning blue, threw various daggers in the same direction as his brother's flame.

Is Shin Ha an Elementalist Knight?

Niken went forward even further until she saw the golden-haired person emit electricity around his body. She did not know the person, but she knew the golden-haired man was an Elementalist knight too.

She remembered the story of the Elementalist knights her mother often told as her bedtime stories. The Elementalist knights were rarely seen together. Instead, they avoid each other and refuse to gather together.

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That's why Niken was surprised to see so many Elementalist knights in the same place and worked together to fight something.

Everything in her sight stopped moving in frozen time. She kept walking further, and her mouth opened wide as she looked at the enormous wind-sphere before her.

There were three shadowy forms of a wolf trying to penetrate the wind-sphere. One of them bounced away as it couldn't break the sphere. The other has touched the field with one of its claws, and the latter was running towards the wind-sphere.

Niken also noticed there was a white-haired person inside the sphere. Isn't that person also an Elementalist Knight? Why do the knights fight each other? Why did the white knight want to attack her friends? Niken couldn't fathom the situation.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Niken could hear a slow yet firm clapping sound not far from her position, making her felt aghast.

Niken's heart was beating so fast when she heard that clapping sound.

Impossible!? There was no way anyone could move in her time zone, not even an Elementalist knight could. How could it be?

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"It's really unexpected." A black-greyish-haired man with a tall, muscular body and a scary face emerged from the shadow behind the trees. "I didn't know you were so good at hiding that I found it hard to find you. Well..." the man looked at Niken from head to toe. "You look a lot like your mother."

"You know my mother?"

"Of course. I also know your father very well as I was the one who ended their life with my own hands."

The man smiled cunningly as affirmative of her statement. "Xiao Yue, Xiao Yue, if you don't want the same thing to happen to your friends, you should come with me." The man continued by extending his hand towards Niken.

Niken tried to focus her energy on her palm. She remembered her mother had told her that she could summon all kinds of elements in her time zone. She never practiced or learned how to control the aspects before, but she had the basic knowledge of elemental techniques. It was good that she studied at Bieger academy, so she got familiar with the necessary skills.

Niken knelt in one knee while her two hands touch the ground. A second later, the ground gravel shook and then floated in the air. Previously it was only small pebbles now joint together into a sharp spear. Without further ado, the spear shot towards the mysterious evil man.

Niken didn't just stop seeing that guy could deflate her spear with ease and summoned the wind to attack the man while she ordered the tree's root to trap him.

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Without her noticing, a similar green circle appeared above her head. As for Niken, who knew nothing about her magic circles, the black-haired man was stunned to see the magic circle above her head.

"You... not only you are a Time Master, but you're also a wizard? How can this be?"

Hearing that sentence, Niken became confused. Magic? What does it mean? As far as she remembered, the time-controller didn't use magic to freeze time.

Niken looked at the soles of her feet to see if there was a magic circle under her feet that turned out to be none.

The average magic circle would appear below the sole of the wizard's feet and not above the head. That was why Niken was utterly unaware of the magic circle above her head.

She was drifting too much inside her own thinking; a beautiful butterfly flew across her eyesight and gave her a warning.

'Be Careful,'

Right when Niken heard that voice, her body was lifted high and blown away until her back hit the tree hard, making her cough a mouth of blood.

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It was hurt badly. She wanted to cry in pain but bit her lips instead. She didn't want to show her weakness in front of this man.

Niken struggled to move her muscle. She couldn't let this evil man took her away just like this!

She had just recovered her sealed memories. She did not want to separate from Kazuto and the others.

"Now, it's time to come with me."

Niken wasn't used to fighting, so she was off guard. The man had escaped from the noose of the tree's root when she looked down at her feet. Without preparation, he used a wind storm to attack her. The man smirked as the magic circle above Niken's head had disappeared.

He was determined to have Xiao Yue's power along with her magic. He could not wait to extract all the energy and magic from the poor girl's body.

Niken wanted to rise, she wanted to fight, but she felt numb and aches throughout her body. She did not have the energy to stand up.

Niken sheds a tear and subconsciously called out to someone.

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