"We want to meet your fellow friend, the red knight, if you please. I'm sure he will understand our purpose in coming here."

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He? The green knight didn't know that the red knight was a she?

Why were they looking for a person they didn't know of?

So suspicious!

Besides, why it had to be Scarlet? Why were they looking for the red knight? Too many questions occupied their mind, yet Kazuto still sent one of his shadows to call upon Scarlet.

Scarlet came out of the house and was surprised to see the two men she unfamiliar with.

"Uhm .. Kazuto, you called me?"

"They want to meet you."

Scarlet walked closer but not past her two best friends and stood behind their backs as if she was being protected by the two men.

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Lionel watched the small interaction with great interest. He thought he would never see another good friendship between fellow Elementalist knights. He felt that the only generation that could get along well was his and Danzel. While the old ones were fighting for power and compete with each other. So he presumed the new generation would be no different from the older ones.

It appeared that his guess was wrong. This generation of Elementalist knight also had a strong bond. Moreover, he felt there were more than five knights in the house. The friendship between the current peers of Elementalist knights was far better than that of his generation.

Ah, he felt so jealous. He also wanted to experience a feeling that all the knights had friendship ties like these young knights. In his day, he was only close to Danzel, Finnick, and the white knight. While others have their own ambitions and did not want to be friends with them.

The red knight liked to compete and look for other knights to challenge them in a match. The black knight was a lone wolf who did not wish to be disturbed, let alone gather with everyone. While the golden knight was one of the top leaders in his clan so the knight could not leave his group frequently.

Unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to meet with the blue knight and purple.

If they didn't meet young Princess Xiao Feng, who had a heart as pure as an angel, maybe he wouldn't be friends with Danzel or anyone else.

Looks like Xiao Feng was the primary source in bringing strong friendship between Elementalist knights.

"Excuse me, what do you want from me?" Scarlet's question stopped his trance.

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"Hmm? So it was a she. The previous black knight was also a woman."

The orange hair man rolled his eyes. "What is wrong with women?"

"Nothing. The problem is that Finnick did not tell us that the next red knights are a woman."

"Why could it be a problem?"

"Wait ..." interrupted Scarlet in disbelieve in what she heard. "Do you know Finnick? Are you acquaintance with the former colorless knight?"



All the Elementalist knights gathered inside the house while Edward was on guard outside, and Richard accompanied Niken, who was sleeping in her room. Edward and Richard were not Elementalist knights and felt they were not needed in conversations between Elementalist knights. Therefore, they both decided to stand guard outside while enjoying the night breeze that cooled their minds.

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"So the two of them are the knight of the same generation as our former self?" guess Izzy.

"That's the way it is. I was also surprised." Scarlet answered.

"Were you the one who moved this house?" wondered Kazuto to the two knights.

"That's correct." answered one with dark skin color. "When we arrived in this city, we felt four knights' tidal energy spread out to the town. Three of them were fighting against one belongs to the white knight."

"That's when we found out, the war between the Elementalist knights had taken place. So we moved you all into my protection. As long as you are in this forest, no one will be able to find you, not even the white knight who was the best tracker in the world."

"I doubt that. Sooner or later, he will definitely find us." retorted Kazuto.

"Maybe." said the dark-skinned man. "But not with his current power. He did found his source of power but not yet know how to maximize his strength. Neither of all of you, except..."

"That's right. Amongst you guys, only two of you already found the source of power. We just need to teach you to maximize your true strength."

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"What do you mean?" inquired Scarlet in confusion.

"Do you remember the history of our ancestors? The one who made the mass killing of all wizards in Zeed kingdom. I bet the history did not tell you his name nor his background. But I could tell you the culprit was the pureblood of Zeed. He was a wizard himself, yet his ambition poisoned him."

"He stole each Elementalist energy and stored it to his man-made vessel. He made the vessel with his own cultivation magic. Therefore the energy stored inside it was merged with the magic."

"And when the vessel broke apart, the fusion of magic and elementalists' energy was absorbed by the nine elementalists. Those nine were us, the Elementalist knights."

"Are you trying to say we have magic in our body?" Hokuto's question made all of them dumbstruck.

They had magic? All this time?

Scarlet glanced at her hands, blankly. She remembered when she was inflamed by the news of Ren's death, she set her fire elemental upon Tora's arm. At that time, she felt something foreign energy coming out of the astral dimension's deepest spot. That unfamiliar energy boosted her strength and changed the color of her fire.

All whole of her life, she did not know she could change the color of her fire. She thought she could only summon red flames and did not ever think she would produce blue flames. It was said that blue flame multiplies its heat and strength to the point it could melt anything it touches in an instant.

Luckily she did not burn Tora's hand until it was melted; otherwise, she would live in regret.

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