Twelve years ago, Queen Xiao Feng, the Time Master of Nishian Kingdom, requested her daughter accompany her to a secret place to meet her mentor.

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"Royal Mother, where are we going?"

"To the Shiqu mountain."

"Shiqu mountain? Aren't we not allowed to go there?"

"Well, that's true. If an ordinary human enters, he will get lost and never be able to go home as he is trapped inside the time zone. Only the time master and Elementalist knight could enter it and return safely."

"Even royal father and brother would be lost too?"

"Yes, they would. Unless they bring me along with them, they won't be able to find the exit."

"Then why are we going there?"

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"I want to introduce you to two people whom I really admire and respect."


"You'll find out later." After passing through the foggy road, they finally reached their destination. "Well, we've arrived."

Xiao Yue could see the thick fog covering them began to disperse and made a path for them. Little Xiao Yue's eyes lit up as she saw the various plants there, and many beautiful butterflies flying around.

Xiao Yue glanced at her mother for permission to explore the park.


Without further ado, Xiao Yue ran towards a group of small pink flowers. Attracted by the color and the fragrant smell, Xiao Yue touched the petal with a smile without realizing there was a flower that suddenly appeared.

"This is for you." Someone offered the beautiful pink flower to her with a gentle smile.

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Xiao Yue looked at her smiling mother and see her mother nodded her head. Then Xiao Yue accepted the flower happily. 

"Let's see what do we have here." The person opened his palm, followed by a flash showed some varieties of flower petals dancing around above his palms. 

That person shot his hand up towards the sky, making the flower petals flew and fall around Xiao Yue, making the little girl giggled cheerfully.

"Wow! Royal mother, look at me! I'm surrounded by pretty flowers." Xiao Yue said with great pleasure as she bounced in excitement.

"I thought he doesn't like kids at all. But it seems his attitude is different when dealing with your daughter." Someone suddenly appeared beside Queen Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng smiled. "Sir Lionel. You do realize no one in this world who doesn't like my daughter."

Lionel laughed at the confident tone of his apprentice's voice.

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"She was so similar to you when you were young. The little girl who was passionate and loves flowers. Well, lucky for the King, your baby girl wasn't as wild as you."

"Now, now. Is that something you can say to the royalty? Besides, I wasn't wild, as you said. I was fragile and gentle as a breeze."

Xiao Feng was laughing so hard reminisce old days. Those days were the best in her life. "In that case, Yue'er doesn't look like me at all. She just an exact copy of her father." They both smiled at each other while looking back at Xiao Yue, who played together with Danzel. "Sir Lionel, do you think my baby girl could handle it?" suddenly, the atmosphere between Xiao Feng and Lionel became tense.

"Have faith in her. She is your daughter, after all. She could overcome any trial upon her and would be the strongest Time Master ever. She even might surpass you in the future. She will be fine."

"I hope that is the case. Hopefully, the child can grow well and be filled with happiness. "Xiao Feng looked at her daughter lovingly to see Xiao Yue running cheerfully after the butterflies. "Do you really have to go?" Xiao Feng sighed as she remembered the time the foresee that Sir Finnick told her was getting closer. I feel that they will soon come to attack this country."

Lionel paused. "Feng'er, you know, our weapons will disappear as soon as they find the next Elementalist knight. Danzel's weapon is showing signs. Maybe in about fifteen years, the weapon will move to its new owner."

"Even so, sir Finnick said, you are the one who will guide the new Elementalist knights."

"Not all of Finnick's prophecy will happen. You also know that some of his prognosticate could have changed. In the end, whatever outcome happens is determined by our own choices. And I chose to not get involved in this war."

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"Feng'er." interrupted Lionel. "Your daughter will be safe. Ling Duan and Jaydn will help your daughter hide and will not be found. After that, he will continue his life normally with his wife. Even though I don't know when I will find my inamorata and aging together with her, I still don't want to be involved in this war."

Xiao Feng bit her lips, trying to hold back her tears. "Even so, it's still not enough." The Queen knelt before Lionel, making the man bewildered in his spot.

"What are you doing? Get up now."

However, Xiao Feng refused to stand up.

"Sir Lionel. Ever since I was young, I know the three of you have always protected our kingdom. Sir Jaydn hid our island and protected us all these years. Since the white knight asked for your help to teach me how to control my power and utilizing the elements around me in my time zone, I'm truly grateful. I will never forget this debt of gratitude in this lifetime." 

"Feng'er, you are a princess, I mean you are a Queen, you shouldn't kneel down before me and lower yourself like this."

Xiao Feng shook her head. "Sir Lionel. Ever since you made me as your disciple, I never asked for anything. Can I ask a favor from you? It will be my first and last request." Xiao Feng clenched her robes while giving an expectant look to her mentor.

Lionel sighed, not knowing what to answer at the request of his only disciple.

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