Inside the house, Danzel briefly explained what abilities a knight had when they could master their energy source and maximize it well.

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"Basically, when a knight able to manipulate his energy well, he can change his form into that energy itself."

The young knights there looked at each other because they did not understand what Danzel had just been talking about. Knowing it would be a hazel to explain everything, Danzel gave an easy example.

In an instant, his body filled with branches of plants, and his body slowly disappeared no longer visible. There was only a tree as tall as a human. Everyone there saw it in amazement. Then Danzel changed back to his original human form.

"I can turn into any tree and as tall as I want. Even the white knights won't be able to find me." Danzel said it in a proud tone. "Each of you could do it too. For example, the energy of fire elemental." He glanced at the expectant red hair girl. "You can put out fire all over your body and fly wherever you want."

"I can fly?!" Scarlet seemed eager to hear an ability she never had imagine she could do it before.

"Water elemental." Then he swift his gaze to Shin Ha. "He is a master of infiltration. He can turn himself into the water and move in the slightest space or gap."

"What?" Shin Ha asked in disbelief. "I've never heard of it in water class lessons. It seems like there isn't any history book that records it either."

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"Of course not," replied Lionel. "All of us, along with the previous knights, hid our greatest potential mastery in fear people would be hunting for their power. While some of them lived quietly hence, they never found out about their source of energy."

"That's why there are no books that record it." Danzel continued. "We are both the oldest knights of all the knights that ever existed. And we have known the knights of our generation and before us."

"The oldest? Did your equipment could not find the right candidate for the next knights?"

"That wasn't the case. The legacy equipment would not disappear before the owner finds his inamorata."

"It means both of you haven't found an inamorata yet?" this time, Scarlet was the one who asked.

"I haven't found it yet," Lionel answered as it was the truth. He found his loved one but not as his inamorata.

Lionel glanced at his best friend, who was currently daydreaming. He was sure his best friend was thinking about his late inamorata.

Lionel took a breath and then tried to return to their subject. "Is there anything you want to ask while I'm here?"

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"I want to know a certain curiosity. Sir Danzel said something about two of us had found our source of energy. Who are the two people you mean?" for the first time Yuki joined in their conversation.

"You should know yourself," Lionel answered meaningfully.

"Certainly not me," stated Izzy.

They both glanced at the four friends of the knights, asking who the two people meant. Yuki waved both of her hands, signifying she was not the one intended by Danzel. At last, everyone stared in turn towards Hokuto, who was sitting quietly looking relaxed, and Kazuto, who was busy watching outside, waited for Niken's return along with her brother. The latter was Scarlet sipped her morning tea with a leisure heart.

Between these three, who have found the magic source?


Shin Ha stared Kazuto with intense gaze making the man shrugged his shoulders and gave a short response. "It's not me."

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Then it means, the two knights that have found their source of energy were Hokuto and Scarlet.

"So, it seems you already know," Lionel said satisfied.

To be honest, they were not too surprised to know Hokuto had found the source of his strength energy. The man underwent an S-level mission to SS too often so that men must regularly facing a dangerous situation that could make him lose his life.

But they were astonished to know that the other knight had found the source was Scarlet. The girl was the exact opposite of Hokuto. Unlike Hokuto, who often went out on missions, Scarlet has never been out of this city doing dangerous quests.

Hokuto was fully experienced while Scarlet had zero battle experience? What an extreme comparison!

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Scarlet's face was reddening when she noticed her fiancé looked at her in admiration and full of love.

"I never thought you would be able to find the energy source of your power. Who would have thought that my efforts that prevented you from taking a mission were appropriate? See? She could still be a powerful knight even though she never raging her flames out there." his tone of voice mixed with praise for the girl at the same time was quipping two certain knights who had teased Scarlet to be a spoiled girl.

Two men who recognized the meaning of his innuendo rolled their eyes lazily.

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Kazuto, who had been standing staring outside, was breathing in relief when he saw Niken had returned with her brother. Kazuto relaxed his body. He realized that he was overprotective of the girl, but could not help feeling worried even though he knew she was not a weak girl.

Once Niken was within his reach, Kazuto immediately put a hand over the girl's waist possessively. He inhaled the girl's scent to ease his anxiety.

Even though Niken was just outside reaching out to her saddened brother, Kazuto still felt uneasy when he couldn't see her.

He was afraid that something terrible might happen, and someone snatched Niken from him without being able to do anything. He only felt relieved when Niken was by his side, where his hand could hold the girl's hand.

Lionel let out a resigned look at the couple who didn't care about the place they were making out. At the same time he realized, there was no way he could separate the two during training. He could not bear to torture Kazuto who had implanted the mark into Niken by keeping the girl away from him.

"Kazuto, I will bring Xiao Yue… ehem… Niken" fixed Lionel. He started to get used to calling the girl with her new name per the girl's request. "to Shiqu mountain. I think you need to come with us if you don't mind."

There is no need to ask his opinion regarding this. Kazuto would follow wherever Niken went, even to the end of the world.

"When will we leave?" 

"Tomorrow morning."

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