Violette ran up to Hydrangea and raised her hand and slapped him.

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The moment it touched his cheek, she turned into a cat. At the same time, he felt a sharp pain. He had been scratched by her nails.
His concentration was broken, and the confession spell he had cast on Count Northpole was dispelled.


Count Northpole glared strongly at his sister Violette as he approached with a pale expression on his face.

“Y-You, o-on top of eavesdropping on our conversation, you even want to harm the Duke!”
“It’s because onii-sama looked so distressed!”
“This kind of pain will only last a moment”
“Just step back already. It’s not something you can hear”

It seemed he had not told Violette about his relationship with Tritoma Celcia.
So she must have been eavesdropping from behind the door.

“You have done something that cannot be undone! If you miss this marriage, you will never be able to marry again”
“I don’t care! I will not marry a man who torments onii-sama!”

Maybe because she was very angry, Violette looked back at Hydrangea and said with a sharp glare.
She did not seems to notice that even if she glares at him in her cat form, it lacked power.

“I’m happy enough even if I don’t get married…… as long as I have the kind onii-sama and sister-in-law. Even if it stays like this─”

Hydrangea interruped Violette’s words, as if to stops her from making such a claim.

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“I don’t mind if you talk nicely, but your money was being taken continuously, right?”
“I-Is that true? Onii-sama?”

As expected, he does not intend to explain the situation.
It would be foolish to go to such lengths to protect the honor of his father Silane.
Silane is already dead. There is no need give in to the vile merchant’s threats, so why is he stubbornly continues to pay?

“Your Excellency, Duke…… I-I have something that I must protect even if it kills me”
“Is it someone’s honor?”

It does not seem like he keeps paying for Silane’s sake as he was told.
There was another reason.

“Onii-sama, exactly what is it─”
“I can’t tell you. This is the only thing I can’t tell”

It would be useless to try to get him to talk any further.
Count Northpole did not yield to confession spell, nor did he answer his sister’s question.
He seems to be a very stubborn man.
Hydrangea stood up silently and turned back.

“Duke…… umm, I don’t have my sister’s dowry, but…… will you marry her?”

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“Onii-sama, what are you talking about at this moment!? I will not marry this person!!”
“She was saying that, but she does not mean it. She was looking forward to learn magic from you everyday”
“No, I am not looking forward to it at all!!”

Violette refutes her brother’s words.

“The person who torments onii-sama is despicable! I hate him!”

Violette looked back at him, all the furs on her body was standing up in anger. However, when she noticed the claw marks on Hydrangea’s cheeks, her momentum drooped.

While she was quiet, Hydrangea approached Violette.
And then, he grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up.
The moment their eyes were on the same level, Hydrangea grinned. At that moment, Violette’s beautiful fur puffed up.

“Wha─! L-Let me go! I will never forgive you for touching me!”

She shouted loudly, but her voice was shrill and her body was tense and stretched.

“What a noisy girl”
“I say a lot of things because you do strange things!”
“The marriage will proceed as planned”
“What? E-Even though we don’t have a dowry?”
“I don’t expect Count Northpole’s family dowry that is as small as a bird’s tears”
“W-What did you say!?”

Again, Violette moved her paws to scratch it with her claws, but she could not reach Hydrangea.

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“Hey, how long are you going to hold me like a kitten?”
“It can’t be helped because you are a kitten, okay?”
“You say, I am a kitten?”
“There is no doubt you are a kitten that can only squeak, right?”

She was trying to resist by moving her limbs, but it was meaningless in her cat form.
His scratched cheek was throbbing with pain, but he grinned at her adorable resistance.

“What is it? Grinning like that”

Of course it’s because she was cute. He would not say that even if he were dead.

“Anyway! I really, really, really hate yo─”
“Today, I’m going to take Miss Violette home just like this. I will write the marriage papers tonight and submit them tomorrow”

Then, Hydrangea and Violette will officially become husband and wife.

“W-Why so suddenly─”
“Because I need a decorative wife as soon as possible”
“Decorative wife, you say?”
“That’s right. Did you not realize? Do you think you can fulfill the role as the mistress of the Duke family with your cat form?”

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Perhaps because of shock, Violette becomes quiet with her arms and legs dangling.
He may have said it a bit too far.
But, he had a bad premonition. Some unexplainable feeling  was warning him that Violette should be taken out of here as soon as possible.

“So, I will take your sister”
“Y-Yes! Please take care of her!”

At the same time Violette shouted like that, Hydrangea activated the transfer magic.
The scenery spun around and they were back in the private room of Duke Laudense house.
Violette, who landed on the floor, turned toward Hydrangea and threaten him.

“This is the same as kidnapping! I’m going back to my parent’s house!!”

She said that and ran out vigorously, but was unable to open the door, so she wandered around.
In the meantime, Hydrangea put a ribbon on Violette using magic.

“Hey, what is this?”
“It’s a rebbon enchanted with anti-escape magic. With this, you cannot get out of here”

Violette bared her fangs and screamed.

“You pervert!!”

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