Chapter 6 – The Courting Elf And The Stunning Beauty’s Cat Curse

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July 9th, 2022

“O-Onii-sama…… So you could speak so loudly”
“Violette, did you hear what I said?”
“Yes, of course. But, I was more shocked by onii-sama’s loud voice”

Count Northpole droop his head dejectedly. Hydrangea understands his feeling.

“Oh my, poor onii-sama is shivering like this……”

He must be extremely cold. Violette muttered to herself and asked Hydrangea again.

“Hey, you. Can you please light up the fireplace using magic?”

It’s fine if she asked for normal fire, but it’s absurd how she asked for fire magic.

“There was a magic called Undying Fire, right? If you use it, we won’t have to buy firewood anymore”

Hydrangea sighed as he replied.

“Undying Fire is an exclusive high-level magic reserved for Wizards with fire element”
“You seems…… Icy”
“No. I am a user of the four elements. Exclusive magic can only be used by wizards who possess that element”
“Well, I see”

Where did she learned the knowledge that seems to only be found in forbidden books? He was curious but now wasn’t the time to investigate it.

Count Northpole was still trembling and perplexed. He must have been pushed around by Violette a lot until now. Unconsciously, Hydrangea felt sorry for him.

“So, could you please lit the fire?”

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“It’s faster to learn to use magic by yourself, than to ask someone to do it for you”
“My father said that magic is dangerous and that it is forbidden”
“Your father is not the only wizard in the world, though”
“And onii-sama cannot use magic”
“Is your world that small?”

There are a lot more wizards compared to the past. He indicated with his hand that there was one right in front of Violette.

“You mean, you will teach me magic?”
“Well, if you insist─”

Before he could finish, Violette stood up quickly and walked around to Hydrangea. She sat next to him as she please and clung to his arm.
Her breasts, which have been strongly emphasized since they first met, were squeezed tightly against him.
At the same time, Violette declared.

“Onii-sama, I will marry this person!”

Just as Count Northpole was about to say something, there was a sound like something popping. Soon, right next to him, a glowing white magic circle appeared.
Then, the soft, plump object pressed against his arm suddenly changes. It became soft and fluffy.


Hydrangea was speechless. Because the beautiful woman who had been clinging to his arm had turned into a cat with golden fur.

Her fur was long and fluffy, her ears stood up straight, and her tail was thick. Her blue eyes was filled with curiosity.
Such a cat suddenly appeared.

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“Onii-sama, that, may I get married?”
“You forgot about the curse, didn’t you?”
“Eh, what you mean by curse─ Ah!”

Violette who had turned into a cat, tilted her head and meowed. It seems that she pretended to be a cat right away.
However, there was no explanation for the dress that had come off and Violette’s sudden disappearance.

“Count Northpole, how did this girl turns into a cat?”
“It is a curse. When my little sister touches the opposite sex, she turns into a cat”

This was the reason why she could not go to social gatherings and why she could not marry.

“Violette, please leave for a moment so I can talk with the Duke Laudense”
“I understand”

Violette jumped down from the couch and walked out of the drawing room while shaking her head.
She walked out of the drawing room while wagging her tail.

Hydrangea watched her closely as she walked out of the room.
The moment the door slammed shut, he came to his senses.

“It was surprising, right?”
“What was that curse actually?”
“I don’t know and when the curse was put on her”
“Well, that’s what curses are”
“I guess so”

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His father, Silane, was a Fifth-rank wizard of the Magic Division, but his son, Count Northpole, apparently had no magic talent at all.

“He taught me magic with great enthusiasm, but forbade my sister to practice magic. So, it seems she became more interested in magic than most people”

When it is forbidden, she wants to know more and more about it. Was it that kind of psychology?

“Why did your father forbid Miss Violette to learn magic?”
“I don’t really know. Maybe, because it was dangerous”

Accidents are bound to occur when learning magic. Things like getting burned by the fire that you created when you activated magic, or getting frostbite when using ice magic are commonplace.”

“It all depends on the master”
“It’s because my father didn’t seem to have much confidence in his own magic”
“Well, that’s……”

Without clearly saying it was like that, he spoke vaguely.

“Come to think of it, I heard that your father passed away”
“My father…… died because of a curse!!”

Count Northpole’s was filled with emotion. It was a suffocating thing mixed hatred and sorrow.

“A curse……”

With that, his heart pounded with surprise. It was Hydrangea who put the curse on Silane.
The only condition for the curse to be activated was if he did something evil. It was hard to believe that the weak-willed man would do something so evil that he would be cursed.

But it was not absolute. Hydrangea had never meet Silane since the day they met.
However, if the curse were activated, the caster, Hydrangea, would notice it. His guess is that there is another person who cursed Silane.

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“Umm, if you don’t mind, I would like you to find the person who cursed my father and sister. The reward─”
“It’s fine with Violette’s marriage. Is it okay to pay in advance?”
“What do you mean by ‘eh’?
“No, will you marry my little sister?”
“I says yes”
“But my sister is as you can see, she is strong-willed and curious, and also she is cursed to turn into a cat”

He didn’t like her flashy appearance─ but her cursed form was truly attractive.
He grinned when he think about Violette in her cat form.
Despite his feelings, the words he uttered were harsh and merciless.

“She’s just a decorative wife anyway. I don’t care if she’s strong-willed or a cat”
“A decorative wife……”

As her brother, he probably wanted her to have a happy marriage. But, he wanted him to see the reality.

“Do you really think that a leftover woman and takes on the form of a cat can have a decent marriage?”

By marrying Violette, he would also take care of Count Northpole’s problems.
It would be an unbelievably good deal.

“I-I understand. She is incompetent, but please take care of my little sister”
“I won’t make thing worse for her”

Thus, the marriage between Hydrangea and Violette was decided.

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