「Good evening Cyril-kun, Lucy-chan.」

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We had already been home for around two hours before Kuu arrived.

「Sorry to call you out like this Kuu, I’m sure you wanted to be with your people a bit more.」
「Well everyone drove me out saying ‘it’d be better for you to spend time with Cyril-kun’. I wanted to spend some time with you as well…」

I met Kuu’s eyes and we gazed at each other. I heard a slight ‘cough’ from next to me.

「Sorry Lucy-chan…I didn’t mean anything bad it’s just I…」

Kuu drew back upon hearing Lucy my first wife and apologized.

「No it’s okay. I know that you’re also a candidate to be Cyril’s wife so you don’t need to be so cautious. In fact I do feel I was a bit childish thinking back. Sorry for that.」

Lucy must have instinctively cleared her throat to get our attention.

Hmm…yeah if I saw Lucy flirting with some random guy in front of me I might instinctively grab the knife on my hip and do something regrettable…

I had to be more thankful to the two of them for allowing me this kind of love.

「Tomorrow we’ll be seeing off, so I wanted to take the chance and have us all be together. First off…I have a present for the two of you. I have some clothes for the two of you in this bag so please change. I’ll finish dinner while the two of you do so.」

I held out the carefully wrapped clothes.

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These were the high class semi-order made clothes I had ordered back in Erin.

Well coordinated outfits that I had asked to allow them to shine their brightest.

「Cyril…these clothes…」
「When did you prepare these?」

They both opened the wrapping quickly and looked at the well tailored clothes in surprise.

「Don’t worry about it, just put them on please.」

They looked at the clothes with joy and puzzlement as I pushed them into the room so they could change.

As I looked at the outfits I could imagine how they would look when they wore them. I was certain I’d be more overjoyed once I saw them in person. I couldn’t help looking forward to this.

As I was finishing the cooking the two of them returned.

They peeked their heads out from behind the doorway.

「Both of you come on in. The food’s going to get cold.」
「Uuu…but this is the first time I’m wearing such cute clothes…I’m a bit embarrassed.」
「Me too…the clothes are too cute…I don’t know it they suit me…」

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They whined seemingly lacking confidence. It was probably because the only ‘fancy’ clothes they had ever worn was ceremonial outfits for festivals.

「Kuu…Lucy…you’re both the cutest ever so you don’t even need to worry. Look, I did my best today and made a feast. I want you to come try it while it’s hot and ready.」

After I spoke up they managed to work up the courage and blushed as they stepped out.

The shyly shuffled out while clutching their hands.

「The clothes really suit you girls. Lucy you look sweet and cute like a fairy.」

Lucy was wearing a frilly white one-piece. Overall it gave the image of a bright and cute girl that emphasized Lucy’s lovable side.

「Kuu you look beautiful and voluptuous in that outfit.」

Kuu was wearing a black dress that emphasized her body line. If I had to describe it in one word… ‘erotic’. It sharply enhanced her charming body.


When they heard what I had to say they let out a sigh of relief and smiled brightly. They then spun around and looked at each other while giving compliments joyfully.

Most girls loved two things…looking beautiful and eating sweets. No matter how old they were.

「Now take a seat, I’ve prepared some of your favorites.」

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I proclaimed and set out the rest of the dishes in a show of unusual luxury.

「Is this…deer liver sashimi? Wow it’s been a while! I really love it. Thanks!」
「I remember you liked it before so I prepared it for you Lucy.」

I had specially snuck out to go hunting this morning just for this.

As far as I knew this was the dish that Lucy seemed to like the most.

Unlike before, I had proper cookware and ingredients this time. I was able to heat the outsides and cover it in special sauce. I was able to make this using some of the herbs and spices I had bought in Erin.

「Is this deer stew? I really like the clean taste.」

Kuu’s ears stood up. Kuu seemed to really appreciate soup with deer stock. It seems she couldn’t forget the first soup that I had given her when she first arrived here.

This time I had fully dealt with the bones and sinew inside the meat and made a cream stew with dried mushrooms, marrow, wheat, and goat milk. It was well made if I do say so myself.

Besides that I had baked bread, boar steak, and for dessert I had made pancakes with goat milk whipped cream.

「What’s going on Cyril? This is the first time I’ve seen you whip up such a feast.」
「Yeah, I was surprised too. I haven’t seen such a spread even when I was back in the Fire Fox village.」

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They exclaimed as they stared at the table covered in their favorite foods.

They looked on the verge of drooling as they held back their desires.

「This is our dinner, just hold up your glasses.」

In front of them were two tall and clear glasses. On top of the table were some candles that gave off a strange feeling of elegance.

「This feels so weird like it’s not our house anymore.」
「Today has been nothing but surprising.」

I poured some Erucy Wine into their cups and Lucy poured wine into my glass.

「To our health and happiness. Cheers!」

We clinked our glasses together.

After that, Lucy and Kuu started eating. They were a bit hesitant at first, but soon the allure of the food took over and they continued to eat in a daze. That was just how appealing this feast was.

The food and Erucy Wine paired well together and caused their appetites to increase.

Before long the feast I had prepared was mostly gone, even including the dessert.

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