We had burned the food for all the soldiers, but most of their equipment was still perfectly usable.

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As expected, even when the soldiers were starving they had the presence of mind to steal the money and easy to carry things, but there was no way they would carry heavy equipment away.

We could sell this armor to other countries, but transporting this heavy equipment to Erin would be a harsh task.

Because of that, it would be far easier to wait for the Empire to come attempt to purchase the armor instead. We would be able to set the location of the trade, so we can lay a trap in case they try to steal it back by force.

If I were to imagine a situation in which we couldn’t overcome them, it would be if the three Dukes (princes) that guarded the other directions came together with their full armies. Well, if that happened then I would have to use my final trump card, but against a force of that magnitude it would be a worthy trade.

「I think they’ll buy the equipment, but I don’t think we need to return their weapons.」

「That’s right I think it’s dangerous~」

「That depends on how you think of it. In our case their iron weapons aren’t that scary. It’s more than enough for us to rip off their monetary and military power. I’ll be ripping them off to the point where buying back the iron equipment is barely profitable. I have a lot of things I want to do with that money.」

The base has enough iron equipment for 3,000 soldiers. Their full force was around 4,500 so it seems they couldn’t procure enough for everyone.

Even so, if we sold it all we would have enough money for Erucy’s operations for several years. Actually there seems to be a commotion ahead.

I felt the presence of people in the town square.

「Is there some kind of event going on?」

「Fufu, I don’t know~」

「Yup, I dunno either.」

They said, but I could see the impish smiles on their faces. They definitely knew something.

I entwined our arms together tightly so they couldn’t escape.

Then we entered the square and….


「Yo, it’s the return of a Hero」

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「Cyril-sama! Marry me~!」

「I’m jealous you’ve got two beauties on your arm.」

「Thank you!」

I was greeted by warm words and a round of applause.

The people of Erucy all gathered together with alcohol and cups on a large table.

So this is why they didn’t come to greet me? I felt feelings welling up in my heart as I looked around.

Lucy and Kuu moved to push me onto a short stage set up in the center.

At that moment Kemin and Kurone appeared.

I stopped moving forward and knelt down to match our height.

「What’s up girls?」

「Thanks for keeping your promise Cyril-niisama. Kuro is happy that Yukino-chan came back safe.」

「I’m grateful too. Also this is from everyone in Erucy.」

The two of them took out two necklaces made with flowers and put them around my neck as I heard applause break out.

These were made with the first flowers that bloomed in spring. A sweet smelling scent wrapped around my neck.

「Well even so, I didn’t watch over her properly and she collapsed. I’m not qualified to receive your thanks for that.」

If I had kept my eye on her properly, I could have discovered her abnormal state. I had become too absorbed in the battle and let my field of view narrow.

「No, Yukino-chan is thankful to Cyril-niisama. So thank you anyways.」

Kurone said and the two of them moved around and gave me a kiss on both cheeks.

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An adorable kiss from two adorable girls. Was this the most important thing they were talking about?

「I’m happy, thank you. Is this the most important thing you mentioned?」

「Uh-uh, not this. We’ll send you our most important thing later. It might fight a bit, but we’ll deliver it. Really…not honest.」

「Just look forward to it! We’ll pack it up nicely and send it. So now you have to do your best elsewhere.」

I couldn’t imagine what these girls were talking about.

They sent me up to the stage and everyone focused on me.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

「I think you’ve already heard, but we are victorious! Erucy has defeated the 4,500 soldiers the Empire sent to crush us! They won’t be able to prepare another attack for quite a while so we’re safe for now!」

Everyone cheered loudly. The difference in our strength had been overwhelming and we overcame that.

「We won because of the desperate battle waged by Nettle, the Fire Foxes Kuu and Yukino, and the support of all of you. Thank you all!」

They were sweet words, but they matched the situation so I could say them with confidence.

「Let us celebrate our victory with a toast! Everyone raise your glasses!」

They had readied cups of Erucy Wine…but no one moved.

Why? I tilted my head in confusion.

Then I heard Lucy and Kuu giggle next to me.

「Everyone it’s just like we thought. Cyril tried to say things like this.」

「Cyril-kun, you left out someone who worked harder than anyone else. You know who that is, right everyone!?」

Kuu called out and everyone nodded. The most important one?

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「Then everyone all at once」

Lucy shouted as silence spread….

「「「Thank you Cyril!!!」」」

A cry of thanks for me echoed through the square.

「As you said Cyril, everyone worked really hard, but the one who did the most out of everyone was you.」

「This isn’t just our opinion. Everyone agrees. So…thank you…and good work Cyril-kun.」

I started blushing deep red. I think this may have been one of the most bashful moments in my life.

I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes so I quickly wiped them away with my shirt.

「Now let’s toast! Hurry up and toast! I’m so embarrassed. Hurry up and let me get off of here.」

I shouted in embarrassment. But…I didn’t feel bad.

Surely this development had been planned by Lucy and Kuu, but I could feel that they weren’t lying to me. Their true thoughts were conveyed. I couldn’t hold back the boiling emotions inside of me.

This time everyone raised their glasses.


The sound of glasses clinking together spread.

Then we all enjoyed the taste of our hometown wine.

I took a sip…and even though it was only the second time I could taste the nostalgia.

Well even so…to think I got done in by those two. I had to get them back somehow. In order to pay them back for the incredible embarrassment I felt up here…this is a good chance.

「Everyone, now that the battle is finished for now I have an important announcement to make. You can keep drinking while you listen.」

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Once again everyone focused on me. Lucy and Kuu seemed puzzled.

So I quickly held them and brought them close.

「Kyaa, Cyril what’s this?」

「Umm, why so suddenly in public…」

They were shocked at my sudden actions but it was too early to be shocked!

「I will be getting married. I use the Chief’s rights to marry both of these girls. I’ll be holding a grand ceremony so look forward to it!」


I cried out and kissed the both of them. I heard various shouts from the crowd.

A high pitched scream at the most famous people in Erucy getting married suddenly, a man’s voice crying about the two most beautiful women getting taken, and a woman yelling because she had been aiming for me as well as several that wished us well.

The two of them were blushing bright red as they quietly mumbled small complaints.

Serves you right~

「How mean Cyril…my heart wasn’t ready for that.」

「Me either. My heart is still pounding.」

「Honestly I feel the same.」

I said and they looked stunned for a moment before I giggled.

「That was so embarrassing…but it didn’t feel bad, right?」

They looked blankly at each other before slowly shaking their heads. They were so adorable. I’ll do my best from now on to live happily with them.

Epilogue End

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