Volume 4 Chapter 3-3: Hemp

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「Welcome! Ahh, it’s the husband from before, so you’ve returned?」

「Well I liked the clothes I bought last time.」

「That’s excellent, I was quite moved to see your wives coming through wearing our clothes.」

「How’d you figure out we were married?」

「Obviously you can tell just by looking at the mood. Well, what matters have brought you to our store today?」

The shopkeep smiled pleasantly as they approached.

「I have two matters for today. First, I need you to choose some clothes for this man. We’ll be engaging in business with wealthy clients so I’d prefer a clean and pleasant impression. I’d also like you to make sure that the clothes are not easily worn out. The budget is one gold.」

「I understand. I think clothes that don’t cling too close would be good. Tom, I’ll leave this to you. Coordinate this outfit to the best of your abilities.」

「Roger that Boss!」

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The shopkeep called an employee over and he accompanied Roleau into the store.

We were being treated well since he saw us as a valuable customer.

「What would the second request be?」

「Before long I’ll be getting married, I need to prepare the best dresses for the two of them.」

「Well well, looks like we’ll have to put some spirit in. Such beautiful girls need wonderful dresses that match each other and that will fill their hearts with joy when they remember that wonderful day in the future.」

Lucy and Kuu were acting bashfully at the praise they’d been receiving.

「For that I’ll have to believe in your senses. I won’t add any conditions, just make dresses that will draw out their absolute beauty. Is that okay girls?」

「U-un, that’s fine.」

「I-I don’t mind either.」

「You’re acting too nervous. Relax, relax…」

Well even if I said that they didn’t seem any calmer.

「Well then Husband, what kind of budget were we looking at?」

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「10 gold each. If that’s not enough then you may consult me. The deadline is in two days in the evening before we leave. Can you make it in time?」

This time I had brought Roleau, Kona, and Rera to teach them business so Kuu and Lucy honestly didn’t need to come. The only reason I had brought them was for this.

「I see, with that much budget I can promise you the very best. The deadline is honestly quite harsh, but even if we have to put our other work on hold I shall bet my pride on completing it.」

The shopkeep replied with a motivated voice, I looked at Kuu and Lucy to see their eyes completely widened.

「C-Cyril ten gold!?」

「Th-that much!? How much wheat would that buy….」

So it was the amount of money that was making them swoon.

「Well if we have money it’s best to use it, plus this money is coming from my own savings so don’t worry.」

「But…I feel it’s a waste.」

「I’m rea~lly happy, but I think it’s too much.」

「I want to see it so I’m paying for it. A wedding ceremony is a once in a lifetime event so I don’t want to skimp on the budget and see the most beautiful versions of you. You don’t need to think too much about it, as long as you show me how cute you are it’ll be worth it.」

I said and they blushed before whispering to each other for a bit. They then turned to the shopkeep and bowed.

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「We’ll be in your care.」

And so began the creation of their wedding dresses.


Later that evening I delivered Roleau, Kuu, and Lucy back to the inn since they were mentally exhausted from the visit to the clothes shop. After doing so I headed out to a weapons shop to sell three swords that I had crafted as Kuiro to make some money.

They were able to evaluate the prices properly so I could sell it for a high price. It allowed me to fill in the gaps in the budget caused by the wedding dresses. They wouldn’t know how I got the swords or how I made them, plus only three of them would not affect any kind of military force.

However, I was worried about whether it would fall into suspicious people’s hands.

Since entering Erin we had been tailed by around 3 people. They weren’t just following me, they had asked the owner of the inn, the clothing store, the weapon smith, and the owner of the stall what I had bought and done. Even that weapon store I had just gone into, they entered it and bought the swords I sold.

I continued to pretend I hadn’t noticed and used 『Perception Expansion』 to gather counter-intelligence.

As I listened to what they spoke with the owners about, I could find out they weren’t technically suspicious people, but working for someone well respected and trusted in this city.

However, I had no idea of their objective. I had continued to hide my ears when in town so I didn’t think they should know I was an elf.

In the first place, even if they thought to kidnap me they wouldn’t follow me like this and do this much extra. There was no reason not to make their move when I went by deserted areas.

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「Now…what is your purpose…」

It was possible to capture them myself, but they hadn’t harmed me so I decided to just leave.

It was only three days til I left Erin. I need to remain cautious.


Then two days later, the ones following me….for some reason a mid twenties woman wearing male clothing came and ate three of our crepes with a pleased look and bought 2 bottles of maple syrup…then a few hours later came back with ten people to buy Erucy Wine that was limited to two per customer.

While she was at it she devoured another two crepes.

Now once again she’d returned, but alone this time.

「As I thought I have to buy some for myself! It’s expensive though!」

She cried out while slamming 40 silver on the table and taking away the last two bottles of Erucy Wine before skipping away…I couldn’t help but feel ridiculous.

Being cautious of them for the past 3 days seemed like a stupid joke.

「What did they even want in the first place???」

I was mildly grateful as I blankly murmured those words. The maple syrup had completely sold out, but there had been half of the Erucy Wine left and they had just bought it all.

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