
Chapter 21

hat night, I couldn’t fall asleep as my heart pounded with anxiety. Even though I would be fine without any rest, I had become accustomed to sleeping. Being awake at this hour gave me an odd feeling.

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Pondering my troubled mind for the reason for this restless night, I determined that the culprit was what Trom-Well had told me earlier on.

Being this worried about something that has not yet even occurred, I may have gotten too sensitive.


While lying down with my eyes open, I scanned the people around me.

The Salad Mercenaries who were tasked with tonight’s night watch were all huddled together, sharing the fire. Next to them, I found a familiar sleeping face. He was one of the patients that was severely injured after continuous battles against the Monsters.

Having deep sleep would help in his recovery.

If only I had the Stigma of the Gods, then I could’ve aided in his full recovery. As a Spirit King that is hiding his identity, I am pretty much useless here.

For Trom-Well and other members of the company, I didn’t amount to anything other than harm.


“Anyways.. What does he mean when I’m separated from the company? Just what is it that he saw?”


Am I going to be kidnapped? No, if that was the case Trom-Well wouldn’t be just watching. Just how will I be separated?

The more I pondered, the more confused I became. Unable to endure, I shot out of my bed. Rather than lying down like this, taking a stroll will be better for my mind.

Since the Salad Mercenaries were on night watch, I decided to join them.

Although we weren’t especially close, I have exchanged a few lines with them and I memorized their faces, so there shouldn’t be anything awkward.


“Working hard? You must be tired.”

“Huh? El? Why aren’t you sleeping..”



“Sleep wasn’t coming easily. May I sit here for a while?”


“Of course, please help yourself.”


When he gestured at the spot next to him, I gave a short word of thanks and took my seat. The crackling of the fire sound almost pleasant to my ears. The maelstrom of doubts I had in my heart seemed to have calmed.

When I stared at the fire after a brief conversation, the Salad Mercenaries next to me seemed uncomfortable.

“Is something wrong? Perhaps you had a fight with your company? Or are they too scary for you..”

“Eh? No, nothing like that. Everybody is kind.”


“Heh? Really? The big sister named Iale seemed really scary to me. When I see her wield that whip, I get goosebumps all over my body. I can’t imagine her as kind.”

“Me too, me too! It’s impossible to follow big brother Harol’s axe. I’ve never seen anyone kill monsters that brutally.”

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Even though these people were older than the members of Champagne Mercenaries, they didn’t seem to feel any discomfort in addressing Iale and Harol with honorifics.

“It’s not just big sis, what about all the other members? Whenever we’re in combat, I can’t see them as humans. Ah by the way El, you’re close with Matthew-nim, right? According to the rumors, I heard that he is really cold to people.”

“Haha, Matthew-nim… I’m not sure. I never thought of him as cold, since he always struck me as the generous sort.”

“Hehe, really? Good for you. I want to have a relationship like that as well. Have you seen him fight? Those beautiful movements!! It’s almost a waste that he’s a mercenary. Well, I did hear that he’ll receive the Gold Rank Pass next year.”

He was most likely Trom-Well’s fan. I smirked at his sparkling eyes filled with excitement. Until now, I wasn’t aware how much other Mercenary groups revered the Champagne Mercenaries. They treated them like idols.

Champagne Mercenary was a team that was famous within the Mercenrary Guild. So, it was normal for other groups to have interest. Now that they have met the members and seen their skills, they have now all become the fans of the Champgane Mercenaries.


Their favors made it almost strange that they didn’t resent me, who did not possess any useful skills but was still acknowledged as a member.

When I fingered the wooden Rank Pass, a person next to me noticed and as if he thought of something, he stated a question.

“By the way, what are you planning to do, El? Are you going to the Guild to take the skill test and receive an official Rank Pass?”


“Hoh. I heard that Rai was a Spirit Summoner. Then, Silver Rank? Since it’s a rare ability, the Guild will treat him specially. El, do you have any talents of your own? If not, the Champagne Mercenaries will finally have a Bronze Rank member.”


His words were without malice. However, the thought of just being a burden weighed heavily in my heart.

“Chet. That’s right. I don’t have any skills.”


“Huh? Are you upset? I… I was just joking. Don’t be like a little girl.”


“Ah, damn it. So cute. Just leave him alone. He’s still pretty even when he is angry. El, you could get Silver Rank with your looks alone, so don’t give up!”


“ …… ”


Damn… I can’t even get angry without getting teased.

“Rai and I will leave once we arrive at Kalmore. Since our destination is the same, we joined the Champagne Mercenaries temporarily. I have no intention in joining the Guild.”
“Eh? What are you planning to do?”

“For now, I’m thinking of going to the temple..”

“Eck! A temple?”


Even though they seemed surprised, they gave a satisfied look as if something was well matched.


“But according to Kai, my age will be a problem so it may be impossible to obtain sacred power. Even if that’s the case, I believe that there’s something I can do in this wide world.”

“Hmm… A Temple.. That’s a little unexpected. But it’s fitting for you. If you were to claim that you were a priest under the Goddess of Love and Light, Heremis, no one would suspect you.


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Hmm, I feel like I heard that name somewhere.


“Aha. She’s the National God of the Katas Empire. All the priests there are rumored to be astounding beauties. I went there because of a commission and it felt like my eyes were in a paradise. But they weren’t as pretty as you, El.

Don’t you think you’re looks are too feminine for a guy?”

“… To be honest, I’ve been doubting myself as well.”

“Huh? What?”


“No, it’s nothing.”


How could I reveal my worries on whether or not I’m a female Spirit without letting them know of my identity?

Furthermore, I had a feeling that these people would blandly state out that I’m supposed to be a female without hesitation.

“Since you’re a beauty, I’m going to give you some advice. You’re leaving the Champagne Mercenaries at Kalmore, right? You must be careful there. Try to wear the hood whenever you can.”

“Huh? Why?”

“What do you mean why? The Archduke’s Knights are everywhere. That bastard is known to enjoy beautiful boys. If you stand out, you might get taken away. But this may all just be a rumor.”


“… Cough.”
Dear god. Not only did he kill his own brother (even though it’s not certain) and attempted to do the same to his own nephew, he also has the hobbies of a pervert???

Just what kind of filthy piece of unwanted garbage is he? But the story did not end there. Every additional word I heard made me cringe further.

“A considerable number of youths have already been given to the Archduke. Rumors say that there are cries of misery every night at his estate. The use of whips is a given, but he apparently uses boiling oil for torture. However, he never harms the face no matter what.”


“It’s not just young boys. He also gathers pretty girls as well. I heard that they are all under the age of 18. If there wasn’t any truths to the story, would the rumors be circulating this furiously? He had these even before he was the regent.

Since the Church of the Demon God doesn’t value chastity, there’s nothing wrong with what he did as the pope.”

“Could the reason why Emperor Isana ran away was because the Archduke was making moves on him? Kahhaha!!”


“ ….. ”


Even though the point of the conversation was to kill time so the boredom could be withstood, but for me, my mind felt like it was going around in circles.

The Archduke was the opponent that Isana and I were planning to face once we joined hands with the Marquis after reaching Kalmore. To think that I will need to meet that perverted garbage! When my expression turned solemn, the mercenaries thought that I was frightened and tried to lift my worries.

Claiming that I look like the daughter of a powerful aristocrat, they stated that even the knights of the Archduke wouldn’t dare to touch me. But my heart did not get any lighter.

I came here to cool my head, but I ended up adding to my worries.

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I truly wished that the strange aura Trom-Well felt did not belong to the Archduke or anyone related to him.

Realizing that their efforts were useless when they noticed I still looked like I wanted to dig a hole somewhere and hide, no one ever mentioned the Archduke again.

But they weren’t able to find another topic to talk about, so an unnatural silence began. Knowing that the fault of this awkwardness lied with me, I felt guilty and with the excuse of scouting the premises, I left the camp fire.

Out of politeness, they tried to stop me by saying it was too dangerous but I assured them that I would remain within the proximity.

“Take a blanket with you, it’s freezing here. Looks like winter is really close, as the weather has been chilly lately.”


“Aha. You’re right. The Violent Saint will soon ascend to this land. El, you should dress warmly. At this rate, you’ll catch a cold before the Spear of the Violent Saint pierces the Soil.”


“Ahaha.. Yes, I’ll do that.”


I still can’t get used to these phrases. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, I maintained a slight smile.

People of this land must really have no source of entertainment if they find word games a source of amusement.

Avoiding the sleeping figures, I entered the woods. When I stepped in, the thick scent of soil hit me like a wave. The chilling air seemed to be flowing outwards of my body. What was fascinating about this body was that even though I couldn’t feel the heat or the cold, I could still accurately determine temperature.

The air that I felt now was vastly different from the time I was first summoned. It wasn’t that the quality of the air was bad. The difference was probably due to the fact that I was seeing Superior Grade Spirits of Wind ‘Jin’ quite frequently lately.

And in reverse, as the moisture within the air diminished day by day, the aura of Spirits of Water was growing weaker. I too felt like my body was losing strength.


The vast autumn sky had not yet lose its brilliance. Unlike in Korea, the sky was filled with tens of thousands of glittering stars that shone so ever most glamorously in the darkness. The moment my eyes met the endless heaven, a sudden voice that seemed to call out my name resounded in my ears.

Stunned, I blinked profusely and looked around only to find empty space. No one seemed to have awoken, so I resumed my star gazing.


But once again, stronger this time, I heard a voice called out my name.



“….. Huh? Who?”


Although I replied indifferently, I was nervous inwardly. The only ones who knew my name here were Trom-Well, Sherry, and Isana.

But that voice did not belong to any of them. I thought that maybe the Spirits were calling me, but there is no way they would dare to call me by my name without the use of honorifics.

The voice wasn’t feminine, so Ifrit and Minerva were also out of the question.


In conclusion, the voice belonged to a complete stranger. Flustered, I looked around, hoping to catch the source of the voice; yet the voice resounded once again, even clearer than the last time.

As my heart was pounding furiously, I noted that the voice sounded too old to belong to a child but too mild to belong to an adult.



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“Eck! Wh, what.. D… Don’t tell me… Ghost?!!?!


The voice sounded noble, but there was something commanding in the tone.

The way he said my name didn’t sound like he was pleading for me to comply. It sounded more like it was only natural for me to come to him when he called my name, just like how a dog goes to the owner at his orders.

As if noticing how I had not moved from my spot, the voice this time sounded impatient.


<Here Elqueeness, Come to me..>


“What..? What are you talking about?”


<You are my Spirit. I refuse to give you to anyone. Don’t rebel and come here, to me.>


“What!! Y.. You bastard!”


What is this guy saying!? If you’re going to say something like that, then show your face first! Truly, an astounding fellow!

Isn’t it common sense tell me his name before he calls me? It’s not like another Isana is summoning me, what am I supposed to do with only a voice…

‘Wait! A Su.. Summon?’

Now I understood what was going on. This feeling I’m getting is similar to when I was summoned by Isana. But how? I am already contracted to another person. It should be impossible for someone else to summon a Spirit that already has been contracted.

Unable to understand, I became flustered. When I raised my head, a Summoning Circle constructed itself, enclosing myself within the radiant light.


The blinding light that filled the empty air almost seemed to be trying to swallow me whole. I checked my premises to see if anyone else was looking; fortunately, I could see no one.

“Wh, What should I do? Should I at least go?  I should figure out just what is going on..”


Is this what Trom-Well meant by separation from the company? A second summon by someone other than Isana?

If that’s the case, than it’s unavoidable for me to be separated. Even though I couldn’t tell who it was that was calling me, I could determine that it wasn’t anyone nearby.

Is this also related to the being that has shown almost fanatically keen interest in me?


When I stared at the Magic Circle in discomfort, an extremely loud and impatient voice rang in my ear as if it was telling me to hurry on.

Thankfully, I was the only one who could hear it. If that wasn’t the case, everybody would have awoken from the volume.


<Elqueeness! Don’t resist and come here now!>

“… Damn it. Whoever this is, he’s arrogant. Fine! I’m going, I’ll go!”

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