
Chapter 26

Do you need anything else? Since we’re out, let’s buy everything we need.”

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“We’re not going back?”

“Yes. I doubt anyone will be back at this time. Are you hungry? Should we go eat?”

Isana seemed hesitant at first, but nodded not long after. Looking around, I saw several restaurants on the streets. Since it was the first time after a while that we were going to have a proper meal, I thought it would be best if we were to go to a high class gourmet restaurant. So among the restaurants, we chose the largest and the busiest one.
Isana once again protested but gave up since I argued that the more people there were, the less likely we’ll be noticed.




“My apologies, but do you have anywhere we could converse privately? Somewhere the eyes of others won’t reach will do.”

“Of course. Is it just the two of you? Please follow me.”

After respectfully answering, he led us to corner within the restaurant. As I had requested, it didn’t look like many people frequented that area.

After seeing that we were seated, the waiter began to discuss the menu.

“What would you like to order?”


“Hmm. What should I… Excuse me, is there any specialty dishes that your restaurant recommends?”


“In the lunchtime, I would recommend ‘One taste one miracle’ or ‘Unforgettable bliss.’”

“Huh? What’s that?”

One taste one miracle? Don’t tell me even the menu names are odd… The methods of describing the season and time was a big enough annoyance as it was. I desperately hoped that nothing else was named in such manner.


But the waiter mistook my reply as a question about the ingredients of the dishes and began to go into detail without hesitation.

“‘One taste one miracle’ is a seafood dish filled with shells and fish along with shrimp essence broth. ‘Unforgettable Bliss’ is bacon and beef stew along with lamb as a side. Those two are the most popular in our market.

For dessert, I recommend ice cream with red cream.”

Ho. Listening to the descriptions alone made my mouth water. But I couldn’t eat… I once again felt resentful of my needlessly superior body. Sighing inwardly, I gazed at Isana.


“What would you like to eat, Rai?’


“Um, the second option. I’m not really a fan of seafood.”
“Then… I’ll order ‘Unforgettable Bliss’ with ice cream and tea for dessert.”


Because it seemed rather I odd for me to just watch Isana eat, I decided to order something extra.

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“Since I’m not too hungry, is there anything light I can have?”

“Yes. This young master will have the ‘Unforgettable Bliss with ice cream and tea while my Lady can have vegetable soup. Thank you for choosing our restaurant. I hope you have an enjoyable time here.”

…. Damn it. I got mistaken for a girl…. Again. I no longer had the patience to even get angry much less explain myself by correcting their errors. I simply gave a solemn smile and nodded. But the moment my eyes meet the waiter’s, his face turned into a bashful crimson. I struggled to resist my urge to leave.

If only there was sex change surgery in this world…

Seeing how I was grumbling to myself, Isana burst into laughter as if something was funny.


“Spirits are asexual anyways, why be so concerned?”

“It feels bad regardless. Nothing is going how I want it to with this appearance! Hah… Was I really designated to be a female?”


“Who knows? I can’t really say that you’re completely a female Spirit. You often seem more like a man at times. You have an epicene face. People just tend to see you differently from their own perspectives.

Don’t worry too much.”

“The problem is that they tend to only see the feminine parts.”


“That can’t be helped since you’re pretty. It’s natural that a pretty person would be mistaken for a woman.”


But despite their equal aesthetically appealing looks, neither Lapis nor Elwien could ever be mistaken for a girl.

Even if I were to complain, I would just be digging my own grave so I decided to end my thoughts at that.


It was only later that we learned that this city’s name was Halback.  A pair of men who gave off a scholarly impression found themselves an empty table next to ours. We coincidently overheard the name of this city from their conversation.

To describe these people, one had a snow white beard that reached all the way to his toes while the other had black curls and seemed to be in his mid-thirties.


Because of the proximity, we were unable shut our ears to their spoken words no matter how much we wished to ignore them.

“Heo heo… There’s been reports of an Upper-Grade monster emerging near the southern gates.”

“That’s problematic. Further reports state that its destination is the southern gate. We’ll need hire several mercenary parties.

If a Rakian Slope were to appear, then we won’t even be able to scavenge a single bone.”

“Hiring companies that are capable of eliminating Upper-Grade monsters will be too costly. But since this is related to all the lives within the city, we’ll have no choice.

We may have to spend all of the subsidy we received from the Imperial Crown on mercenaries.”

At the word ‘Imperial Crown’, Isana, who was busy gobbling down the stew, suddenly halted. Is this related to the Soltere Empire? As if noticing our sudden change in attitude, the middle aged man sharply rebuked the man who had just spoken.

“Sir Sareium! We can’t let others hear about this!”

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“It doesn’t matter. Even if I strut around announcing to the entire world that I am Katas Empire’s top magician, nothing about our current situation will change. Philip, you have far too many things to be afraid about.”


“Ha, this isn’t Alphon Empire after all. Sir Sareium is also a magician at the 7th circle… I guess I was overreacting.”


Scratching his head, Philip chuckled awkwardly to himself while the elderly man clicked his tongue in annoyance.


“How could a man who calls himself a scholar disgrace himself like this?”

“But Soltere’s Imperial lineage is in chaos. If they were to learn that Katas Empire’s top magician were to be here, we may end up receiving the displeasure of the people.”

“If that’s how you’re going to act, then what’s the use of your mouth? Just explain to them honestly that we’re just visiting…. Are you an idiot?”

“Ah! You are far too honest. The world doesn’t move with words alone~!”


As if he felt wronged, Philip tried raising his voice to sound more convincing but his opponent only snorted in laughter and ended up cornering him further.

“Hmm, I did hear that the Emperor of this Empire was at the same age of our Crown Prince.”


“Huck! Sir Sareium! Anything related to that Emperor is forbidden. Have you not seen the official writ? Saying his name alone is enough for them to ignore habeas corpus and take you directly to jail with the charge of treason!”


“Hmph, that’s just the regent’s meager struggles. People still swim in the ocean regardless of their fear towards the dangers of the water. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that our Crown Prince is 16 years old.”

“What does that have anything to do with us risking our lives here? Sir Sareium, you’re too much…”


The elderly once again ignored his partner’s grumbles and resumed saying whatever he wished to utter. Even to me, he seemed a little overbearing.


“You ask what does that have to do with this?  Do you feel nothing when the Crown Prince of your homeland is already 16? He’s 16! 16 for the love of god!!! He will soon be an adult!”


“Uh yes, that’s right. Despite that, he still hasn’t abandoned that fantasy about the life styles of commoners and still runs out of the palace. He ended up like this because you spoiled him far too much!”

“You bastard! Did you just glare at me? Huh?!”


…. What are these two grown adults doing? My first impression of them as wise and sage-like was instantly shattered by the growing sense of how pathetic they were. Isana also seemed to share the same thoughts, but he still listened attentively in case he heard any rumors about himself.

The pair’s war of nerves continued on.


“When did I ever glare at you?!”

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“You’re glaring at me right now! Are you dissing me cause this old man doesn’t have much longer to live? Do you have no sense of filial piety as a youngster?!”


“When did I ever diss you?? Why do you always treat me like this, Sir Sareium! The Crown Prince follows exactly after you in thinking and doing whatever he likes!”


“What’s wrong with the Crown Prince’s personality? Do you dare to tarnish the name of the imperial family in front of me?!”

“Huck!! D.. Don’t be ridiculous! Why be so angry about something like that? Hehe.”
In the end, the trophy ended up in the hands of the stubborn old man. Isana and I could not hide our strange looks at how quickly the man named Philip sucked up to the old magician.


Such strange people we met today…


After finishing our meals, we toured the streets and only returned to the tavern when the sun began coming down.

The company who were spending their time in idle chatter greeted us when we entered the main hall.

“Where were you guys? You came back later than expected.”


“Ah, sorry. There were many things that caught our eyes and we ended up losing track of time… Where were you guys at?”


“Aha, the handle for my axe was starting to get a little lose so I left it to a nearby smith. After that, we visited a few shops.

Ah yes, I nearly forgot. El, take this.”


“ ……? ”


Harol tossed me a 10cm wide gold colored bracelet that looked to be a perfect fit for my wrist. In the middle was a transparent marble in the shape of a water droplet.

My face immediately twisted in displeasure. No matter how I looked at this, it looked like some accessory a woman would wear.

Is he teasing me?

But as if he was worried I would misunderstand, Harol hurriedly began explaining.

“It’s a weapon ornament, so don’t misunderstand.”

“A weapon ornament?”

Curious, I began toying with the bracelet. When my finger pressed down on the marble, with the sound of a click, the bracelet transformed into a short dagger.

Seeing my surprise, Harol explained in a proud voice.


“It’s a type of magic equipment. Some stupid merchant thought that it was a bracelet and was selling it in the streets. We were really lucky. Even nobles have a hard time obtaining one of these. If there’s any problem and you feel like you’re in danger, press that marble and stab them with the dagger.

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Make sure to aim for the heart.”


“Huh? I can’t accept such a rare object. You should give it to Irial or Sherry…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. No one’s going to touch them. The Boss can protect Sherry if she actually falls into danger.”


“What? Then what about me!”


Irial, who overheard, suddenly burst out with rage. Harol simply shrugged and acted like there was no worries.

“Your face is enough protection, so why would you need anything extra?”


“WHAT? You scumbag!”


“Hmph! Anyways I bought it for you so don’t feel awkward and take it. It’s practically useless to us.

Ah and also, if you twist the marble to the right, it becomes a dagger but if you twist it to the left, it becomes a poisonous dart.

It’ll be instant fatality if you stab someone with that.”

“Haha. Really? Then, thank you..”

I felt a little strange that I had just now received a weapon for murder. But living here means that I will encounter many dangers.

As I examined the bracelet, Trom-Well came over and handed Isana a sword and spoke with surprising softness.


“I bought it because coming across such a fine steel is a rare occurrence. You probably have been itching to hold a blade once again. Starting today and till we reach Kalmore, Hosane will be instructing you so train earnestly.”


“Really? Thank you Matthew.”

“Not really. Since El is a mercenary now, it would be a problem if you don’t do anything. Since you seem to be forgetting this consistently, I’ll remind you once again. Rai, the main focus of all of this is you. If you don’t stand properly, then El can’t do anything to help. Understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”


Feeling responsibility, Isana earnestly nodded his head. Trom-Well smiled as if he was satisfied with what he saw.

Even though the other mercenaries had no idea what Trom-Well was talking about, they still complimented Isana’s vigor.


At this moment, a company of mercenaries slammed the door open and stepped in.

“Owner! A Priest! Call us a priest, now!!!!!”

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