
Chapter 38

Elqueeness – Chapter 38

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Posted on July 13, 2016

TLN: Second regular chapter of the week.


My word.  How did this guy show up in this place?  I was opening and closing my mouth like a fish from shock. The corner of his mouth made a smile, and he had a nonchalant attitude. He strode right in front of me, then he suddenly thrust his hand towards me.  He spoke as if he was asking for something that he had entrusted me with, and his attitude was completely dignified.


I couldn’t understand his gesture, so I looked back at him with a puzzled look. With a frown, he raised his crimson eyes towards me.  However, he wasn’t angry.  Instead, he looked unsure, and his expression was closer to being embarrassed.  It seemed he didn’t know what to say, so he busily rolled his eyes.  After a moment, he spoke in a stiff voice.

“I’ve found you as promised, so give me a contract.”


Since he had beaten the four thugs, the surrounding people’s gaze was entirely focused on them. How could he talk about the contract here?  What did he expect from me!  I wanted to tell him the promised month had already passed, but I pushed that to the side.  I hurriedly grabbed his arm, then I started moving to a discrete location with Isana, and him.  At first  he was surprised at being forcefully dragged away, but he didn’t show much resistance as he followed after me.

For a while, we took complex maze-like alleyways until I confirmed no one was near us.  Then I looked at Lapis, whose breath hadn’t even altered one bit, with a bewildered expression.

“Hey, you!”


“Ah, that’s right! Lapis!  How could you ask for a contract in such a location?  Everyone was looking at us strangely!”

“Who cares about the gazes of others?  I just want you to keep your promise.”

Arghh. You are a know it all.  It really was my eternal regret that I hadn’t retorted this way.  For a moment, I grabbed my forehead as I tried to calm my throbbing head.  I worked hard to put on a peaceful expression then I opened my mouth. Although, I had tried my best to calm myself, I couldn’t completely hide my anger.  My voice naturally trembled.

“It’s been only a damn month.  How did you find me?”

“Hmmm?  Are you curious?”

“Isn’t that obvious?  The tracking magic or whatever shouldn’t work on a spirit.  I didn’t tell you where I was going, so how were you able to find me in this vast land? Do dragons possess clairvoyance?”

Isana, who was watching us with curiosity, was startled, and his expression stiffened.  I had told him once before that a dragon might join our party.  He had realized this was the dragon I was talking about.  It must have been a quite a shock to him, since he wasn’t able to produce any sounds.  Even if he had fainted in place, it wouldn’t have been strange in this situation.  He took a glimpse at Lapis.  Lapis acted as if he couldn’t care less, so he replied calmly.

“I don’t have clairvoyance.  Should I tell you one thing?  I’ve been here for a month.”


“I didn’t come here coincidentally.  I came here to wait for you.  You were very late, so I was about to head out to look for you.”

“H, how?”

He leisurely rolled his eyes as if he was enjoying my surprised expression, then he looked directly at Isana.  Isana, whose face was already pale, was surprised out of his wits.

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“Isn’t he this empire’s emperor, Isana Lance Solt?”

“…!! Huk.  How did you know about that?”

“Isn’t it quite simple?  I had already caught on that you were the main culprit, who was bring down the rain every 3 days.”


Finally, I was able to realize how he had found me.  The entire continent knew about Soltere’s ‘3 Days of Miracle’, so it would have been very easy to find the master mind behind it.  Lapis had realized I was the main culprit, who performed the miracles.  It wouldn’t have been too hard to realize Isana, who had taken an oath for the ‘3 Days of Miracle’, was the contractor of Elqueeness.

If one knew this, everything else was a foregone conclusion.  Even the prince regent sent his knight out to Kalmore, since he was worried about Isana’s cousin, Marquis Kawell.  Lapis, who was a dragon, could also figure this out.

‘Well, I guess..’

I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had taken a loss.  My face frowned naturally, and he looked at me in a cheerful manner.  Once again Lapis raised his hand in front of my eyes.

“Give me a contract then include me in your party.”

“Ha-ah…this is a scam.”

“Hmmm?  I thought you already knew about this.  I had thought you were just trying to temporarily separate me from you…I guess it wasn’t so?  However, couldn’t you have figured this out if you thought about it a little?”

“Ooh-ook.  Yes, I’m stupid.  Chet.  A promise is a promise, so I can’t do anything about it.  Let’s form a contract!  I’ll do it!”

I’m already miserable, yet you are trying to kick me when I’m down?  Any ways, he doesn’t have a single likeable part to him.  I put on an indifferent attitude. However, once I saw his face brighten when I said I’ll make a contract with him that feeling subsided a little bit.

During this time, I had grown sick of seeing his handsome face, but I wasn’t completely immune to it.  I let out a sigh, then I slowly mumble out the ceremonial words needed for the contract.

“Once you and I implement our contract, you will provide the power I can use in this  world.  As a consequence, I will become your advisor.  The contract…you definitely want to make one, so you don’t have to speak your mind?”

I asked in a gruff manner, but he just nodded his head as if he was feeling joy.  If he was arrogant like before than it would have be easier to spite him.  However, he was innocently enjoying the moment, so I would look like an idiot instead if I got mad at him.

In a flash, I brought up the water energy, then I focused it on top of my fingers.  A thin blue membrane started to form.  As it reached Lapis’ forehead, the vivid blue crest formed, and the membrane slowly dissolved.  It was an identical Water’s Crest to the one formed on Isana’s forehead.

It should make him feel a slight coldness, but Lapis shouldn’t feel any other sensations.  However, Lapis had his eyes closed as if he was savoring the energy.  It looked like he was trying to hide his eyes, which was overcome with emotions.  I smirked.

“How do you feel?  You finally made a contract with a Water Spirit King.”

“…it feels strange.”

He still had his eyes close as he answered quietly.  His subdued voice indicated that he was having a hard time determining how he felt.  Maybe he was disappointed since it wasn’t amazing?  However, after a while, he was barely able to open his eyes, and a clear happiness was showing inside his red eyes.

“The cold sensation feels good.  It feels like it was mine from the start.  It feels like I’ve finally found the right place.”

“He-eh, aren’t you a red dragon?  To my knowledge, red dragons has the temperament of fire….am I wrong?  Well, your wish has been granted after 3000 years, so of course you would be moved….”

“I guess…I don’t know about being deeply moved.  Instead, it feels more correct to say I’m finally realizing that you are finally mine.”

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“Huk.  Why did your story change back to that?”

It seemed like he was still treating me like an item, and it seemed like he had no thoughts of ending this habit.  As if this wasn’t enough, he turned his gaze towards Isana, then he spat out some words in a strict manner.

“Hey, human.  Just because you formed the contract first, don’t think you have more rights to him than me.  If you want to be treated like a companion, then you better not get in my way.”


Suddenly, the dragon was declaring himself as the rival of Isana.  Isana couldn’t’ be help but be taken aback. He couldn’t even reply back, so he made an awkward smile.  I couldn’t take it any more, so I yelled out in annoyance.

“What are you saying!  Even though we have a contract, do you really think that gives you the right of ownership?  And you!”


“Yes, Lapis!  You said you’ll change the way you express yourself if I didn’t like it! So what happened?  One month had passed, but you haven’t changed at all!  Also, this journey is for Isana!  If you act as you please, then you’ll put us in a difficult situation.”

“I don’t plan on meddling in your plans.  I just warned that human.  He might act up, because he made a contract with you first.”

“Ha-ah.  Dragons are really…”

Couldn’t he see Isana was trembling in fear?  He was already wary at the fact that he was a dragon, so Isana would never act up!  I was about to blow up from frustration, but I couldn’t continue my words.  Suddenly, I felt Lapis’ face approach mine, then I felt some kind of soft sensation on my lips.


Isana and I glared back with our eyes wide open at the unexpected development.  My mind became bleached white, because I could never acknowledge what had happened.  Before I knew it the mana, which had been maintaining my form, became several time stronger than normal.  However, I was having a hard time realizing this fact.  What else do you expect! That…that bitch of a dragon did such an act to me…to me!!

“What are you doing!”

“Mmm?  I’m just trying to strengthen the mana you could use in the human world.  What is the problem?”

“What is the problem? You…what you just did to me!”

“Ah ah.  Is the mouth to mouth method a problem? What’s wrong with it?  Does it matter what method I choose to give you the mana?”

“That doesn’t make any sense!”

I don’t know about you, but that was my first kiss!  How can you have such a nonchalant expression, when you’ve stolen it from me!  His face indicated until the end that he didn’t understand why I was appalled.  It isn’t something that should be lightly glossed over, because it happened between men.  It basically meant he didn’t know the concept of what a first kiss was.  Instead, he looked at me as if I was the weird one for being surprised.  And he wasn’t done speaking.

“Were you trying to imitate a human right now?”


“How should I say this?  Your reaction was strangely like a human’s when their first kiss gets stolen.  You don’t have to mimic them.  Everyone here knows your true identity, so you don’t have to keep up the act.”


I didn’t realize it would be so miserable to talk to someone like him.  It was like talking to a brick wall.  I had lost my first kiss, yet I was being treated as the weird one. I was so taken aback that I felt resentment reach my bones.  If Tromwell saw this scene, would he also think of me being angry as weird?  No…  He knew about my previous life, so he’ll somewhat understand me.

“Koo-hook.  My romance that I save for 17 years….’

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It was something I had saved for the girlfriend I will have some day. Even though it was a light kiss, it was still my first one.  Moreover, I wasn’t used to physical affection, so this was more shocking than getting hit by lightning.
This was why I couldn’t hold back any more, and I took action…


“What is it?”

“Don’t say anything any more.  Just let me hit you once.”

…that is what I said.  Lapis looked back with a puzzled expression when he heard my unreasonable words.  I continued to talk with a forced smile.

“If I don’t, then I think I’ll go crazy?  Just think of it as saving a spirit’s life, and just take the hit.”

“…I don’t get why you want to do this, but do as you please.”

As if he couldn’t guess my reasons, he nodded his head with a calm attitude.  Maybe he thought my fist wouldn’t hurt?  You son of a bitch.  You’ll feel the regret deep within your bones that you agreed to this!

Like how Tromwell did once before, I sent a powerful punch toward Lapis’ face.  Puh-uk!  A satisfying impact noise rang out, but unlike before, Lapis didn’t show any signs of moving.  He only frowned slightly.  I was so angry that I had just punched him.  I made a critical mistake of not putting enough power of water into the punch.

He rubbed the location where he was hit with a calm expression.  Then he mumbled a phrase.

“It hurts.”

“…even it it’s just words, thank you. After hearing those words, I feel like I could live again.”

“Is that so?  Then everything should be fine.  I don’t get why you didn’t like it, but let’s just consider this resolved.  You don’t have any other complaints?”


Should I ask him if I can hit him again? The irresistible temptation was starting to seep into me.


“Uh-uh.  How many times do I have to say I don’t want to get involve in this matter?”

The library was filled to the brim with books, and a middle-aged man’s voice filled with resentment rang out from a private corner.  A red carpet was spread on the floor, and a table made from high grade wood was placed on top of it.  Naturally, it reminded one of some noble’s mansion.  On one side of the wall, there was an ornamental shield with the crest of the family engraved on it.  It was proudly hung there.

A sharp spear was piercing a roaring lion. This was the family crest of a heavyweight in the current Soltere Empire.  His name was Duke ‘Flare de Vice’, and every noble within the empire knew him.  Moreover, he was the first noble to declare neutrality between the current Emperor, and the prince regent Yucarte.

Two men were on their knees in front of the duke, who was frowning as if he was displeased, but the men replied back in a calm voice.

“How can you not be interested in a matter that deals with life and death of the empire?  If you, the duke, join us then the situation will be turned around greatly.  Please think about it one more time.”

“Khmmm.  My words aren’t getting through to you.  You broke into my house without permission.   I was going to be lenient and I would have looked over it.  You give me no choice.  Please leave before I call my knights.”

“…Duke Vice, are you planning on turning your back towards the emperor?”

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“What are you saying!  I just don’t want to take anyone’s side.  How many times…”

The duke was taken aback, and he tried to make excuses.  However, the cold eyes in front of him didn’t waver.  He didn’t get intimidated, and he spoke in a stiff voice.

“The prince regent’s tyranny is getting worse by the day.  The empire’s only emperor was branded a traitor, and he is being chased by the temple.  You saw the huge amount of gold place on him for his capture yet you want to keep your neutrality.   Doesn’t this mean you have already turned towards the archduke?”

“Felix de Hammer!  A mere low ranked summoner dares to look down on me!”

“If you are sticking to this position until the end, then we could do more than just look down on you.  Why do you think we soundlessly infiltrated the mansion in the first place?”


The chilling cold voice made him feel a sharp pain even though there was no knife penetrating the duke’s throat.  This was caused by the murderous intent emitted by the knight next to Felix.  He didn’t really have to think about it to know what his situation was.  If he didn’t agree then were they planning on killing him?  He gulped inside, and he opened his mouth with a nervous expression.

“I, I can’t do anything about it.  What can be expected from the emperor?  The only forces he has is the two of you.  I believe I am being loyal enough by keeping neutrality and not joining the archduke’s side.”

“You just want to hold onto your life.  You want to join archduke’s side, but aren’t you holding off right now?  You are preparing just in case the emperor might perform a ‘miracle’.  You know that if our majesty is lucky, he might be able to acquire his cousin, Marquis Kawell’s power.  Then he would have a power that could rival the archduke.  If that happens, you wouldn’t be able to tell who would win.  Isn’t that so?”

“Khmmm.  What, what are you saying…”

The duke’s face turned red, and he continuously cleared his throat.  The gazes of Felix and Alex was cold as ever.

Felix swung his head at an angle, then he whispered in a low voice.

“Don’t fool yourself.  We are here to appease you, so it would make it easier to conciliate the other noble families.  It isn’t because we need you, duke.  If you don’t become persuaded by us, then you’ll probably keep your life for now.  However, it’ll be in danger the next time.”

“…do you think I’ll fall for your threats?  You are just a low level summoner…”

However, the duke couldn’t speak any further.  The smirking Felix pushed his hand forward, then a large wolf made out of water started to form in the air.  This was a high level Spirit, Seacuel.  Its figure could only seen in books yet no one would doubt what it was.

“Huk- A hi..high ranked spirit?? How!!”

One could see a slight smile form inside Felix’s hood as he saw the shocked duke.  His eyes was still emitting the same cold light as before towards the duke.

“I’m sure you have heard about rumors of the 3 Days of Miracle.”

“Huk!  You, you mean to say…the rumors were real?  The emperor was the one who performed the miracles?”

The rumor was spread all across the continent, so of course, he had heard about it.  He had thought it was a false rumor based on a simple coincidence.  However, it turned out to be true.  The light of disbelief was floating inside the duke’s eyes, so Felix nodded his head slightly.

“It is true.  Also, this is part of the miracle. Ah ah.  I don’t care if you don’t believe me.  Even if you deny it, the emperor has already performed three miracles.  He might have already arrived at Kalmore by now.  If it is Marquis Kawell, he wouldn’t turn away from the majesty’s plight.  Our majesty will grow stronger as he moves forward, so how long do you think the prince regent could hold out?”


The clear presence of Seacuel itself gave off a massive amount of pressure.  This incredible existence was easily called out by Felix.  At that moment, it was giving off such a strong presence that the duke couldn’t even look at it. He didn’t even realize the tip of his hands were shaking.  The duke was barely able to talk.

“What, what do you want me to do?”

It had been exactly two month and 15 days since Isana and Felix parted ways.  Within the capital of Soltere, the nobles who had declared neutrality was turning toward the young emperor in succession hidden from the prince regent’s gaze.

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