
Chapter 42

Chapter 42

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Lapis brushed himself off as he got up. He shouted angrily, but Elwien didn’t even bother  to look at him. In the history of Elqueeness, he was famous for having the most arrogant and dirty personality.  When he became a high ranked god, he became worse as he was in charge of the sinister Demon race. Lapis had no chance against him. As expected, Elwien completely ignored him. He turned his gaze toward Isana, who was kneeling on the floor.  He looked up at the god with an awed expression.

“Hey, Human. Are you El’s companion on this vacation?”

“Yes? Ah, that…that is correct. My name is I…Isana. It is an honor to meet someone of such h…high stature….”

“That’s a given. Well, I had a lot of issues with you, but I’ll be generous. Since you are being contrite, I’ll over look it. However, if you don’t buck up, I’ll forcibly terminate your contract.”

At those sharp words, Isana’s face became pale again. If it was before, I would have asked him , “Who are you to say such a thing?’, but I knew what his reply would be. Therefore, I didn’t bother asking it.

‘He’ll definitely say a father should be able to meddle at least this much.’

However, Lapis didn’t know this, so he started jumping up and down in anger. He was already shocked from being ignored, but Elwien’s involvement in my affairs made him angrier.

“Who are you to butt in on El’s contract! I’m sure a god shouldn’t be able interfere in a Spirit King’s territory?”

“It’s possible for me.”

“What did you say? This damn noob god…uh?”

At that moment, Lapis moved as if he was going to throttle Elwien’s throat. However, he stopped in place. He had a blank expression as if he had discovered an unexpected truth. He had realized the haughty face, who was staring straight at him, was very familiar to him.

It would have been weirder, if he had forgotten him. The existence in front of his eyes was the one he had clung on to since his hatchling days…

His eyes widened in shock, and his eyes couldn’t contain any more surprise even if it wanted to.

“W..what is this. You…How…”


“Are you perhaps…E, Elqueeness??!!”

Lapis had a hard time speaking from the shock he received.  Elwien’s brows furrowed a bit as he thought for a brief moment as he looked at Lapis’ figure. However, it didn’t seem like he wanted to answer seriously, so he spoke as he pointed his chin towards me.

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“What nonsense are you spouting, lizard? Isn’t Elqueeness right over here?”

“Shit! That isn’t it! Your…your face!”

“Ahng? What’s wrong with my face? Hmmm~ It’s most definitely better then yours. Did you perhaps fall for me? Oh, yes. I do remember that one bastard who fell for me. There was one lizard who was as noisy as you. Maybe.”

Then he started nodding his head to himself. It seemed he still hadn’t remembered about Lapis. Lapis had harbored a passion toward him for 3000 years, so I felt a little bit sorry for him. This is why if you want to have a crush on someone, you have to choose the right person.

As if he was frustrated, Lapis pounded his chest then he decided to go for a frontal attack. He was straight forward as he asked for the other’s identity.

“Perhaps you are the previous generation’s Elqueeness!!”

“Hmmm, What reasons do you have to make you have such an idea?”

Elwien didn’t show any signs of being flustered as he leisurely asked the question. Lapis lost the words he was about to say, then he mumbled his answer with a complicated expression on his face.

“A Reason…your face is identical. Your hair color has changed, but I’m sure….”

“Have we met before?”

“You are asking me if we met before…maybe you really are the previous Elqueeness??”

Lapis wasn’t the only one who was surprised. Isana wore a shocked expression when the situation developed in an unexpected direction. He started glancing towards me. Even on the Spirit World, it had only been a rumor that Spirit Kings reincarnate into gods. It wasn’t unusual for them to be surprised. Who would have thought one could meet a once famous Spirit King later as a god?

However, Elwien seemed to have a lot of complaint about the current situation, so he didn’t feel like cooperating. Elwien looked sideways at the wide-eyes staring at him, then he spat out some words.

“If you don’t want to get beat up, then lower your eyes.”

“Kook. Now that I think about it, your dirty temperament is the same! You really are the previous Elqueeness?”

“Well, as you can see, it is so…who are you, lizard? How do you know me?”

“…how do I…know you?”

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Jeez…Come to think of it, when I was summoned for the first time by Lapis, I asked him ‘Do you know me?’ He had been extremely disappointed by my question. He had summoned Elqueeness several dozens of time yet his face wasn’t remember. He had gone through the ringer, and he was only able to get over it after finding out I wasn’t the same Elqueeness. However, the current Elwien was the Elqueeness he had wanted. If Elwien couldn’t remember him, then of course, Lapis would take some mental damage.

I thought he would be really angry, but it was opposite of my prediction. Lapis answered back in a brusque manner with a sour expression on his face.

“I’ve used the summon incantation several dozen times to make a contract with Elqueeness since I was a hatchling. You don’t remember it?”

“Ah ah. Are you perhaps Lapiz Lazuli? Weren’t you the rotten lizard, who tried to interfere with my contracts with the other dragons as a form of revenge? Thanks to you El’s vacation might have been ruined.”

“Hoong. When did I ruin his vacation? Anyways, I have no business with you. The Elqueeness I wished for is in my hands now.”

“In…your hands?”

Elwien woodenly mumbled those words, and I felt his knitted brows twitch. His expression rapidly became blank, then his gaze turned towards me. I didn’t know what I was denying, but I reflexively shook my head. It basically said, ‘I’ve never been in that bastard’s hands!’ This made the atmosphere around Elwien loosen a little bit, and he opened his mouth with an apathetic expression.

“According to El’s face, it seems this is the first time he has heard about this?”

“It doesn’t matter even if he denies it. It doesn’t change the fact he is mine. In that context, I don’t really like the current situation where you are acting like you are close him. I don’t know how you lucked into being a god, but act like an elder. Just quietly shove off into the god world.”

‘Huk! Are you crazy?’

The being he had clung on to for 3000 years was in front of him yet he didn’t show any interest in him. The one who was taken aback by Lapis was me. Does that mean his obsession was with the ‘Elqueeness’? Therefore, he didn’t want the current Elwien since he wasn’t Elqueeness any more?

I wasn’t really moved by what he said. I had wanted to show my delight at seeing Elwien again in awhile, but my earlier plans had been derailed.

Elwien glared at Lapis as if the words he spoke was basically an insult. He slowly swept back the stray strands of hair backwards.

It was strange, but it seemed he had no inclination of putting his hands on Lapis.  Normally, he would immediately stab his insolent opponents to death, but his reaction was surprisingly mild.

“Do you want to die, lizard? If you don’t want to go to go straight to the underworld then you better shut up now.”

…of course, he couldn’t hide his stormy tone. However, Lapis wasn’t a normal dragon. If comparing personality, he was on par with Elwien. Of course, he answered back in a forceful manner.

“Hoong. Do you think I’ll be afraid if you talk to me that way? No matter what you do El won’t be able to escape from my grasp. I have decided it will be so.”

“Ho-oh, do you have romantic feelings for him?”

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“That should be none of your business, right?”

Isana and I was stuck between the two glaring beings, and it felt like we were were about to die. It was especially true for Elwien. The oppressive aura he had decreased was once again back to normal, and it almost made Isana faint. I was taken aback, so I hurriedly yelled towards Lapis. Moreover, I couldn’t bend from my position. I couldn’t have a tantrum towards Elwien, who was my father.

“Stop it, Lapis! Elwien is a god! Even if you are a dragon, he isn’t an opponent you can treat rashly!  Also, I wanted to say it last time, but why am I yours? I told you to stop treating me like an item!”

“What? You plan on taking the god’s side in front of me?”

“You are the one in the wrong!”

It was clear as day he was the initial agitator, so why was he protesting while glaring at me with his eyes? I stared at him in discontent, and his words burst forward with a voice that didn’t show any signs of contrition.

“I was just saying out loud my rights. I did nothing wrong.”

“Ah ha~ So that is why you spouted that nonsense so your words would be misconstrued by others? Didn’t I tell you clearly? I’m a male existence, so treat me like one. Also, of all occasion, why do you have to say such things in front of Elwien?”

“…of all occasion…Are you saying it is something I shouldn’t say in front of Elwien?”

He bitterly replied back and it looked as if he was shocked by something. I didn’t even have to think about it as I gave him a firm reply.

“Of course!”

“Why? What kind of meaning does Elwien mean to you?”

“What does he mean to me?”

Does he have to be embarrassed by seeing someone else be embarrassed?  If someone treated others like objects, anyone would be taken back at the sight. However, Lapis stared back as if he had no idea what was wrong. Elwien, who had been observing all of this, slowly opened his mouth.

“You got caught up with a very troublesome lizard, my son. Should I get rid of the source of your possible troubles?”

“Ehhk? What are you saying?”

“He is the type of bastard who’ll keep tormenting you. Wouldn’t it be better to just kill him right now?”

Hmm, I couldn’t firmly reject the offer like before…the offer did hold a lot of appeal. However, Lapis was oblivious to the potential danger that was coming his way. His eyes became round when he heard the one word come out of Elwien.

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“Did Elweien just call you son?”

“Ah ah. Is that a problem?”

I had completely forgotten I still hadn’t explained my relationship with Elwien to Isana and Lapis. So I looked back as if I was bewildered, and Lapis’ expression steadily got more complicated. As if he was being considerate, Elwien continued to speak in an arrogant voice.

“El is my son.”


“He is my son, you rotten lizard. Therefore, if you treat him carelessly then I will kill you. This is the only time I’ll forgive you.”


Come to think of it, it was strange. In the beginning, he didn’t hesitate to blast Lapis, but he seemed to be excessively tolerant towards Lapis. Even if I discounted the one or two insulting words, Elwien was normally very sensitive to younger beings speaking disrespectfully towards him. Did he suddenly have a change in heart?

By looking at the cold energy fogging up his eyes, I could tell he was most definitely angry. It looked as if he was trying to stay his hand, so I felt confused. However, this lasted only a moment.

“Ha- What a joke! How can a Spirit King and a god form a father and son relationship? How many beings will acknowledge such a nonsensical relationship?”

…Lapis’ words made me feel very unpleasant.  Elwien, who hadn’t moved from his spot since his summoning, slowly stood up.  He gave a smile as if he had waited for this very moment.   It was as if he had  been filled to the brim with joy.

Maybe Elwien …Did he push down his anger, so he could completely flip out later on?

I tried hard to let go of this uneasy thought that was slowly crept into my mind.

Afterwards, I could only click my tongue at the one existence who yapped his mouth towards the wrong person.  He received the punishment in full for his action.

Accompanying a scream that could rip one’s lung to pieces, there was a large explosion. It wasn’t long before the beam of light and the prayer room exploded.  Soon, the room  collapsed.

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