
Chapter 46

Elqueeness – Chapter 46

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For normal people, they were classified as high ranked monsters.  Each of them had a body much larger than 2m. Their offensive capability was weaker than the Cerberus they had faced before.  However, they were more troublesome to deal with since they attack in a pack.


Saliva dripped off their sharp canines, and a low sound escaped from between their teeth.

However, who do you think we are!  Our group has a Spirit King and a dragon.  Couple dozen or even couple hundred could attack us, and we would be able to deal with them.

Still, there was a reason why I was worried.


Unlike their large bodies, the several dozen Wyverns let out thin cries as they circled around the air.  They had a sharp tail, and their molars secreted poison.  They were monsters one had to be especially be careful when fighting up close.  Like the werewolves, they were classified as high ranked monsters.

“Do the high ranked monsters usually attack in mobs here?”

I mumbled with an absurd expression on my face.  Lapis gave a simple answer to my words.

“I’m not sure. I think someone intentionally sent them our way.”

“Someone sent the monsters intentionally?  Who would have such hard feelings against us?”

“I don’t know.  Maybe, someone is trying to test our skills.”

“A skill test?”

Who the heck would send such a skill test to normal humans!  I was taken aback for a moment then I thought about the weird feeling that was getting on my nerve for a while.  I mumbled.

“Maybe we are being monitored by someone?”

“Why do you think that?”

“No, it’s just that I keep getting the feeling that someone is watching us. I thought I was being overly sensitive, but this situation makes me a little bit unsure of that opinion.”

“Ho-oh.  I guess you aren’t completely clueless.”

-Nod nod-

Lapis mumbled as if I did something praiseworthy.  Everyone within the party including me looked at him in a dumbfounded manner.
The first one to open his mouth was the priest, Mr Kai.

“Then someone really is keeping surveillance on us?”

“I don’t think someone has a surveillance on us rather they are keeping tab on us?”

“Ehk?  Since when?”

“I believe it was before I joined your party.  I thought they were quite persistent in looking at you??”

“Why are you just telling us!”

Isana and my face turned blue.  A tracker was already on their trail!  It wasn’t as if they hadn’t expected it, but this was too sudden.  They had done everything they could do to erase their tracks, but they hadn’t really prepared what to do when they were found.  As if he couldn’t’ take the worried looks by the other party members, Lapis spoke in a blunt manner.

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“Are you really going show yourselves being flustered in front the enemies?  Calm down, guys.”

“Do you even have the right to say such words?  If you had told us about this from the beginning then this situation would have never happened!”

“Hoong. I have no obligation to tell you everything.”

“Aigo.  All right!  You know it all!”

I was disgusted by his behavior as Lapis refused to lose even a single argument.  The party members lost their ability to speak, and they could only grind their teeth.  That bastard had no idea what cooperation meant!  That dragon was of no help.

‘Well, I have no choice.  Since everyone in my party knows my identity, I don’t have to intentionally hide my strength. Anyways, we have to get out of this situation as fast as we can.’

However, I felt uncomfortable just attacking.  Lapis kept chattering on about a ‘skill test’, and it got on his nerve.  Will it be ok to just attack like this?  While I was hesitating inside, Lapis continued to speak as if he was reprimanding me.

“What are you hesitating for?  Those bastards aren’t even worth a single bite.  Are you planning letting these weak humans take care of them?”

“That isn’t it… What did you mean by skill test?  Do they perhaps know about our identity?”

“What are you talking about?  They are testing us since they don’t know our identity.  Still, it isn’t like we will indefinitely hide our identities. Why not just…”

Lapis ended his words after a brief moment, and he made a house-sized fireball on top of his palm. Before I could stop him, he threw it towards the werewolves!


The ball of fire burned like a sun, and it landed in the middle of a pack of werewolves.  Soon their furs started burn as an acrid smell filled the air, and they started screaming


“Kuh-hung! Ggae-gae-gaeng!”

The crackle of flames were heard, and the sooty bodies remained.   Almost half of the werewolves had become corpses.  Their original shapes were hardly identifiable.  We could only look on in dismay as we saw only the traces of bones and ashes left.

Lapis was oblivious to all of this since he was having fun.  He diligently attack the werewolves.

“You have to be sure to give them hell like me!  Koo-hahaha!”

“…he’s crazy.”

He acted in an unruly manner, but he most definitely bolstered the party’s courage.  Isana looked around his surrounding with a calm expression, and he moved to a location where he wouldn’t interfere with Lapis.  Then he carefully called out the mid-level water spirit, Undine.

“Please, Undine!”

-Leave it to me, my contractor.

After ending its reply(although Isana couldn’t hear it), the Undine unlike its virtuous appearance flew up like a butterfly, and it stung like a bee.


Accompanying a refreshing sound, several streams of water knocked over several werewolves trying to surround Isana . It was at this moment when the Wyverns, who had been calm, started to move in earnest.


They had a ugly face akin to a lizard, and they started shooting down towards the party members as if they were in a free fall.  Their mouths were opened wide, and a sharp light shone on their teeth as if they were going to immediately shred the party members.  When I saw their stupidly large claws and their swinging tail, I immediately called for Seacuel.

-Seacuel! Block those bastards!”

-I’ve received the King’s order.

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After replying in an energetic manner, it flew majestically into the air then it formed a half-translucent water barrier. The Wyverns, who had excitedly ridden the winds downward, backed off as a net made out of water strands blocked their way.

I did tell you to ‘block’ them, but why is that the only thing you are doing!

As I wondered why Seacuel didn’t adapt to the situation, I gave an additional order.

“Kill every single one of them!”

-I’ve received your order!

I thought it would become a messy fight where one had to go against many.  Unlike my worry, Seacuel obediently ended the Wyverns’ lives in turn. The dead Wyvern’s corpses fell towards the net of water, and I didn’t have to worry about the corpses falling on top of my head.

Chool-rung. Chool-rung.

Every time the loud water sound was heard a Wyvern’s limp body was stacked on top the other corpses.  Mr. Kai let out a praise as he looked on with amazement in his eyes.

“As expected, you are incredible, El-nim!  Even a large number of Wyverns can’t do anything against you!”

“I guess so. I thought they would give me trouble since it is an air warfare.  However, Seacuel is fighting well.”

“Enemies of that level can be taken care of by Seacuel. I f El-nim steps forward in earnest, then there aren’t any enemies who will be able to get in our way. This is why there is a saying one should line up behind the right line.”

He kept giving me praise with a satisfied expression on his face, and I could only laugh awkwardly at his words. Seacuel killed all of the Wyverns except for those few who had escaped. Seacuel gathered the corpses in one location and it tried to disintegrate the bodies using strong pressurized water.  However, Lapis got in the way after he killled the last werewolf.

“Tell Seacuel to leave them alone, El!  They sell for a really high price.”

“Ehng? The Wyverns?”

“Their bones and hides are sturdy, so they are used for a lot of things.  If there aren’t any large blemishes, you could probably sell it for any price you want.  Well, if it’s troublesome, then I also don’t mind just getting rid of them. ”

“Seacuel! Those are all money! Just place them down gently!”

My eyes flipped over from seeing money.  I desperately yelled towards Seacuel.  Lapis turned his head and he snickered. Then he placed the werewolf corpses he had gathered in front of me.

“What, what is it?”

“These are one of the leathers that sell for a high price. Gather it diligently then use it to help the reconstruction of the kingdom.”

“Ooh~shi. Are you making fun of me!”

“Keke. If you don’t want to then don’t.”

I briefly glared at the bastard, who was laughing as if he found this situation amusing, then I started to collect the werewolf corpses.  If I left it here, it’ll eventually rot.  I didn’t see problem in earning some money.

However, there was a gap between my plan and reality. I looked at stack of several dozen corpses, and I had no idea how I would carry them around.

“Should I ask Seacuel to carry it around for me…”

“Why don’t you just gather the needed leather and bones then throw everything else away? I think that will make this more simpler.”
Ah ah~ There was that method. I slowly nodded my head, and I immediately started skinning the leather off with Mr Kai.  Lapis berated us to stop behaving like poor people, but he was outnumbered once Isana joined in.  Naturally he was ignored.  What could he do? He had no choice but to join in, so we could finish faster.
It seemed all sentient beings was crazy about money at their core.
Our work was stopped when an young male and female unexpectedly appeared in front of us.

“Jeez. It seems couple dozen high ranked monsters won’t be able to cause any trouble for you. Now I know. I’ll have put a more sure measure in place next time.”

A man with a cold expression spoke.  Unlike his polite words, he was glaring at us with hostile eyes.  My eyes met his blue eyes, and I could easily deduce that this man was the one who had been keeping a surveillance on us.

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“Who are you?”

“This is our first meeting. My name is Delonvil.  You probably have heard of my name.”

‘Nope. This is they first time I’ve heard it.”

It seemed I was the only one who didn’t know about him. This fact was reinforced when Isana’s mouth fell open, and he let out a sound I have never heard coming from him.

“Delonvil? Are you perhaps one of the 4 Dukes of the Demon world? The sovereign of Demons, Delvonvil Kel Phon!”

It seemed he was correct, since the man started to smile.  Moreover, as if his title was amazing, everyone froze except Lapis and I.
I already had my suspicions, but I decided to ask him again.

“Were you the ones who were watching us?”

“Yes. It seems you are unperturbed by this.  Does that mean you believe we won’t even an opponent for you?  My pride is hurt, but I’ll have to accept that fact. It isn’t like I don’t know about the Water Spirit King Elqueeness’ reputation.”

He knows about my identity?  If he had kept tabs on me, then it would have been weird if he didn’t know my identity. I had discreetly used my true powers more than once or twice. When Delonvil saw me calmly nodding my head, as if I wasn’t really surprised, a strange smile formed on his mouth.

“If you already know everything, then why did you ask me that question? Jeez. It seemed we’ve been underestimating you.”

“Huh? No, that isn’t….”

“Hoo hoo!  It would have been weird if you didn’t know about it. You have the same rank as a Demon King, and you might actually be stronger than one. I’m sure you didn’t see us as a threat.  You acted like you didn’t know about us as you stood by and watched the situation unfold. You even tried to hide you ability, so we would have a hard time figuring out your identity.”

There was a saying one reserved for a person like this. ‘Why don’t you go write a novel~’

It seemed responding to his own question was his hobby.  He didn’t even wait for my response as he continued to speak. I was taken aback by him.
Moreover, it seemed he was trying to affirm something else.  He spoke, while he put on a smug smile.

“However, we aren’t entirely stupid.  We realized who you were today, but we had our suspicions from the beginning.  However, we were still very surprised. We would have never thought a human could summon a Water Spirit King.”

“Hmmm.  What reason do you have for following us? Perhaps you have some business with Isana?”

“As expected, you have already realized it.  You are correct.  We are keeping surveillance on the emperor and his party members under the orders of the Demon King.”

Whatever words I spoke, this man seemed to put ‘as expected’ next to it.  I guess he was trying to prop me up. I didn’t have any reasons to refuse it, so I didn’t refute anything.
Naturally, this made me look like a great being with absolute senses, who ‘already knew everything.’  Lapis hurriedly covered his mouth, since he knew what was actually going on.

‘Why don’t you just laugh out in the open rather than covering your mouth?  Even if you laughed, they would think you were laughing at them.’

I couldn’t retort in such a way, so I once again turned to look at the man and woman with a calm expression.  I didn’t want to be outdone, so I spoke towards the silent woman standing next to him.

“The woman next to you doesn’t look to be normal. Why don’t you introduce her?”

“As expected, I knew you would recognize her. She is Seprenis. She is also a member of the 4 Dukes of the Demon world.”

This caused Isana swallow a sound that was about to escape then he spoke in a small voice.  The basic gist of it was she was some kind of ‘Witch of Darkness’ or something.  I just thought her appearance was abnormal, but he had filled in all the information by himself.  This was how our party was informed of their identity.  He was free to delude himself.

‘Anyways, why did the Demon King order them to watch over Isana? Since they ordered the monsters to attack us, they didn’t seem to have good intent toward us.’

I still wasn’t familiar with the Demon world. Are these people the Demon race I have heard about? There appearance weren’t any different from the humans. Still, I was very curious since they were of the Demon race. As if he misunderstood the curiosity in my eyes, Delonvil’s eyes narrowed.

“It seems you are very confident in yourself. You are standing in front of 2 out of 4 Dukes of the Demon world. Ah ah. It seems you have ally we cannot ignore. I don’t really know his identity, so I’ll have to give my apologies.”

After he saw the man speak, Lapis couldn’t stop his laughter.

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Unlike me, who were surrounded by high ranked Spirits, Lapis was assumed to be a relatively tame mage. It wasn’t strange for them not to realize his real identity. Now that the situation had turned out this way the urge to play a prank was surging up in me.  Maybe it was because my pride was hurt since they were able to find out only my identity.

“Hmmmm.  I guess Demon Dukes aren’t that great. I can’t believe you don’t recognize him.”

I quietly answered them as I swallowed my laughter. The two from the Demon race frowned noticeably.  I ignored their reaction as I spoke again in a calm manner.

“He is someone who I am personally close with.  His attribute is opposite of mine, so many Spirits are surprised when they find out about it.”

“Spirits….Could it be! Fire Spirit King Ifrit?”

It seemed they didn’t know that Ifrit was a ‘feminine being’.  This was why they mistook Lapis for the Fire Spirit King.  Well, I did intentionally hint at it.

My companions and I silently laughed without speaking, and the two from the Demon race took this as a confirmation. They could only kneel in front of the harsh truth that was revealed in front of them.

“So that’s how it is. I felt he was out of the ordinary.  I guess he also knew about our presence?  It seems we acted foolishly today.  I would have never guess two Spirit Kings would protect a single human.  Does that mean you highly value this young emperor?”

“That is none of your business. Anyways, what’s the point of showing yourselves right now? Does it mean you want to fight?”

Those from the Demon race had an expression of disbelief on their face as Delonvil gave a frank answer. It seemed they hadn’t planned on attacking us from the beginning.

“It isn’t so. We will probably meet multiple times in the future, so I just wanted to give a greeting.  Since I’ve learned of such unexpected information, it seems this meeting wasn’t all for naught. Thank you for this productive meeting.”

“It was nothing. However, I would advise you not to send those who attack only believing in their superior numbers. It is annoying to take care of them.”

I basically said they would miserably fail if they send numerous amount of monsters.  Thankfully, it seemed they didn’t disagree with my sentiment.

“I think we’ve done enough skill test for the day.  There is no need to further waste our energies.  However, the next time we meet it will not end with a conversation.”

“Hmmm…Your confidence is great. It will be fun to see how long it will last. I’ll remember this.”

I don’t know where I got this intestinal fortitude to bluff them. However, I was different from my normal self right now.  Suddenly, the energy of a Spirit King I was unknowingly hiding was revealed, and it was strong enough to threaten the two Demons.

“Huk! Koo-hoop!”


Was my power stronger than I thought?  The Demons, who had been standing silently, let out a small moan from their mouths.  I looked at them with satisfaction, and I withdrew my presence. Delonvil gritted his teeth, and he look at me with an aggrieved expression.  I spoke once more as if I was giving him a warning.

“I also won’t go easy on you next time. This meeting wasn’t that enjoyable, but it was nice seeing you. It would be best if you returned now.”

“…I will do as you ask. I promise we will meet again, oh Elqueeness.”

After speaking, those of the Demon race noiselessly disappeared akin to when they first appeared.  The tension was like a string that was about to break, and it disappeared in an instance.  I actively searched for their trace, but I couldn’t find them. I let out a sigh, then I acted like I was wiping off some coldsweat.

“Ha-ah. I thought I was going to die.”

“Keke. I thought you did well? I thought you could only act friendly, but you showed an aspect of your Spirit King side.”

“You were marvelous, El-nim. Those existences from the Demon world weren’t able to say a single word. I didn’t expect them to meekly turn back.”

*Nod* *Nod*

All the eyes directed at me were proud of what I had done.  However, I was worried about something else.  I was worried about tricking them to think Lapis was Ifrit.  I wanted to scare them a little bit, but I may have gone overboard.

“You think it’ll be ok? If they find out the truth, then they’ll probably jump up and down in anger.”

“Even if they don’t find out the truth, they’ll cause trouble. Just leave them be . Demon race don’t easily retreat even if their opponent is strong.  Didn’t you hear them? Even though you are a Spirit King, he promised he will meet you again.  It seems he has a death wish. Chet.”

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