
Chapter 48

Elqueeness – Chapter 48

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I received the god’s crest~ I just needed to face the Marquis now, but the happiness lasted only a moment!  We ran into an unexpected problem. We had loitered around the outer  walls of the castle for several days. What was the reason? The Marquis’ resident was surrounded by the wall, and there weren’t even a single hole we could go through.

Every door was being guarded by knights . Just in case someone would infiltrate using magic, there were Detection magic and Alarm magic installed there. Even if a dragon had the guts to bull his way in, there were too many soldiers to do so.
We had to suck on our thumbs when meat was right in front of our eyes! I’ve already said it repeatedly, but I couldn’t help saying it again.


His cousin, the emperor, was on the run after being ousted by his uncle. If he already knew about Isana’s plight, why would he put such iron tight security around the outer wall! Does this mean the Marquis isn’t inclined to meet Isana?

“It make it feel like we came to a place where we aren’t wanted.”

I mumbled with displeasure on my face. Isana and Mr. Kai’s face also started to darken when they heard my words.
If they weren’t able to meet the Marquis after coming here, then all the hardship they had suffer was for nothing!
Even if they had to change their plans, they still had to at least see the Marquis’ face.  If they couldn’t, then it would be too unfair!   Do you think a Korean will risk his life for nothing?

“I’ll do it. No matter what, I’ll do it! I have to at least see the Marquis’ face! I’ll see him no matter what!”

“Stop getting worked up for weird reasons, El.  Maybe this is a test set up by the Marquis.”

“A test?”

“For example, he might want Isana to break through the tough security to get to him. If he doesn’t have the guts and skill to do so, then it might mean Isana doesn’t deserve his help.”

Lapis was unusually serious when he replied. However, everyone thought his words might be correct, so we just nodded our heads.

Is this what they meant when they said interpreting a dream is better than dreaming?


“Isn’t the security too tight? If his aim was to set up a simple test, he didn’t need install a powerful Alarm magic. Even a dragon would have a tough time breaking through it.”

“No, it’s like him. Kawell hyung-nim hates doing anything halfway. He is a sword master, so he doesn’t have to spend too much effort in protecting his surrounding. So this is probably a task given to me to solve.”

“Jeez. That bastard’s test is very scary. So what are you going to do, Isana? As I’ve said, normal methods or magic won’t allow you to get into the castle.”


Isana let out a short moan as if he was racking his brain for an idea. However, it seemed he couldn’t come up with an adequate plan of action. Until now, he always followed the advice given by someone from his side. He never had to make a decision by himself, and everyone seemed content in waiting for him to speak. This was all Lapis’ idea. He said something about Isana having to become more self-reliant? Even after a long time had passed, Isana wasn’t able to come up with a decent idea. Lapis, who was the most impatient in the group, couldn’t’ wait any more, and he made the mistake of dropping a hint.

“Koo-uh-uhk! Just think about if a little bit. Think! How will you be able to safely take back your emperor seat if you are like this? What was your cousin thinking when he made the test? Put yourself in the examiner’s shoes!”

“What? Examiner? Ah, that is…He wants to see what kind of ability I have?”

“Yes! That’s it! The important thing right now isn’t how you have to break through the defense. You have to use your ability to to contact him! You can nab him when he is coming out or you can send a messenger to him. Try using your head!”

‘Why don’t you just slice the rice cake and put it in his mouth, you bastard!’

He was the one, who had made a fuss about building up Isana’s self reliance, but now he was coughing up all the answers. He did it because he couldn’t even wait for just a moment!
I glared at Lapis as if he was pathetic. However, he still spoke in a dignified manner.

“Ah, I understand. Does that mean I should probably send a Spirit as a messenger?”

“Whew. Now you understand a little bit of what I was getting at.”

“Don’t take what Lapis says to heart, Isana. So what’s the plan?”

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“I hear what you are saying. The current Isana-nim’s best special ability is his Spirit magic, and we should find a method that will utilize that ability.”

Lapis, Mr. Kai and I spoke in succession. It bolstered Isana’s confidence, and this time he didn’t hesitate to open his mouth.

“There is a waterway leaings into the castle, which provides drinking water. Seacuel could enter through there without any interference. Wouldn’t we be able to send a message to big brother through Seacuel?”

There was reason why he chose Seacuel. Amongst the Spirits that could be summoned, it was the only one that could speak to humans. The problem was Isana could only summon Seacuel fora brief amount of time. Do we really need to follow standard procedure? I resolutely made the decision to gather and use the mana from Lapis. Lapis didn’t want to be bothered, so he indicated I could do whatever I want.

“Well, let’s begin!  Seacuel. Follow the waterway into the castle, then find a man named Marquis Kawell. When you find him, tell him you are under the orders of ‘Isana Ran Solt’.  Please relay to him that Isana is requesting a meeting with him. You got that?”

-I will follow the King’s order. Please leave it to me.

After replying in a respectful manner, Seacuel slowly melted into the waterway. Not too long afterwards, the castle gate started to open slowly, and we could see a man dashing out of the castle. The man was ‘Karwell de Kalmore’. Finally, Isana was able to meet his cousin.


While Isana and his party members was brainstorming on how to enter the castle, the Marquis was deep in thoughts inside his private library. His cousin should have been here already, and he still didn’t have any way of getting information on his whereabouts. He wasn’t even sure if Isana was still alive.

‘What has happened? Why isn’t he contacting me? I hear the emperor’s personal knights are working covertly inside the capital. Is his majesty with them?’

When he first learned about the Archduke chasing out the emperor on the charge of treason, he was about to blindly raise his army and attack the capital. Even if he was inexperienced, an emperor was an emperor. Moreover, it was the period of time when everyone was still in shock over the death of the previous emperor!
He couldn’t forgive the Archduke, who was blinded by power.
However, he soon organized his thoughts. He thought about the person who would be the most angry and aggrieved by this situation.

‘Emperor Isana. You are probably saddened the most by this.’

How much sadness did he have to swallow as he escaped with his few remaining personal knights! If he was still alive after escaping from the hands of the trackers, he would probably be dreaming about revenge right now.  As one of the empire’s knight, his majesty’s subject and his cousin, he wanted to help Isana.

It would be hard for the emperor to find those who would be willing help him, so the Marquis knew the emperor must come to him. The Marquis prepared for the day he would come. He decided to postpone any plans regarding war until that day.
One month passed. Then two month passed. There were no signs of his cousin showing up. He felt suffocated, and he thought about searching for his cousin. Maybe his cousin got lost, so he decided to wait a little bit more. Afterwards, the Arch Duke’s knights imposed themselves on him, and he spent the days cooped up inside the castle.
He wanted to immediately chase out the knights, who did whatever they liked in his territory. However, he didn’t want to show his animosity towards the Archduke at this stage. He had no choice but to become a bystander. Everything will be set in motion after emperor Isana arrived here.

“It’ll be great if I could hear some news about him. I wonder what he is going through. He is used to the palace life, so traveling won’t be smooth for him…It really worries me.”

If it was possible for him to contact the emperor’s personal knights then it would be possible to allay his fears. However, the knights had to protect their identity, so they had concealed their whereabouts.
He had heard a rumor that they were hiding themselves with the help of the Intelligence Guild, and even that rumor wasn’t verified. Moreover, there was one thing that made him worried.

“Will the emperor really… Is he really dreaming about retaking the emperor’s seat?”

After the death of the previous Emperor, Isana’s personality had changed. He became disinterested with everything. He didn’t care about politics, and he had immersed himself with arts and pleasure. He did this while despising the nobles and his subjects. He felt they had betrayed his father when they enjoyed the current prosperity.  He held a deep love for his father.
The Marquis would be able to plot a rebellion without any worries, since he knew the resolve of Isana.
However, every thing that had happened until this day was brought on by emperor Isana himself.

Would it really be ok to hand the emperor’s seat back to him?

His heart was probably filled with bitterness and revenge. If he could get his revenge and some stability, will he be able to go back to who he was?  That is not all that worried the Marquis. Isana might not trust anyone ever again. Once one gets betrayed, it was hard to push that memory aside. The betrayal was done by none other than his uncle! The Marquis worried about all of this.

“Since his heart was hurt at a young age, the wound may be larger than I expected. Maybe the taking back of the emperor’s seat might be the easy part. The harder task would be trying to change the emperor’s mental attitude.”

However, the Marquis never thought about ignoring the plight of emperor. If he became a tyrant then he’ll become a tyrant. If he became a good emperor then he’ll become a good emperor. Either way he decided to wrap up and embrace Isana. He hadn’t been able to do anything up until now. It was the least he could do.

He was in his own territory since he had gotten sick of living between the rotten nobles. If he knew beforehand that the Arch Duke would use his absence as an opportunity to take over the emperor’s seat, then he wouldn’t have left the emperor’s side even if a knife was pointed at his neck.

The Marquis regretted his actions.

‘During my absence, the execution of the emperor was carried out and the Arch Duke

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ascended to the regency. I should have headed towards the capital right then and there. I shouldn’t have left Isana alone. It is also my fault that the situation turned out like this. It’s all my fault.’

He didn’t have any way to vent his frustration, so the Marquis pounded his chest to calm his heart.

At that moment, he heard a knock on the door and a beautiful blonde girl came in. She was his only younger sister, ‘April de Kalmore’.
She had just turned 18 years old, and she was known throughout the land as a symbol of wisdom and virtue. She had followed the Marquis back to his territory, and her popularity didn’t show any signs of cooling.

“Brother. You were here. It’s tea time. Should I ask the maid to bring the tea here?”

“Ah ah… can you do that, April?  Yes.  Is the Archduke’s knight still draped all over the city?”

“Yes. I heard from guard captain Shwar that they frequently check the people coming towards the castle. The merchants have complained about the inconvenience.”

“Whew. We’ll have to find the emperor before the knights find him.”

As if April agreed with the Marquis’ words, she gave a short nod. The Marquis Kalmore was a sword master, and the Archduke tried to keep him in check the most.
There was a limit on how long he could keep his neutrality. The Archduke would move soon to grab at the Marquis’s ankle.
He was sure his sister would be targeted. There wasn’t a more effective method as taking a family member for hostage.
April was well aware of this fact. April opened her mouth and she spoke in calm manner.

“I don’t care what happens to me, brother. Never bend to his wishes.”

“What are you saying, April! I won’t allow you to be hurt. Why do you think I’ve tightened up the castle’s security? For whom do you think I am living in seclusion for?”

“Even if his majesty reaches this place, he won’t be able to come in. He left his personal knights, so he should be alone…”

“I have no choice.  If he really needs me, he will find a way to contact me.  He had the blood of the previous Emperor in his veins, who was known to be wise. If he can’t solve this problem, then he doesn’t have the qualifications for becoming an emperor.”

“You are once again saying things that aren’t in your heart. You should release your knights to search for his majesty, brother. I…”

They halted their conversation when a maid brought in the tea.  On top of the table, two sweet lemon tea was placed. When the maid left, April spoke once again.

“I’m worried. I think his majesty might be in danger.”

“If I unleash my personal soldiers, it would actually put him in more danger. You know about this. Please trust his majesty a little bit more, April. I’m sure he is safe.”

‘How great would it be if that was so?’

She let out a sigh inside as she couldn’t come up with reply. The Archduke’s minions were everywhere. If one took the side of the young emperor, then one was basically putting oneself on death row.
Maybe they were the ones making the wrong choice. It might be better to take the side of the Archduke like the rest of the nobles. One didn’t even need to think to know that one would be able to live a easier life siding with the Archduke. However…

‘That would go against brother’s beliefs.’

Her brother had been born as a knight, and he despised betrayal. He hated even saying the word. He believed if one only cared about one’s life, then one shouldn’t even serve one’s lord in the first place. April was proud of this facet of her brother.

“Still, it’s already been over two month. We don’t even know if he is alive, and I am getting worried. If he started his journey from the capital, then he should have reached here in about one and a half month. Maybe he is still with his personal knights?”

“Even if he were still with them, he has to come see me if he wants to retake his throne. I’m the only one with a large enough force to go against the Archduke. I’ll just have to wait for that time.”

The Marquis tried hard to hide his shaking eyes then he tried to drink the tea to wet his dry mouth. The fragrant scent of lemon inside the tea cup started to spread. It allow him to calm his heart.

“Hmm. The fragrance is really great.”

“Isn’t it, brother? The lemon and the sweetness goes well with each other. I might have to give Michael a reward for making such a tea.”

“You should do that. The atmosphere inside the castle isn’t that great, so maybe that will cheer everyone up. The tea today is somehow more refreshing…Huh? Ooh-aht!”

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“Kyahhhk! Brother!”


Accompanying a loud sound, the tea cup in the Marquis’ hand fell to the floor. However, no one was interested in the broken tea cup. Normally, if a cup in broken, then the content would soak into the carpet. However, the tea was floating up into the air.
It didn’t end there. The small amount of water that could fill a small bowl expanded into the size of the Marquis’ head.

*Wriggle wriggle.*

The stream of water squirmed like a snake, and it started to take form.

“What…what is this!”

When the Marquis saw the bizarre phenomena happen in front of his eyes, he felt like biting his tongue. If someone had used magic to infiltrate into his castle, the Alarm magic should have gone off. However, the Alarm magic wasn’t reacting to anything. Moreover, he hadn’t sensed he magic even with his special senses of a sword master.
The Marquis grabbed the sword equipped on his waist to protect his sister.

During all of this, the water formed into an elegant wolf that could only be seen deep inside a mountain. The strange thing was it was merely a wolf, but he felt fear as if he was facing a dragon.
He had never heard of a magic that could do this. The wolf turned around to fix its cold gaze on the Marquis and it made his bone ache. The Marquis shouted towards the wolf with a ferocious expression on his face. Of course, he spoke even if he didn’t expect a reply back.

“Under whose order have you come to invade this place!  Is it Archduke Yukarte?!”

The wolf was silent even when it heard his resonant voice. It just stared at the Marquis as if it was working through a problem. It seemed like it was searching to see if it should speak.
A brief amount of time passed, and the Marquis was wondering if his ears was malfunctioning.

-Are you Marquis Karwell?

“Huk. Brother! The wolf spoke!”

It was a wolf made out of water, but in the end, it was a wolf.  The fact that a wolf spoke human words was akin to a human making dog sounds. It was absurd and unexpected. Moreover, it had an arrogant attitude as if it was making a challenge towards the humans.

“What are you! Who are you to ask for me?”

-So I was correct. My name is Seacuel. I came to notify you of my master’s arrival.

“Your master’s arrival? Who is it?”

The Marquis tilted his head in confusion, and April, who was by his side, jumped in surprise.

It said it was Seacuel! Isn’t that a high rank Water spirit! She thought about the book she had read with the record of this Spirit not too long ago. She shortly realized that the portrayal of Seacuel in the book was the same as the wolf in front of her.

“My god!  Brother. That wolf is a Spirit. Moreover, it is a high rank Water Spirit!”

“What!  Are you sure, April? A high rank Water Spirit?”

Normally, he was clueless about subjects unrelated to swordsmanship. The Marquis had a surprised expression when he finally realized the identity of the wolf. He had never met a Spirit before, but he wasn’t dim enough to not know about the power of a high rank Spirit.

If a Summoner was able to handle a high rank Spirit, then the person was akin to a sword master or a 8th class Arch mage. Sometimes there were those who had summoned a Spirit King, but only 4 people in history was able to accomplish such a task. It was as rare as finding a Grand sword master.

This was the first time the Marquis was visited by a being who might be equal or stronger than him. He had never thought about a spirit breaking into his castle, so he understood why the Alarm magic hadn’t gone off.

With a pensive face, the Marquis thought about the Summoners who had a cause to visit him.

‘Summoners are rare. Moreover, a mid-rank or higher summoners can be counted on the fingers on my hand. Did his majesty have a summoner who was able to handle a high rank Spirit?’

Amongst the emperor’s personal knights, there was a rumor that Summoner Felix had become a high rank Summoner. However, this rumor was unsubstantiated.

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The Marquis looked at the wolf with a complicated expression. If it was a simple Spirit then he wouldn’t have minded. However, he couldn’t let his guard down now. This was an existence that could attack at any time at the order of its master!

After he stared at the Seacuel for a long time, he spoke with resignation in his voice.

“I am not acquainted with any Summoner, who could summon a great being like you. I’m sorry, but could you tell me who your master is?”

-Of course. My master told me to look for Duke Kawell. The person who wants to meet with you is named ‘Isana Ran Salt’. He is a 16 year old boy, and I think he is very much acquainted with you.


My god, my god! The Marquis was taken aback. Isana!  Isana Ran Salt! He was the very person he had been worrying about as to rather he was alive or not!

He had lost the ability to speak, and he just stared with wide eyes. Then he heard a thud next to him. April had been too surprised, and she had plunked herself down on to the floor.
Her slender shoulders shook, and her expression indicated she couldn’t entirely believe what she had heard.  After a moment, a severely hoarse voice leaked out.

“Could…could you saying that again? The person who sent you here was Isana-nim?”

-What is the purpose of your question?

“I…I’m not saying you are lying. However, this is too unbelievable… I’ve never heard his majesty was a summoner, so how could he suddenly summon a Seacuel? Please be straight with me. Are you really, really sure Isana-nim sent you here? Did he reveal the name with his own lips?”

Seacuel thought for a moment.  If it was to be accurate, then Spirit King Elqueeness sent him. However, it had orders to use the name ‘Isana Ran Salt’. However, Isana was part of the King’s party, so it didn’t matter who was making the request.  April was asking for a more accurate truth. It hadn’t been instructed on how to deal with this situation, so it hesitated to answer.

“Why are you hesitating? Are you perhaps lying?”

-That isn’t it. However…


-I was sent to request a meeting using that name. Isana Ran Salt is part of my master’s party, so it is the same as him sending the message.

“Is…is that true?”

He would have never thought Isana would have other companions that weren’t part of his personal knights. Why didn’t he think of that! It would have been impossible to come here by himself! The Marquis knew he had no choice but to confirm all of this with his eyes. The Marquis asked questions he had been holding back.

“Where is he right now? How many members are accompanying him in his party? Is he healthy?”
-There are a total of 4 people in the party. Currently, they are hanging around the outer wall of the castle. You’ll have to meet him to judge how he is doing.

“Ah. Lead me! Please lead me to where they are! I have to meet him right now!”

“Wait, brother!”

The Marquis rushed Seacuel to guide him, but April stepped in to stop him. It hadn’t told them anything that could be verified, so she was worried about trusting too much of what it said. As if the Marquis understood her worries, he smiled.

“I know what you are worried about, April. However, aren’t you aware of your brother’s skills? Nothing will happen to me, so don’t worry about it.”

“It’s a high rank Spirit! Even if it is brother, it’ll be dangerous.”

“His majesty has come here. As one of his knights, it is my duty to check if he is safe.”

“We don’t know for sure if it really is his majesty! Tell me, Water’s Seacuel! Have you really been telling us only the truth? Amongst the people you talked about, emperor Isana is really with them?”

The Marquis nervously looked at Seacuel when he saw his sister confidently ask it a question. After a brief silence, the wolf’s mouth raised into a grin. Then a solemn voice full of conviction came out of its mouth.

-I have never told a lie, girl.

There couldn’t have been a more perfect answer for this current situation. The Marquis felt his eyes brighten, and he put on a radiant smile.

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