
Chapter 51

Chapter 51

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“Your Highness, how did you meet those people?”

“What do you mean, Hyung-nim?”

Isana casually asked, though he knew what the Marquis meant, feigning innocence while anxious on the inside. 

While everyone had given Isana and the Marquis space to talk, that didn’t mean they couldn’t hear their conversation. If Marquis Kawell was not careful, there was no doubt that he would be beaten up. 

‘Though I’m not sure whether the others would actually react like that, I’m sure Lapis-nim wouldn’t leave him alone.’

But the Marquis, unaware of Isana’s thoughts, continued to look at his lord with a worried expression. 

“Isn’t this a bit too much of a coincidence? Just on the way here, you met a high level spirit summoner, a top level magician, and even a priest, all of them highly skilled.” 

“Are you questioning their motives?”

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“There’s just something about this that makes me uneasy.”

As Isana looked at Karwell’s sour face, he desperately pressed down the truth that started to come up his throat. 

He couldn’t reveal anything at the moment. Plus, his party members were currently enjoying their ‘planned’ situation, so revealing their identities would likely upset them. Because of that, Isana put on a calm expression and replied to the Marquis. 

“It’s only that I was fortunate, through the god’s blessing.”

“Your Highness, this isn’t something that you can just casually ignore…”

“Don’t worry, hyun-nim, I’m well aware of their aims. These people only want to help me in these difficult circumstances.”

“But still…”

“Don’t you believe me? Though I can roughly guess what your worries are, I swear on my name that they won’t come true.”

The Marquis, who refused to drop his worries, relaxed a little after hearing Isana’s vow. Though he would still try to uncover the others’ identities. What subordinate would lower his guard when strangers appeared next to his lord? 

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‘I hope he doesn’t spend too much energy on this.’

He let out a bitter laugh. Though Isana was a little hurt that the marquis didn’t believe him, he knew that there was nothing he could do. All he could do was pray that the marquis would give up his investigation as soon as possible.

Fortunately, perhaps to show Isana that he would stop his investigation into his party’s identity, the Marquis changed the topic of conversation. They moved on to the secret part of the conversation. 

“Though you could probably tell why I wanted to speak to you alone, the matter we are going to talk about now is very important. It is related to an opportunity for Your Majesty, a chance to prove your worth.”

“…!! What is it?”

“As Your Majesty is aware, I am personally able to gather an army of twenty thousand soldiers. That’s no small number for nobles, but it’s not much against the Arch Dukes forces. But it would be too conspicuous if we hired mercenaries when we aren’t going to advance to the capital immediately. That might only help the other side make an attack on us first.” 

That was true. No matter how secretive they were in mobilizing their forces, the shrewd Arch Duke was sure to quickly find them out, and once he did, he wouldn’t leave them alone. Moreover, now that the demon race, the demon king, and even a mysterious group had shown intentions of attacking, they couldn’t risk provoking them all with a rash decision.

The Marquis slowly opened his mouth as he looked at Isana’s concerned face. 

“You don’t need to be so worried. There is a perfectly legal method to solving this.”

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“Yes. We can use the merchant guilds’ powers. If you were to hire mercenaries to protect the merchant guilds during this time of an unstable state of affairs, no one will be able to find fault with you. In addition, there are a large number of merchant guild members, so no one will question even if we hire a large amount of mercenaries as well.”

“Ah? But by ‘merchant guild’ do you mean…”

Isana’s face had on an awkward expression. What other expression would he make? When he knew that most in the merchant guild were skeptical of Isana’s chance at victory. They wouldn’t help him, much less listen to his request for help. 

But as if he had expected all of this, the Marquis continued to patiently explain. 

“We cannot persuade most of the guild members. In fact, there were many who tried to get rid of the branch in Soltere and return to their own countries. The only one who hasn’t decided on a hands-off approach, yet, is the Cliff Conglomerate.” 

“The Cliff Conglomerate?” 

Isana tilted his head at the familiar sounding name, and the Marquis’s facial expression turned grave as he continued to explain.

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“Though it hasn’t been long since the founding of this new guild, it has swiftly risen in power. You could say that it ranks 10th highest throughout the continent.”

“Aha, I remember. You mentioned this while we were eating earlier, right? That the Cliff Conglomerate’s owner had recently changed, and with him, a need to stabilize their external and internal business…”

“Exactly, all they’ve done is delay with responses like ‘please give us time to consider.’ We cannot wait for a reply anymore; we need to meet with them as soon as possible. Right now, the other merchant guilds are keeping quiet, because they cannot predict what will happen, afraid to gamble on the fight ahead. But if Cliff Conglomerate was on our side, the others would soon follow.”

At the Marquis’s firm answer, Isana firmly nodded with a calm expression. If the most powerful merchant guild were on Isana’s side, the other guilds would have no choice but to help him. Because merchant guilds valued profit above all else.

“On top of that.. Rumor has it that the new conglomerate owner of Cliff possesses the ability to foresee the future, and whoever he has approved of has enjoyed plenty of success. Regardless of the truth of the rumors, the fact that none of the people he has approved of has suffered a loss has moved the minds of the merchant guilds.”

“Huh? No way, you don’t mean that the ‘opportunity to prove my worth’ is…”

“Exactly what you’re thinking. Please meet the Cliff Conglomerate’s owner, Your Majesty. Then return to the capital after receiving his ‘approval.’”


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