
Chapter 7

<What, this bastard is still? What did you do wrong? All right, I’ll tell you!! >

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My thoughts were fuzzy, and it was murky in front of my eyes..  It felt like I had woken up after I had dreamed.

I grabbed my head that was strangely hurting, and I opened my eyes with difficulty.  I saw a white ceiling with a chandelier that seemed to have diamonds imbedded in it.

……Where is this place?

Maybe it was because I awoke from sleep..  I couldn’t remember what I was doing earlier.  I was pretty sure that this wasn’t the spirit world.

Why am I here?

I tried to shake my head to pull myself together, but I still couldn’t remember anything.

The only thing I know is, I’m in an unfamiliar room that I have seen for the first time and I’m lying in it?

I tried to rise out of the bed, but an enormous amount of pain spread towards my whole body like electricity.

It was an incredible pain that wasn’t even comparable to a migraine, and it made my face grimace a bit.

It was like the next day after my father got a hold of me and beat me up… Is that why I had such dream?

In my dream, my figure looked like when I was in the first year of  junior high.  Normally I was used to the constant beating, but somehow that day I felt very aggrieved.  So for the first time I tried to rebel.

At that moment my father returned and spoke one final word that froze me.  Afterwards I never thought of rebelling again…

Without a doubt I believed I would never experience such an event, but I didn’t realize my dreams of the unpleasant past would torment me.

Even though I have earned a new body, would I not be able to eternally escape my previous life’s memory?

I thought I felt very dull, and I immediately remembered that memory after my body felt a little pain..
No matter how I think about it, I couldn’t help but think that I was pathetic.

Afterwards a thought suddenly rose up.

Why is my body hurting so much?

“Hmm..it doesn’t seem like I’m bruised, but I am sore all over.  It feels like I was beaten up.  I’m still a spirit king, who would dare do it?”

Come to think of it, I received help and came to the god world looking for the previous Elqueeness.

There was some minor trouble with the divine race in front of the castle gate, but with Arehis’ wit, we easily overcame that situation.

Still the problem came after that. The previous Elqueeness was now the god of punishment, El-wee-en.  I don’t remember anything after being shocked by the news.

‘Did something amazing happen?…ooh oooh let me see.  Ah, yes.  I think we entered El-wee-en’s shrine..
I thought we were very lucky when we found the office so easily.  Did we secretly open the door and look in?”

Yes.  That was it.

After remembering up to that point, memories started rising up in my head like a bag that was tied being unravelled.

It came back so clearly that I couldn’t understand how I could have forgotten it.

Without the slightest bit of sympathy, the order to kill the humans were given.  I got mad after seeing El-wee-en’s figure, and I angrily opened the door without a plan.

I believe I shouted ‘Do you think human lives are like bugs?  How can you be so indifferent about killing them…what kind of nonsense are you spouting!’?

I thought he would be stunned when a stranger showed up or he would ask calmly ‘What’s your deal? Who are you?”

However El-wee-en ignored the logical responses.  He said ‘Why are you here?’

He acted as if I was someone he had known for a long time and had come looking for him by chance.

His gaze seemed to ask why I was here when I am supposed to be in the spirit world.  At first I thought he was looking at Ifrit.

As if to prove that assumption was wrong, from start to end El-wee-en’s gaze never left me.  I realized he was able to discern at first glance that I was Elqueeness.

That reminds me earlier the divine race were able to recognize Ifrit and I as spirit kings..  How did they do it?

Does my appearance give away that I’m the water spirit king??

At that time I didn’t know that each spirit king possessed a unique energy and I could only flinch when an unexpected situation happened.  The cold-face El-wee-en’s spoke in a low voice.

” Return”

” No..What…I was thinking about it even if you didn’t…no that’s not what I meant! Wait!!
It’s none of my business, but I’m complaining about your judgement!  Are you not even going to think about justifying yourself?”

“Justify? Why should I?  They wanted this judgement.  Then why should I have to justify it?”

El-wee-en replied as if he really didn’t understand why he was being berated.  He roughly threw part of the file that he was holding on top of the desk.

Then a ray of sunshine was seen shinging through the window and he slowly started getting up from his seat.

” Their wish is to have one of the two person to be able to raise the kid.  They don’t want all three of them to die!”

“That’s not my problem.”

In a moment, ‘What a rude bastard~~’ almost rose out of my throat, but I pushed it down with my will.

I didn’t come here to fight him so there is no point for me to argue.  Moreover, I thought it wouldn’t do Ifrit any favor.

Also I had yet to awaken as a spirit king, so I wouldn’t be able to go up against El-wee-en, ‘the god of punishment’.

…no, to tell you the truth it could be characterized that I didn’t have the time to speak.

El-wee-en appeared in front of my nose in a blink as if he had teleported.  Before I could say anything he let out an ominous laugh and muttered.

” I definitely told you to return.  You are the one who went against the warning.  So don’t be resentful towards me. ”


Afterwards, I absently gazed at the light that was bursting forth brilliantly from El-wee-en’s hand.

Somehow I felt a lot of paint while feeling hot wind raging against my body. My consciousness started to fade.

I thought I heard Ifrit’s scream alongside Arehis’ desperate voice.  It was very faint so I questioned if I really heard it.

Then..I fainted right away!!!

I was able to organize my thoughts until that point.  I ignored the soreness all over my body, threw off the blanket and got off from the top of the bed.

Suddenly, he attacked me without saying anything and made me faint..how can a bastard like that exist!!

All I could remember was the brilliant light spreading towards the surrounding while feeling a sharp pain like I was being threshed by  a club. El-wee-en’s last words confirmed that he was the one who had hit me.

What?  You definitely warned me to return?  I ignored it so don’t be resentful???

If you heard those words and fainted then would you say ‘Ah. I was wrong, and I deserve to be hit…’  Would you do that!!!

The favorable impression I had of El-wee-en that was based on his outstanding looks in the beginning was washed away completely.

He probably threw me in any room after he made me faint~  If I meet you next time!!  I’ll definitely cut you!!!!

“Ah, Elqueeness-nim!!  Have you woken up??”

I must have been huffing..
I was clenching my teeth from the sweeping pain all over my body.  At that moment, belatedly I thought about my healing skills.
Suddenly the door opened and Uraus’ face peeked in.

He absent mindedly stared at my figure that stood up and was starting to heal myself.  Soon he ran into the room with a really really happy expression.

“I’ve been worried.  You didn’t even think about rising up when I tried to wake you..I worried that we would eventually be forcefully teleported back to the spirit world…”

“Forced Teleportation?”

“You didn’t know about it?  If a spirit departs the spirit world then the body become insubstantial.   If you get attacked by an external force then you look like you were exterminated, but in reality, you will be forcefully transported.
If it is judged that your life is in danger than instinctively you will be repatriated to the spirit world.”

“What do you mean by insubstantial?”

“The spirit’s body can only be maintained in the spirit world.
In other places, one has to use mana to make a projection.  It is only a temporary image.  Therefore if it isn’t the spirit world then you won’t receive any wound or die.

Fortunately you are able to project your figure in the 4 great dimension.  If it was the normal human world then you won’t be able to show your figure unless you are ‘summoned’ and contracted.
Therefore it is hard to see a nature spirit that isn’t in contract with ordinary humans.”

If I go to Arkadon’s human world in my current condition, then the people would not even realize that I am next to them.

The behavior of the mana in the 4 great dimension is gentler in nature compared to the human world and anyone is able to manipulate it to their heart’s content.  The mana in the human world is rough and violent. Therefore if one wants to use it then someone has to be the medium.

“However not all races can form a contract with the spirits.
Only the existence that ‘summoned’ the spirit may make a contract. The ‘summoning’ formality is a test to see if the contractor has sufficient ability.

You can say it is to find out if the person has affinity towards nature and has enough mana to project the spirit safely?
As the rank of the spirit increases, higher amount is needed.
Therefore the difficulty to summon a spirit king for normal person is more difficult than capturing a star in the sky.”(TLN: its an expression)

“What do you mean when you say…normal existence?”

” A normal human without any special characteristics.  Or a race with high innate ability but their individual skill doesn’t match up.  It could also be children. An apt example is a dragon hatchling.”

Mmm.  So normal humans will have difficulty summoning a spirit king.

That’s…I thought if I am to be summoned then I would rather form a contract with a human…That might be too difficult.

It would be somewhat amazing to meet a dragon that was only known as an imaginary creature.

I nodded my head because I was satisfied that I had in passing learned a useful information.

All of a sudden, I realized the absence of the existences that should have appeared with Uraus.  I looked at Uraus with curious eyes.

“Where are the other people?  Ifrit and Arehis?”

“Ah, they are having a face-to-face talk with El-wee-en-nim.”

“A face-to-face talk?”

According to Uraus’ words, after I fainted from El-wee-en’s attack, the spirit king and the mid-level god ran towards El-wee-en while being very surprised.

The angel that was watching blocked the path to protect El-wee-en.  Ifrit got mad, summoned her sword of fire and attacked her.

Arehis was sweating profusely trying to block her..
In between all this, Uraus rushed into move my fainted self into a safe place.  The office fell into utter confusion.

He carefully let it slip that Ifrit attacked not because El-wee-en had attacked me.  She attacked because she realized the angel was protecting El-wee-en by his side.  (TLN: lol Uraus trying hard to separate Ifrit/Elqueeness)

Even if the angel was middle aged, she was very beautiful.  I guess she felt jealous?

“Well, they can’t marry and have kids but some gods fall in love with the angels.  So I guess it wasn’t a baseless speculation.”

“Huh? Gods can have children?”

“Gods do have genders.  They are separated by gods and goddesses.  The being that is born between two high tier god becomes a mid or low tier god depending on their level of abilities.  You didn’t know?”

Huh-guk.  I didn’t know.  Gods can marry and have children.

“T..Then Arehis is someone’s…child?”

“Ah~ That isn’t it.  There are many scenarios where one could become a god.  In case of mid-tier gods, one could be born between two high tier gods or the main god deciding you will be born as a mid-tier god.

Arehis-nim was initially created as a mid-tier god by the main god.  He is a male god so if he marries a goddess then they will be able to birth a low tier god.”

“HaHa..Is..is that right?  Then how did the high tier gods come to be?  Can it be…the main god married?”
I asked while smiling dazedly, but Uraus’ face immediately hardened.

The main god marrying..He said that could never happen?

The high-tier god was created by the main god from a pure soul.  It was a position that was only given to someone who had held the occupation of spirit king.

If the existence had never held the position of spirit king then the person could never be elevated to a high-tier god.

After listening to the explanation, I nodded my head as if I understood and muttered.

“As expected.. It wasn’t a coincidence that El-wee-en became a high-tier god.  Of course.”

“Of course.  Anyways…
Is there any problems with your body? You shouldn’t have gotten any wounds from the attack. Even if this isn’t your real form, you would have suffered a great deal of pain equivalent to the god’s power that was in direct contact with you. Right now because of that, Ifrit is very worried about you.”

Ho-oh?  Ifrit is worried about me?

It was an unaccustomed feeling.  She always couldn’t wait to eat me up(TLN: another expression) and now I had elevated in rank where she was worried about me.

I guess you can say it’s a live and learn situation?

I smiled and shrugged my shoulder like there weren’t any problem.

Uraus’ face turned red again, but I decided he is originally like that.  The problem was…

“If they are having a face-to-face with El-wee-en then…Ifrit and Arehis..would they be fine?”

“Ah..they’ll be fine.  I was with them until I sneaked out because I was worried about Elqueeness-nim’s condition.
If you are worried then should we go look together?”

I quickly answered Uraus’ suggestion with ‘I will’ and I stood up all the way off of the bed.

Truthfully I wasn’t really worried about the safety of Ifrit and Arehis.  My anger and aggrieved feeling towards El-wee-en was larger therefore I wanted to hurry up and meet him.  Then I wanted to have it out with him.

Is being a god all there is to it?  Since I already found out that I couldn’t be killed from an attack, I have nothing to fear now!!

That bastard’s judgement and his sneak attack…there isn’t a single thing I like about him.

What did Ifrit like in that bastard that made her beg earnestly!!!

Maybe she liked him because of El-wee-en’s looks?

If it is that then I could understand it.  I don’t know about anything else but El-wee-en’s face was handsome enough to earn a person’s interest.

However his personality..  Unless you are a pervert that likes being tortured, it wouldn’t be long before one would want to separate from him.

With that reasoning, I felt a sense of duty starting to burn.  I had to drag Ifrit back to the spirit world no matter what.

It should be appropriate for me to cheer on a friend’s love, but with a partner like that, my normal sensibility told me that it would be better to stop it.

Therefore I walked with strong steps while being guided by Uraus.  I headed toward the reception room where my companions and El-wee-en was having a meeting.

The location where we had the initial encounter was the office.  Did the pile of files fall over and become trash when Ifrit threw a fit?

The guardian angels that was called belatedly almost fainted in order after looking at the sight.  Soon they would have to organize the room and it would be very tedious.

Even El-wee-ness had a hopeless expression after witnessing the spectacle.

After hearing those words I was delighted..  I’m pretty sure El-wee-en has become the object of my hatred.

I didn’t do it but it happened through another person’s coincidental action.  It was very tasty that he was in fine fix.

This feeling continued until I arrived at the reception room and I was able to hear the conversation between El-wee-en and Arehis.

First time I saw the reception room, the two gods were sitting in sofas opposite of each other and they were glaring at each other.

No, to be exact, El-wee-en was glaring.  Arehis face was leisurely admiring him.

I guess they were like this for a while and the oppressive air that was circulating made it hard for me to breathe.  I unwittingly entered the reception room. In a moment, I flinched and I had to stop my steps.

Finally, the frowning El-wee-en spoke and the voice that came out from his mouth was as cold as ice.

“As a matter of fact Arehis.  I have a lot to say to you.  I was eagerly waiting for the time to meet you but as you can see, I had a lot of work piled up.
No matter what I couldn’t make time.”

“…Is that right?  I have heard that the work of a high-tier god is very arduous..  I didn’t realize that perhaps you weren’t going to be allowed to have a momentary time off.
By the way why were you looking for me?”

Arehis asked quizzically like he was pretending he didn’t know, but looking at his awkward frozen expression, he probably knew what Elwee-en-en was talking about.

This caused El-wee-en’s gaze to become more murderous. I entered the reception room to immediately fight, but after getting a feel of the situation, I decided to remain a spectator.

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If I bother them now then it feels like the least thing that will happen to me is fainting?

I glanced next to Arehis’ side and I could see Ifrit, who was very stiff.

However her gaze was not on El-wee-en, but her gaze fell on El-wee-en’s helper angel that was watching the scene from behind.

Her eyes were open as if she would devour someone.  I was dazed seeing her like this, and immediately Uraus butted in to say ‘Wasn’t I right?  It’s jealousy~’

At that moment, I couldn’t deny his words so all I could do was nod my head.

Ifrit, while ignoring the murderous energy emanating from the side, was only glaring at the angel, and I couldn’t come up with a better argument to why she was doing this.

Hey, Ifrit?  Can you not see the weird state the two god is in?  I don’t know what’s going on, but you should at least fake it and try to stop it~!

Right now you shouldn’t be watching an insignificant person and be jealous about it!!

During all this, the confrontation between El-wee-en and Arehis continued.

El-wee-en’s face was staring as if he could kill someone with his gaze.  He quivered slightly as if he truly regarded Arehis as contemptible.

” You are asking because you don’t know?  It seems like just yesterday that I had met you in the underworld..Don’t tell me you forgot about it?  You are a god so the water of forgetfulness would not work on you.”

“Mmm.. That may be…”

“If you forgot then I’ll tell you.  I don’t like dragging out the story.  It was the time when I finished my duty as Elqueeness, and it was the time for me to make a decision.
I definitely wished to walk the path of afterlife.  Isn’t that right?”

“Ah Ah.. Yes Yes..”

I was shocked when I saw Arehis nod his head with a guilty expression on his face.

That self-conceited bastard who sees himself as the center of the universe wanted to walk the path of afterlife?

Ifrit must have been surprised as well since her gaze suddenly left the angel and she looked at El-wee-en with a baffled expression.

El-wee-en ignored all that and his voice continued on.

“I don’t like annoyances..  That’s what I said.
Gods have too many responsibilities that even if they have a lot of privileges they can enjoy, I would decline being one.

Even in the past, I had already exhaustingly experienced it as a spirit king.  In my mind, I’m an existence that isn’t compatible to being a god.
Isn’t the reason for becoming a spirit king a way to evaluate oneself to see if they are fit to be a god?”

“That is correct.  El-wee-en-nim.  But I convinced you that you were an existence that is well-matched to be a god.”

“That’s right.  It’s good that you remember.  However I declined again.  Even then I really wanted to walk the road of afterlife.
I thought you had accepted that.  But..”

El-wee-en paused for a moment and turned his ferocious expression toward Arehis.

“Why did I become a god?”

“Ah..Ha Ha.. That..That is….”

“I couldn’t believe it.  I felt something was off while you were guiding me but I believed that I was walking the road of afterlife.  I trusted you therefore I didn’t even hold any suspicion.

Incidentally, when I woke up and opened my eyes…what?  High-tier god?  I had inherited El-wee-en’s name?
Moreover, as if he had been waiting for me, the letter of appointment came for me to be in charge of the rotten land that was full of rotten existences.
From then on, I’ve been really dying to meet you again. I don’t mind if you are deeply moved.  It’s the first time I have longed to meet someone.”

El-wee-en spoke in a low tone as if he was grinding his teeth.  He explained it like nothing was wrong, but the shock wave that was felt afterwards was not light.

Let’s ignore Ifrit who stood there with her eyes and mouth wide open, even I couldn’t bring myself to speak from dismay.

Uraus also looked like he had aged a couple of decades, and his body swayed.

No way..Arehis..Arehis you!!!
‘ You tricked El-wee-en??!!!!!’

Oh my word.  Is this what you call an unpardonable atrocity?  It was on a different level of assigning an unwilling person to become the team leader.

While his companions were unable to find words, Arehis wore an obstinate expression as he scratched his head.

“That is.. It is an excuse.. I really had no choice.  I’ll speak on the subject now..The main god had already made a future request. ”
” …….? ”

“Ha ah.  Overall there is a shortage of high tier gods.
Recently all the spirit kings who had completed their course, all wanted to weirdly take the road to afterlife…

The number of new dimensions kept increasing, but the number of high tier gods in charge of them was lacking..
Therefore after worrying about it, the main god decided the next soul who was on the clock to choose would forcefully become a god no matter what…”

Once a god’s soul chooses the road of afterlife, they will wander the afterlife like a normal soul until they erase their profession.

Afterwards, if you destroy the profession then you aren’t granted the life of a divine race.  Once again you are able to choose if you want to become a god or walk the road of afterlife again.

To summarize, one could experience the afterlife fully and it wouldn’t prevent the soul from becoming a god later.

This time the main god formed a lot of new dimensions and there was a shortage of high-tier gods.

A decree was given that the next soul would become a god no matter what, and the soul of a god who was about to make a decision would be forced to take the road of the gods.

Unluckily, El-wee-en was the first victim of this method.

After hearing the explanation up to this point, El-wee-en had an expression as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. For awhile, he was thinking as if he was trying to understand something.  He barely spoke through a mouth that almost refused to open.

“……Then why was I put in charge of ‘Baiton’?”

“That is… Originally, El-wee-en-nim is supposed to be in charge of one of the newly created dimension…
Your grade and ability was too outstanding..  The main god said..  Baiton was the most suitable dimension..”
“………..Damn it. ”

According to Uraus, there was one existence that even the mighty El-wee-ness couldn’t go against-
It was the main god who had created him.

It isn’t possible to go against the main god.  It was like an instinct to follow his commands with absolute obedience since he had given them permission to live.

‘Mmm. El-wee-en…Now that I found out, even you are a really pitiable bastard.’

However don’t think that I would forgive the action you used against me.

It became very gloomy, but the urgent situation seems to have been somewhat resolved.  I walked forward with authority next to El-wee-en.  I coughed and tried to make my existence felt.

Arehis and Ifrit looked at me while being surprised.  They were focused on other places that they hadn’t noticed my existence.

“Elqueeness-nim!  Have you woken up?  How is your body?”

“Elqueness!! What the hell are you doing!! What kind of guy comes to this place and faints!
Do you realize how worried I was?”

Arehis speech was always in concern of others. Ifrit’s voice was a contrast from her words as if she didn’t really care.   Her bullying words continued.

However the person that interested me was El-wee-en who still had his head lowered with a dull expression.

He looked like he wouldn’t have cared if I had died from his attack.

Maybe it was because of my aggrieved feelings, I started picking a fight before Arehis could tell me ‘It’s ok.”

“I became like this because of you so don’t you have something to say to me?”
“……? ”

” Didn’t you hit a perfectly unscathed spirit?  In that situation, you have to apologize or at least give an acceptable excuse.
I had a flashback of a memory that I wanted to forget so at least make an excuse, or else… ”

“Or else?”

I momentarily hesitated after seeing El-wee-en’s lip curl up as if he was having fun.

You acted like you wouldn’t pay attention to my words, so why are you suddenly interested?

I could feel my face turning red so I briefly berated him.

” I’m going to get some.  Since I’m not going to die even if I’m attacked, I have nothing to fear.”

“Hmm?  Won’t die?  Who said that?”

” Of course Uraus said it… Spirits are bodiless when they are away from the spirit world.  Even if it looks like you are dying, in truth the spirit is being forcibly summoned back to the spirit world.”

El-wee-en’s eyes turned round as if he was slightly amazed before he started laughing.

Ifrit looked like she was seeing the end of the world and while being startled, she yelled ‘That bastard knows how to laugh?’
I started feeling bad because he looked like he was ridiculing me.

“What, why are you laughing?  You made a spirit faint and now you are laughing too?  Do I look like a pushover?
Ah~ That’s right.  I’m a dumbass spirit king that hasn’t awakened yet.  So what?  Did you help me in any way?”

Strangely every one of his actions made me irritated.

Whether it was the thoughtless judgement or making me faint with a blow, a feeling of resentment started from him just looking at me.

So I showed an overreaction when according to outside observers nothing much had happened.

Looking at my figure, Ifrit muttered, ‘That guy can get angry like that?  Today I’ve experienced some amazing things…’
Of course I ignored her.

I daringly met El-wee-en’s gaze, and I started needling him.

” Answer me.  Why did you hit me and make me faint.  No, before that explain the judgement you gave to those humans.
Even if you didn’t kill all three, aren’t there better ways to solve that problem?  Your judgement is an abuse of power.”

“Ha-ah.  This is..  I didn’t think such an emotional Elqueeness would be born..I guess nothing is impossible.  Is that it?
A spirit king listened to another being about spirits and he accepted it as fact.  It’s not even funny..”

“Chet. That’s none of your business?  Who cares if I’m emotional or emotion-less?
Anyways, hurry up and answer me!”

Because I was feeling aggrieved, I argued brusquely.  El-wee-en shrugged his shoulder as if to say it couldn’t be helped.

He suddenly got up from his seat and he came close in front of me like before.

Huk.. Maybe he is trying to hit me again?

I became nervous without realizing it and I took a step back.  El-wee-en didn’t hesitate before putting forth his one hand.  Then..

Ta-ahk- (TLN: sound of something hard being hit)

“Ouch! What are you doing!!”

“Speak respectfully.  I’m older than you by several hundred thousand years, my ability is way stronger than yours and I’m your senior in basically the same line of job.
This is the only time I’ll forgive you.”

What a bastard.  Is that what you say after hitting someone on the head? (TLN: 꿀밤 It’s like you see in anime, someone hitting on top of a person’s head in 90 degree angle with their knuckles-it’s a specific way of hitting someone on the head like the noogie)

Also when did you forgive my actions?  If hitting me and making me faint is being forgiving then what is unforgiving like?

The amazing thing happened when I was holding my forehead that was throbbing with pain. The angel who was looking at me frown spoke.

She clapped as if she was admiring me.

” El-wee-en-nim must really have taken a liking to you.  This is the first time he has given such a light punishment.”

” Ah Ah.  You are  right.  Is it because he is a water spirit?  My mood isn’t too bad.”

‘My mood is really bad!!! ‘

I ground my teeth with burning hatred, while looking at the god and angel that was treating the spirit king like an idiot.

Therefore, I can’t hold back any more!! I tried to run towards him to get one hit in..  However at that moment, El-wee-en turned his head towards me and spoke as if he had thought up something.  My plan was momentarily put on hold.

“Why do you think those humans came to my shrine and put forth this request?”


“Those humans are not natives of ‘Baiton’.
Why did they ignore the high tier god in charge of their dimension, and come find me.  What was the meaning behind this act?”

“What are you saying?”

” You may not know this, but each high tier god is in charge of a domain in addition to a dimension.
Take me for example.  I’m the high tier god in charge of the dimension ‘Baiton’ but I am also the god of ‘punishment’.  I am bound by duty to be in charge of anything related to ‘punishment’ in every dimension.
Therefore there is a shrine worshipping me in every other dimension that isn’t Baiton.”

What about it?  Are you boasting that you have a lot of followers?

I couldn’t understand the point of El-wee-en’s explanation. Once he realized that I didn’t understand what he was saying, and was furrowing my brows, he sighed.

“Think about it.  If my shrine exists then the other gods from different dimension should have their own shrines too. For example, they would have been wise to take this incident to the god of judgement or the god of wisdom.
Moreover the goddess in charge of that dimension is the high tier god of ‘peace and compromise’.  Then why would they come to me?”

“…Now..now that you mention it…”

After hearing it out, it seems that way?  If they wanted an accurate judgement than wouldn’t it be better to go to the god of judgement’s shrine?  Why would they look for the foul tempered El-wee-en’s shrine?

The answer came out easily.  The angel that was listening to the explanation next to me gave an answer like she had been waiting for this moment.

Punishment.. They did it because El-wee-en-nim’s title means ‘punishment’.”
“Eng?” (TLN: equivalent to huh?)

“Yes. That is it.”

El-wee-en was already absorbed in explaining, but without a word, he nodded his head.
Then his expression crumpled as if he had seen some incredibly dirty bug and he continued speaking after roughly brushing his hair up.

‘They came to me because I’m the god of ‘punishment’.  None of those bastards intended to give up the child.
Of course they each thought that the child was theirs.  They expected me to give ‘punishment’ to the other after telling me their situation.
So they are both the same.  Therefore why should I be merciful for only one side?”

Huk… There was such a meaning?  They purposefully found the god of ‘punishment’, El-wee-en?

Somehow..  It feels like being betrayed by someone you trusted.
I could feel my complexion turning, but I didn’t want to let go of hope.  I tried my best to fumble through a rebuttal.

“Mmm…S…Still the child has to die… He seems to be..pitiable.. The child has no fault in this? ..”

“I knew you would say that.  Jeez.  Even if we hadn’t met only recently, I could easily see through you.
I bet you have become a fun toy for Ifrit.  Let’s set that aside for now.  How old do you think this ‘child’ is?”
” …….? ”

My eyes opened wide at El-wee-en’s sudden question.

How old is the child?  Since he is called a ‘child’, he should be at least.. 7 year old? 10 year old?  At the most, he should be about 13 year old?

However my guesses cleanly missed.

“This year he’ll turn 21 year old.  Moreover, he is male.  He is at an age where he could handle the family’s responsibilities, and he should be able to start a life on his own.”


“The mother who raised him was wealthy.  The mother that bore him is poor.  The son had to make a choice.

Selfishly, he liked the wealthy mother.  However, he couldn’t avoid the poor mother, because of the how others would view it.
He was also present when the two mothers put in the request at the shrine.  Even when he knew that this was the shrine of ‘punishment’.

He wanted both of his mothers to receive the ‘punishment’. If the wealthy mother died then he would inherit the wealth. If his birth mother died then he would be free from an annoying problem.
So what do think?”

“…………. ”

I forgot what I was about to say.
El-wee-en watched me staring back at him dumbly without saying anything.  El-wee-en spoke in a mischievous manner and he added a painfully educational advice.

“I heard you had retained your memory as a human. However, remember this.  Humans are a bundle of ugly selfishness.
Isn’t there a saying that not all of the world is beautiful?  It’s because human are such an existence.  Therefore, I despise humans more than the demon race.  Why do I say that?  The demon race are originally rotten bastards so they can do whatever they want. Humans pretend to be nice, but they open the pumpkin seed in the back.” (TLN: a saying that was taken from an old story-basically doing something wrong behind someone’s back)

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His words are correct.  I put forth my unfunny sense of justice to protest El-wee-en’s judgment.

After realizing this, I was very embarrassed that I willfully made a decision that El-wee-en was a bad person.

Ooh ooh..I guess I’m crazy.  What right did I have to do that?

Somehow after being treated the past few days as the spirit king, without knowing it I’m sure I became conceited.

…I knew better than others that humans were not that beautiful of a creature.

With what kind of face do I have to look at El-wee-en~~!!  I deserve to be hit!!!

I thought maybe El-wee-en may be more benevolent of a person then I thought.  His speech was rough and he does whatever he wants, but he explained such matters in deference for me.

It was my mistake for trying to make a judgment on an opponent when I was prejudiced.

Therefore I decided to give a heartfelt apology, and ask for forgiveness.

That was before I heard the words that was continued from earlier.

“Ah, you also wanted to know the reason I hit you? I was a bit cranky.  Let’s leave it at that.  I don’t know how to warn a second time.

At that time..initially, you didn’t listen to my warning so you shouldn’t have any complaints?
I’ll just tell you this now, it doesn’t mean you can’t die even if you don’t have a substantial body.
If attacked by divine power, you would be instantly killed even if it isn’t in the spirit world.  Now that I think about it, did I use divine power to attack you?  If I get angry then I get a tunnel vision.  Still… you. are. alive.”

‘I knew it. This bastard has a bad personality!!!’

El-wee-en’s eyes shined as if to say ‘It doesn’t matter if the problem happened between a stupid party?’  I screamed in the inside.

Even if I die… Even if I die, I won’t say I’m sorry!!

“Eeeeeeek!!  What is that attitude, that attitude!!  You almost killed a perso,n but you are acting very sly!!!”

Eventually I exploded again.

I got in between a judgment that I had no idea about, but put that aside as a mistake!  I cannot get over you trying to kill me on a whim!  NEVER!!

Do you think being a god is everything!

However in that moment, a wacky thought rose in my head, but it wasn’t a way to more effectively rebel against El-wee-en.  It was a response that Trowell, who was far away in the spirit world, would have made.

‘That guy.  If he heard what I said then he would say ‘Uh-ra?(TLN: huh?) You are not a person.  Aren’t you a spirit?’ He would have most definitely find fault with that phrase.’

Wasn’t it very audacious? Before I knew it, the tension I felt dissolved.

If not, how can I go against the dangerous El-wee-en and yet be able to think about something else!

It must be a side effect of thinking that he wasn’t such a bad person.
It was a gesture that was akin to a really treacherous adventure.

The momentary poor response resulted in me getting lightly punished from El-wee-en…

Ta-ahk- (TLN: sound effect/being hit)

“Ah-yaht!!” (TLN: Ouch!!)

“I told you to speak in respectful form.  You don’t listen even after hearing something once.  Or are you the type of person who doesn’t listen to words?  Didn’t I tell you that was the last time I’ll go easy?  Should I let your body feel the reason why I chose to become the god of punishment?”

Huh-guh-guh-guk. (TLN: gasp, or a ragged inhale of breath)

His face was blank while staring at me with a cold glare.  El-wee-en’s gaze was something you don’t want to look head on.

Without knowing it, I started turning my head desperately.  I guess he like that response since I could see El-wee-en’s lips curl up.

However, the words he spoke while smiling slyly made me and the surrounding people to stiffen again.

“Hmmm.  I really fancy you? Hey, Arehis.  Can you give me this guy?”

“Huh-guh-guh-guk?  What are you saying???”

“Mmm.  That wouldn’t put me in a bind, El-wee-en-nim.  Elqueeness-nim isn’t some kind of object…
Also the rank of his spirit is in a higher rank than me.  Even if you sought my permission…”

Arehis extended the syllable of the last word as if it was regrettable.  This caused my head which was already filled with panic to start spinning.

Are these gods trying to play with this innocent spirit king?  Are they ignoring me since I was born not too long ago?

My insides were about to burst, but in this situation, I couldn’t add any more words.

At the moment went my aggrieved feeling was about to overflow, El-wee-en’s helper angel butted into the conversation with exceptional timing.

“El-wee-en-nim.  It isn’t right to declare it like that.  Elqueeness-nim may misunderstand.”

“What do you mean by misunderstanding?”

“Take for example… He might think of your words as a form of wooing..”

I didn’t think of it like that!!  What do see me as!

Isn’t that angel very improper?   Instead of thinking about helping, she is driving this situation to the worst possible outcome.

El-wee-en had a momentary expression of worry while asking ‘Really?’  Arehis replied back ‘Did he really mean that?’  Ifrit yelled, ‘A mere angel shouldn’t butt in!  Don’t give any advice to El-wee-en!’, so the situation became more disturbed.  No matter how you see it, El-wee-en has the look of a male so why on earth would I spout a love confession!

If it was a person who can judge a situation normally then one would know without thinking that El-wee-en’s words didn’t have that meaning.

Then what happened?  Isn’t it obvious?  He is treating me like a toy he can play with!!

Therefore Uraus!  Don’t shake your head as if you are saying ‘I understand that feeling’!
With an angry heart, I forgot about the punishment from earlier and I glared at El-wee-en.

“Why are you making my position to become increasingly difficult? Do I look like I like to be bullied?  Why are you only doing this to me!!! ”  (TLN: after each sentence, he adds the respectful form after a pause(..) There is no way to convey this in english. )

Hoot.(TLN: sound of a brief laugh)  How was that?  Isn’t that a magnificent respectful form of speech?

It was a close call but I controlled the last word to avoid the casual form of speech.  He didn’t seem to mind it, so El-wee-en stopped nitpicking on how I spoke.

Instead he looked at me with a troubled expression.

“Hmm.. Against this type of personality, is it more suitable to make a direct expression?”

“I believe that is the right thing to do.  El-wee-en-nim.  It is almost time to return so it would be best to hurry this.”

“Ku-ah-ahk!!(TLN: him yelling) What are you talking about…. Uh?  Time to return?”

I looked at Arehis with an incredulous expression when I heard the angel’s words.

My gaze asked “We really have to return?” and he responded back with a nod.

“If we delay any longer, then Arkadon will feel the burden.  We should start heading back..”

“H…however, it hasn’t been long since we came here?  We haven’t even properly addressed the business… ”

I came here to resolve Ifrit and El-wee-en’s unresolved feelings!

I didn’t come here to get mocked to death!

However my mouth froze when I heard the words that came from Uraus.

“Mmm.  After Elqueeness-nim fainted, a whole day had passed.”
“Moreover, Ifrit-nim’s business has been finished..  Everyone.. We were all waiting for Elqueeness-nim to wake up.”

” ………. ”

Can there be a more futile situation then this in this world?
I thought this was more sad and unfair then the time I stayed up all night to watch a tv program, and I missed the program when I fell asleep 10 minutes before the broadcast.

Really..  All the situation was resolved during the brief time I had fainted?

I quickly turned my gaze towards Ifrit for salvation, but she just gave a tacit affirmation.

This girl’s face turned slightly red while fake coughing.  She could be seen awkwardly nodding her head.

I had no idea if she had confessed or had a big fight at the end.  Ifrit’s face looked very carefree.  Literally, she looked like a liberated person.

After witnessing this, it goes without saying my heart crumbled.

“This is all your fault!!!”

“Oh, that’s right.  I’ve decided.  You will become my son.”


turned my head so fast that wind noise was produced, and I was impertinent enough to point my finger at El-wee-en while I yelled with resentment.

However, this god with a bad personality said some off the wall words during this situation. Once again he flipped over my dress. (TLN: turned upside down)

What did he say?  What did he want?  Son?  Did you just call me your son????

What kind of parental relationship is decided when someone asks ‘Become my son’ and the answer is ‘yes’!

He didn’t even ask the suggestion “Do you want to?”.  Abruptly he said ‘Be my son’!

“Why are you suddenly asking for a son?”

“I like you.  So be my son. I wanted a child right about now.”

“Hu-guh-guk.  Do you try to make someone your son if you like them?  If you want a child then you should marry.  Don’t put me in the middle of this.”

El-wee-en and Ifrit who was listening in from far away furrowed their brows slightly.

Mmm.  I wonder if I am going to die today between these two bad-tempered bastards.
How come after I became a spirit king, the situation around me keeps deteriorating.. Am I mistaken?

However El-wee-en’s request-it could be seen more as coercion- was so ridiculous.

It was hard to even believe that he liked me.  But to suddenly become his son?

Isn’t it ridiculous for a person with a face of a mid 20 year old in his prime wanting a son as big as me?

Moreover, I was in a situation where I was very pessimistic about the father-son relationship.

It’s natural.

I was frequently beaten by my father and he frequently poured curse words on me.  Basically, we were mortal enemies.

As long as I retain my previous life’s memories, I probably cannot recognize another being as a father forever.

Especially today, it was very bad timing, because I had a dream about my previous life.

Of course, El-wee-en couldn’t know how I was feeling so he stood there with an unsatisfied face while shrugging his shoulders.

“Marriage… I don’t want to.  I just want a son therefore I do not require a wife.”

“…in a normal family, a man and a woman have a pivotal role.  Also, there are others.  Why me? ”

Without realizing it, I forgot that I had to speak in a respectful manner to El-wee-en and I reverted back to speaking casually.

I don’t know what changed his mind or if he didn’t realize it, but El-wee-en didn’t punish me like before.  He just smiled as if this was very fun.

” Didn’t I say I like you?  What other reason do I need?  Also, a normal household only exist in the realm of humans.  I don’t need to imitate them.”

” ..however, you called me son so suddenly..  I cannot accept it.”

After I spoke cantankerously, El-wee-en continued speaking in a light tone.  Unexpectedly, the bastard was being persistent.

If he followed his temper then he would have already blown me away and shout ‘just do it!’ to me.

“It’s not all of a sudden.  I decided it the first time I saw you.”

“With..with whose permission?”

“Mine.  Of course, It shouldn’t be a bad deal for you?  It isn’t easy to make an unbeatable ally.”

This..have you seen such a presumptuous person!
If the first thing you thought was ‘I’ll make him my son’ then why did you beat me and make me faint just because you were in a bad mood?!!

If this guy became my father then the result would be obvious.  How is he different from my past father?

Therefore, I shook my head side to side, while sighing with a wooden face.

” I’ll decline.  I don’t really need an ally…  I also cannot agree that a father figure can become an unbeatable ally.”

” Really?  Then you wouldn’t mind me punishing you for speaking casually to me.”
” …………. ”

Sah-ahk. (TLN: sound of something draining away.)

It felt like all the blood drained from my face.

After I raised my bloodless face, an icy El-wee-en’s gaze that was seen when he warned me about respectful form of speech was looking down on me.

I didn’t know when he made it, but he had already formed a round ball of light.  It was a situation where he was gently grasping it.

Unless you were stupid, you would realize that it was the same method he used to make me faint.  There is no way I wouldn’t notice the ‘divine power’!

I frankly stared back with my gaze filled with tacit resistance.  The gaze was meant to say ‘You are cheap!!’.  El-wee-en made a sly expression and smiled.

“The first benefit of becoming my son.  I’ll forgive you when you talk in a casual manner.  How about it?  Isn’t this the condition you need the most right now?”
“…….. ”

You cheap bastard…  I really had no way to deal with this bastard’s petty tricks and his exceeding wickedness.

What can I do when he say he’ll kill me if I don’t become his son!

Finally I was stuck between a gloomy future and an unlucky current situation.  While organizing my confused mind, I was forced to answer.

The angel was happy and Arehis was excited.
My eyes didn’t even register an impressed Uraus and Ifrit, who was laughing.  Like the word says, I felt like giving myself up to despair.

“Ok.  I’ll do it!!  I said I’ll do it!!!  Please look after me in the future, fa.th.er.!!!  Shit!!!!!”

I yelled my answer like I was struggling, but El-wee-en’s eyes looked satisfied.  While laughing, he raised one had and tussled my hair.

This action was a bit..  It felt like it radiated warmth..  I’m probably delusional?

I’m sure I was mistaken when El-wee-en answered back with a soft voice.

He was a father that was made in haste..  I didn’t want to lean on him.

” You made a wise choice. My son. ”

After that situation, I couldn’t tell what was happening.

Even though I was half black mailed, I had been chosen to become El-wee-en’s son.  Afterward, Arehis said we had delayed too long and he hurriedly dragged me out of the god world.

Even during this, I heard ‘My son’ flow out from El-wee-en’s mouth.  I couldn’t help my throat from tightening and I had to try really hard to normalize my breathing.

Right after I heard Uraus say ‘Just leave it to me’, we were already back in the spirit world.

The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by  flower fields with jewels hanging off of it, and the numerous flock of spirits were fluttering around.  We were at the spirit world’s golden garden- ‘Everse Eden’.

After I registered the very familiar scene, I really wanted the business in the god world to be a day-dream.

How should I say this.  It was very sweet and heartbreaking… It felt like waking up from a complicated dream?

My chest felt empty like there was a hole in my chest… It felt like I returned with some unresolved feelings and it made my mood a bit uncomfortable.

Maybe this is.. It may be a phenomenon where I couldn’t adjust to the time difference between dimensions?

If Uraus and Ifrit wasn’t standing next to me then I really would have really treated the business in the god world as an afternoon’s daydream.

” Uh-rah?  Where is Arehis?”

Including me, I’m sure 4 people left the god world, but only 3 people had arrived.

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After seeing my confused expression, Uraus replied back while smiling.

“You don’t remember?  He went straight to the underworld.  Didn’t you say goodbye while leaving?”

“Did…Did I do that?”

“You did.  You were so half-witted that you weren’t able to hear what was said?  No, let me say something.  I have decided one thing!”
“……….? ”

What are you talking about?  Why are you being grandiose and making a resolution…

I was anticipating what Ifrit would say since she was in that pose.  I wonder how great the resolution she made was.

This situation where Ifrit formed a resolution had to be related to El-wee-en.

Since I had fainted, I had no idea what had happened between those two.  Therefore, I was curious to see which path Ifrit would walk.

However…as I said before, the world wasn’t that easy.

Her face was rampantly glowing with confidence. Ifrit pointed at me and yelled this.

“I am going to~  I’m going to become your mom!!! ”
” ……. “


………as expected, god is not on my side!!!

I still haven’t unwound from the shock I had received when El-wee-en gave his ‘Father declaration’.
While I was in the middle of all this, now what?  My mom~?

Did you all plan to pair up and make fun of me?  Huh?  If you didn’t, this situation could never happen this way.  It cannot be this way!!!!!

I fell into a state of panic, and I started floundering.  While watching me, Ifrit pouted sulkily.

“Anyways, my goal is that. Now you will be commonly acknowledged as El-wee-en’s son.
If I marry El-wee-en then I’ll have to take you in as a son.  I’ve already resolved to do so. So you don’t have to be so shocked?”

“…..Hoo ooh(TLN:sfx letting out a deep breath).. Ok.. This is all my fault.  No matter what happened, I should have refused his request..
Dying isn’t a big deal so why did I get scared and immediately became his son..

Even I think it is pathetic, so stop joking around. After.. what happened after I had fainted?  You.. Did you properly confess to El-wee-en? ”

After hearing my lamentation mixed in with complaint, Ifrit’s mouth moved as if she was about to refute it.  However after hearing my question, her mouth closed.

Oh ho ho…Maybe.. Are you trying to plead the Fifth?

Why are you being this way~ We pretty much know everything about each other, so you think I’ll give up after you bounce me?

After watching Ifrit turn her head away with a ‘hmmph’, my mouth retained a fishy smile.

“Why?  Did El-wee-en say he didn’t like you?”

“What…What are you saying?”

“I’m curious since you didn’t answer.
Considering you were constantly glaring at the helper angel in jealousy.. and your goal to become my mother..
What else can it be except your business didn’t go well as planned?  Tell me the truth.  You probably started fighting with him even before you were able to confess?

“Ooh~~ Whose fault was that?  You stupidly fainted after being hit by El-wee-en!!”

She yelled sharply as if she felt aggrieved.  I was taken aback by Ifrit’s response.

Huh-guk.  Maybe she really did fight?  And it was because of me???

I looked at Uraus with a worried expression.  He nodded his head with an awkward expression.

“As I have told you.  After Elqueeness-nim fainted, Ifrit-nim and Arehis-nim carried out an attack on El-wee-en-nim..”

“..Huk..That’s right.  It was like that…”

Yes.  Now that I think about it, it was like that.

At the time, the pissed off Ifrit summoned her sword of fire and started rampaging.  This caused El-wee-en’s office to be turned into a mess.

In truth instead of me,  I thought her strong rampage was towards the helper angel, which signified jealousy. Still the root of the cause was me.

Only if I didn’t faint…  If only I didn’t selfishly run in and protest against El-wee-en, Ifrit and El-wee-en would had achieved a smoother reunion?

Uraus continued talking.  He watched my intimidated expression that I held while peeking at Ifrit’s countenance.

” This caused El-wee-en-nim to explode… He continuously argued with Ifrit-nim.  Finally El-wee-en-nim asked ‘Why did you come’ and the situation resolved when Ifrit-nim suddenly said ‘I wanted to see you’..”

“Uraus!!!! That is!!!!”


What is that?  That means she eventually gave her confession?

Is this the so-called happy feature of a misfortune?

If she wasn’t able to confess and just fought, then it would have been a situation where I would have been lower than a person condemned to die by the world. (TLN: another expression that doesn’t translate well, basically he is saying he would have felt low/miserable)

Instead of helping a friend’s love, I almost interfered with it.

I smiled after looking at Ifrit’s face that was reddened as if she was shy.

” Everything turned out fine?  Ifrit, with your personality, I don’t think you could have confessed properly in a serious atmosphere because you would have gotten goosebumps.(TLN:in Korea, if a couple is nauseatingly affectionate towards each other, you get goosebumps)  Usually the confession that unexpectedly flows out during an argument gives the most impact on the other person.  I bet El-wee-en was very surprised?”

“Maybe?  I wonder if he was surprised?  You know that guy.  Well, he naturally said ‘Find me after you completed your term as spirit king’!!!  He’s basically saying he won’t even deal with me unless I’m a goddess. After he became a god, I think his personality became more sly?  Ah ah, I felt really bad.”

Hmm?  At least he gave that kind of answer, so he at least he was mindful of you? He means he’ll think about seeing you as a lover ‘after you become a goddess’.
Didn’t he?

While complaining, Ifrit lit up with quite a happy expression so I don’t think my thoughts were too far off the mark.

I found out later but El-wee-en unexpectedly(?) was popular in the god world.  Goddesses were lining up to date him.

He didn’t even blink an eye when he was attacked with affection multiple times per day.  He shot down every one of them by saying ‘Beat it'(TLN: rude way of telling someone off, f___ off) but to Ifrit, he said ‘Come back when you grow up’..  It was an answered that gave hope.

After hearing the explanation from Arehis, I can somewhat imagine how happy Ifrit was?

When El-wee-en was the water spirit king, he must have quietly favored Ifrit in his heart.

“Hu-ooh.  Then he could just marry you later and have a child…  I don’t get why he wants to adopt me as a son. Jeez…”

I wanted to simply say he was playing with me, but El-wee-en’s last expression tugged at my heart.  When I decided to become his son, El-wee-en made a happy expression as if he had obtained everything in the world.

That was the reason why I felt a little uncertain in my heart about not saying a proper goodbye before coming back.

I sighed continuously while having a complicated expression.  Ifrit, who was watching me, shrugged her shoulder.

“Maybe.  It’s just my thought.  To El-wee-en, your existence has a special meaning.”

“…….Ha-ah? ”

“Hmm.  Since both of you are water spirit kings, there may be a connection.  Even if he became a god, not all of his inner nature would change. The nature’s 4 great attributes make up the entire personality.  So he may feel more emotions towards you.”
” Hmmm… ”

Is there a fondness because we are the same water spirit king?
I don’t think El-wee-en’s personality is good enough that he would show goodwill towards someone with that kind of reasoning.

Well, even though we achieved a father-son relationship on impulse, since I’ll never meet him again it doesn’t really matter.

From the beginning, Arehis warned me this is the first and last time that I’ll be dimension shifting to the god world.

Unless El-wee-en comes to find me, there is a 0% chance we’ll run into each other by coincidence.

I doubt he’ll overcome the annoyance of dimension shifting to come see me. Also, even if he wanted to, high tier gods have too much work so he wouldn’t be able to move away from his seat.

In summary, the ill-fated meeting between El-wee-en is basically over.

However.. When I think of it like that, I don’t know why I feel sad..
I couldn’t let go of the tail end of a feeling, where I felt an unknown lingering comfortableness.

Maybe I..  Do I want to meet El-wee-en again?  Ooh-ahk. That’s nonsense!!

It was at that moment.

Uraus asked me with a resolute face when I was shaking my head trying to sort out my complex feelings.

” So I have one thing I am curious about.”
“……..? What, What is it? ”

” How come Elqueeness-nim became the ‘son’ of El-wee-en-nim?  To be precise, aren’t spirits genderless?  Therefore he didn’t have to call you son, but he could have called you his daughter.”

“Ah…  However.. Daughter is… Somewhat..Strange..”

“Why?  Elqueeness-nim is very gender neutral, but isn’t your female image stronger?
I would think everyone would be puzzled if he called you a son..”

I’m..  My female image is stronger?  That’s basically saying I look like a woman?

Kuh-huk.  That’s nonsense! Ifrit said no matter how she looked at me I look like a man!!!

After swallowing a soundless scream, I desperately looked towards Ifrit. She looked at me with an embarrassed expression, and she mumbled in a small voice.

” You don’t look all the way like a woman..  You are like a very pretty boy..  Depending on who sees you, you could be seen as a woman… Mmmm…”


“Eh-it!(TLN: Damn it!)  He’s(TLN:Uraus) the funny one trying to determine the gender of a spirit!  What’s so important about looking like a male or female?  Anyway, to me you look like a male so just live with that!
Maybe you will play both fields and date both genders.  If anything, it might be better that way!!!” (TLN: Pretty sure Ifrit is saying this)

“That’s pretty much bull shit?!!!”

Date both genders…  Is she telling me to become a pervert?

After I replied back with a futile expression, Ifrit talked about dragons who were ‘bisexual’.  She talked for about 1 hour trying to show me a new way of looking at the matter.

She said something like, it wasn’t good for someone from a long-lived race to be caught up on one gender.

I thought it was outrageous to even think about a spirit dating someone, but after listening to the explanation for a long time, I was starting to be slowly persuaded.  Somehow I was a bit afraid in my heart after this.

I…Like Ifrit said, after countless years, I might flip and have a relationship with a guy?
-The fact that I was having this thought was proof that I was accepting this-

However, my confused thoughts helplessly fell apart when suddenly some existence appeared…

” Rejected.  He is my ‘son’.  Henceforth, I’ll kill anyone who doesn’t see him as a man.”
” ….. !!!! …. ”

I don’t know when he arrived behind me, but El-wee-en spoke after he listen attentively to all the conversation.

“El-wee-en?  Why are you here??!!!”


We were so surprised that it was hard for us to breathe.  El-wee-en watched us and smiled lightly.

“My heartless son didn’t even give me a proper farewell before leaving.  I came to give him a lesson.”

“Hu-guk…That..Arehis took me away on his own volition…”

“‘A pretext is never wanting’.  It’s a familiar idiom?  Now~ Son, let us have a serious conversation?”


After saying this, the smiling El-wee-en quietly raised one hand and with his divine power, he made a club.(TLN: or stick. A blunt object to hit with)

You evil bastard!!  You have nothing to do so you made a club out of your divine power!  Did you make it to beat up your son?

After El-wee-en took out his weapon(?), it seemed like I couldn’t avoid getting hit.  Uraus hurriedly covered up my front to block the way.

“You can’t do that, El-wee-en-nim!   Please hit me instead!!”

Oh Oh Oh!  What a real spirit of self-sacrifice.
After I looked at his face with impressed eyes, Uraus’ face turned red and he fake coughed.

…Maybe he is delusional in thinking that he is a knight trying to save a princess from a certain danger?

However the god did not allow Uraus to make a weird pose.

“Yeah?  As a matter of fact, I took this out to use it on you.  So don’t worry about it.”
” ………..Eh? ”

” You made my son confused by telling him he looks like a woman? Now~ I am a god that doesn’t neglect my duty.  Punishment.. Should I start?”

” Huh-uh-uh-uh-uhk!!!!!”

That day…..in Everse Eden,  for an unknown reason, a bizarre organism’s scream echoed for a while in the spirit world…

“Heh-eh.  So that’s what happened…”

Afterwards, El-wee-en delivered a speech saying I should never get close to the ‘risk factor’. Then he dragged Uraus back to the god world.

Probably, he dropped him along the way back in a suitable place. (To be more accurate, he threw him away.)

After El-wee-en left, Ifrit returned to the Fire territory saying she was tired.  Darkness came before he knew it, and all the spirits in the garden went to their sleeping place.  Only I was left in a lonely state.

Then coincidentally I met the two spirit kings who came out to the garden.  I was really glad I had run across Trowell and Minerva.

I looked at Trowell’s face, who was about to cry while asking where I had went.  I realized that we didn’t even speak to the other spirit kings about our trip.

I went to apologize for fighting with Ifrit, but somehow we invaded the god world.  We didn’t even have time to talk about it.

They must have been really shocked when I suddenly disappeared after I went away to make peace?

Moreover, Ifrit also disappeared afterwards.. I could guess how worried the two spirit kings must have been.

Therefore, I desperately asked for forgiveness and I told them a shortened version of what happened in the god world.

The two spirit kings listened with interest, and at the part where I became El-wee-en’s son, they couldn’t hide their shocked expression.  Eventually they were able to accept it.

During all this, I didn’t expect such a reaction from Trowell..

” That’s good.  Ji-hoon.  You’ve acquired a father?  In the past, El-wee-en was really kind towards what was his so he’ll treat you well.”

“His?..  Me..I’m El-wee-en’s? (TLN: sentence implies El-wee’en’s possession)

” Doesn’t parents have ownership over their child?
However, I’m really surprised.  Spirit kings become gods when they die.  Moreover, a high tier god..
Wait?  Doesn’t that mean the high tier god that is in charge of Arkadon was a former spirit king?”

” Of course.  No wonder he was abnormally knowledgeable about the spirit world. Hmm.
Anyways, I’m really surprised.  Ifrit really liked El-wee-en..”

I guess names aren’t too important to spirit kings.
I told them the previous Elqueeness changed his name to ‘El-wee-en’ and they didn’t have any qualms in switching names.

I guess the spirit kings name is more of a title.  Didn’t they say it wasn’t really their correct name?

I nodded my head while listening to Minerva’s murmuring.  I looked toward Trowell with a puzzled expression.

” You really didn’t suspect anything?  Even though you can read a person’s heart? ”

” I told you before.  Amongst fellow spirit kings, there is a limit on how much my ability works.  I can’t read hidden emotions. Ifrit’s pride was so strong that she didn’t allow a single emotions that could be perceived as a weakness to show.  We aren’t used to paradoxical behaviors where the action differs from the inside.  We just looked at the outer appearance so we had a hard time figuring it out.
In a sense Jihoon, you are really great.”

“Haha.. It wasn’t only..”

To be truthful, I only had a suspicion.  I wasn’t sure about it.  You can say I pushed her until she confessed?

After I responded with an awkward laugh, Minerva replied quietly.

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“No, it’s not.  Even if we were to suspect it, we would have denied saying ‘That can’t happen’.
Unlike Ji-hoon, we wouldn’t have actively sound out what the other was feeling. Therefore, there are a lot of times where we miss things. ”

” Kik Kik.(TLN: laugh liek kekeke)  You are right, Minerva.  Didn’t you make a mistake back when you made a contract with a human? ”

Minerva, who usually doesn’t have any expression, blushed slightly from Trowell’s playful words.

What kind of mistake was it?

I begged Trowell with a questioning eye.  He shrugged his shoulder and continued on talking cheerfully.

” He is dead, but once there was a human that was Minerva’s contractor. In his heart, he liked a female poet.
It was a situation where the woman also clung on to the contractor so it was a matter of time before they would have fallen in love.

However this bastard had a strong sense of pride.  Outwardly, he pretended to really not like the woman.
Stupidly, he even said to Minerva  ‘She is annoying so kill that woman’. ”


“Minerva knew that the contractor and the poet always exchanged letters.
She also knew that the contractor complained about it.
She was quite tired of it, so as an act of large kindness, she killed the woman.
After finding out about it later, the contractor said he expected Minerva to say ‘You shouldn’t say that.  Go receive her love’ when he spoke that way. (TLN: basically he wanted Minerva to contradict him since he thought she knew his feelings)
Then he would have acted as if he couldn’t defy the great being’s advice, and he would have married her. ”
“………Hahaha… ”

The bastard has some nerve?  He didn’t have the courage to accept the love of the woman, so he tried to borrow someone else’s power.

After watching my shocked expression, Trowell let out an ambiguous laugh, shrugged his shoulder, and continued on mumbling about how pathetic the person was.

” Isn’t he a riot?   After Minerva returned after really killing the woman, he poured every curse he knew on her.
The bastard never thought the way of thinking of humans and spirits broke down at such a minor point.
Afterwards, he told other humans that the ‘Wind spirit king’ was ruthless and evil.  Thus she became know as cold-hearted spirit.  It was a very unfair situation for Minerva. ”

” You left that bastard alone?”

“Of course, the contract was destroyed.  In one moment, he lost his strongest weapon, the person he loved and his honor.
Until he died, he became a cripple that went around acting crazy.”

However even at that moment, Minerva could not understand why the human resented her.
She granted the wish he wanted so why was he mad.

She knew that feelings could contradict each other, but she wasn’t used to it where she could differentiate it on one glance.

Minerva gave an awkward excuse saying she can’t help it even if she had lived a long life.
She didn’t want to mention that ever again so she sneakily brought up another story to turn the topic.

” Anyways, El-wee-en’s personality has changed a lot.  When he was here he wasn’t interested in anything and
he seemed to take a far-sighted view of the world..”

“HuHu.  Isn’t it fine?  Ji-hoons has a father now.  A good thing is a good thing~”

“Eh?  How is acquiring a father a good thing for me? ”

I really don’t need a father!  Rather it’s annoying~~..

After I received Trowell’s words with a sulking expression, his eyes widened as if he was surprised.

“At a time like this, you don’t know the meaning, Ji-hoon?  The reason El-wee-en insisted on having a relationship you in the form of a father.”
“……..? ”

Meaning…  There couldn’t be one?

El-wee-en simply said that he wanted me as a son because he liked me.  What other reason can there be?

Minerva opened her mouth with a sincere expression, when she was confronted with my confused expression

“It is because you are accustomed to humanistic perspective.”

“Ung? ” (TLN: kinda like ‘huh?’)

“Since your first experience after being born was a human way of life, you have a tendency to suppress your instinct as a spirit king.  You aren’t aware of it, but from here on out, you will probably use humanistic perspective to determine other things.  Arkadon has several different races.
Elf, humans, dragons, dwarves, and countless monsters.  If the races conduct a war with each other, then without know it, you would probably stand on the side of humans?”

“I..I guess so? ”

Of course if humans and monsters are fighting then I would take the humans’ side and I might destroy the monsters.  Maybe..this isn’t acceptable?

After I nervously looked at the two spirit kings, Trowell smile back with warm eyes.

“That is not a bad thing.
It is bad to excessively like something, but since we are not gods, we don’t have to have a neutral attitude in the human world.
However in your case, you might yearn for the human world too much. There is a chance where you might feel that the time living in the spirit world is boring.

You probably don’t feel it right now since you have been born recently.  Even if 100 years have passed, you will find it hard to adjust.
Especially when someone precious to you dies, then the despair you feel will be multiplied.”


The person I like will die before me.
The child who was young will become a grandpa and he’ll catch a disease.  However, I would still look the same.

Suddenly, I got goosebumps.

I..  Was I too optimistic about my current situation?  It might be harder than I thought to live on.

“That’s right.  As your instinct gradually awakens, that feeling will get weaker.  However, it won’t disappear since you won’t be able to get rid of your previous life’s memories.
Since you have us as companions it doesn’t matter, but after meeting a lover, it would be hard to make a family.  Especially, the existence called mother and father.”


“The other spirit kings and I have no concept of parent from the beginning.  After we become gods, we may be able to become parents or we may be able to experience being someone’s child while experiencing life and death.  However, we can only understand it as a type of game.  Since the beginning, we think of ourselves as different from the humans.  However, you are different.  Instead of learning about being an independent spirit that is alone, you understood the concept of being a ‘human’ first.  You will probably yearn after it.”

“That..isn’t true.  I..  I do not have any good memories with my previous parents…”

“Still you know what it means to be a child of a parent?  Don’t they say they are the absolute allies’?  Every time you see a happy family, you will think about your past parents.
You would think like…’I would have liked it if I had a parent like that..If they were like those people then I would have been happy..’
Spirit cannot have those feelings.”

It felt like a sharpened knife had pierced my heart?

While feeling the relentless sharp pain, I bit my lips.

Trowell watched my action with pity.  Trowell continued speaking after sighing.

” An example may be you accepting something very sincerely when the other spirit kings only acknowledge it.
Therefore you may become the spirit king with the kindest heart, and be more caring about the other person’s situation. If you remember the time you were ‘Ji-hoon’, then this won’t change even if you become a god.

It isn’t a bad thing.  It really isn’t a bad thing..
I’m worried that you will make self-inflicting wounds.  We are. “(TLN: he said I’m the previous sentence, he changes it to We to include Minerva)

I haven’t really thought about such things.  No matter what my past memory as a human is, I am currently a spirit.  I believed that after being reborn, I could forget all my past days.

However.  In the eyes of the others, it doesn’t look like it?  Why?
Previously I had never shown myself showing attachment towards the human world?

Maybe…Is it because I was slow in awakening to my abilities?

“It is because you were happy.”

“Oong?”  (TLN: huh?)

I tilted my head since I couldn’t understand what he said.  Trowell gave a kind smile after seeing this.

“I was talking about your feeling when you said El-wee-en became your father.. Excited..  It rang very joyfully.
Since you have been born, I haven’t felt that degree of happiness from you.  That is how I knew.
‘Ah.. Ji-hoon must have wanted a parent.’..”

“…..! ”

“That is how I also knew.  El-wee-en must have known this about you so he asked be your father.
El-wee-en probably realized it from first sight, what you really wanted.”

“….he hit me and made me faint?”

Trowell’s mouth instantly shut when I carefully asked my question.
His face indicated that he had no explaination for that.

However after a moment, Trowell had a somewhat light-hearted expression, and he answered without much difficulty.

“El-wee-en is bad-tempered.  Maybe he was trying to test you?”

“A test?”

“He may have wanted to see if you had the qualification to be his son.  Even if one is a spirit king, an attack from divine power is very dangerous.
You might have died.  However, you fainted and..
You weren’t discouraged by El-wee-en?  Instead you went against him again~ Wasn’t that how you felt?”

“I..I think so.”

I answered numbly and Trowell laughed as if we knew that was the case.

“That is what he liked about you.  El-wee-en instantly tires from the type of people who are subservient.  He probably had no confidence that he could raise a child like you even if he had a child after marriage.  El-wee-en child rearing..it doesn’t suit him. Maybe he was trying to shape your personality by beating you.  Or maybe he was trying to discourage you to make you timid.  It should be between those two?  On those point, Ji-hoon is a compromise.  You know how to rebel just enough yet you also give enough affection.  You were perfect for him.”

The scary part was that I was convinced by the argument.  Bad bastard.  Isn’t he just treating me like a toy?

However, I was told that normally El-wee-en never acts out of goodwill, so it could be said that I came into a very good fortune.

..it didn’t feel like good fortune to me.

“Just accept it.  You might not think it, but Ji-hoon needs a figure you can rely on.
The other spirit kings cannot be that.

At the end we are only your colleagues or friends, and we may end up travelling separate roads later.
However, a ‘father’ will always look after you from one place.
You become lonely easily so he will become the biggest person Ji-hoon can lean on. ”

” Mmm… ”

“If El-wee-en decided you are his then he has an unending kind side.  In the past, he never berated the water spirit.
He’ll absolutely become a shield for you.  Since you are his son..

He could have done more against you but did he?  As evidence, didn’t he acknowledge you as a ‘son’?  He could have easily called you a daughter, but he insisted on son.  It is because your self-awareness is strongly indicating that you are ‘male’.
Since you think of yourself as a male, El-wee-en will absolutely honor your opinion.”

“Kul-luk(TLN: sound of a wet cough ex.blood coming out).. Is..is that right…?”

“Yes.  No matter what you will do in the future, even when you hit against some problem, El-wee-en will never turn away.
That will become a great strength for you…
When the life as a spirit becomes unbearable, he’ll be the biggest place to lean on.
Afterwards after you start forgetting about the days as being ‘Ji-hoon’, he’ll familiarize you with your new life. ”
“……!! ”

A new beginning…

Since I have been reborn as a spirit, I thoughI had a new start.  I guess I still have a lot of things yet to resolve.

Trowell’s words were absolutely right.

I’ll probably meddle in humans’ affair while living as a spirit.  I may even long for it while watching them.

I’ll probably receive a huge shock when someone younger then me dies first.

Also every time that happens, first I’ll think about ‘El-wee-en’, who is my father.

He made one promise to become my absolute ally..  I’ll have times when I want to tell him all my problems and lean on him endlessly.

…I don’t know if he can really fulfil that role properly.

Still I think it’ll be enough that someone will think about me that way.  That also includes Trowell and Minerva.  It is the same for Ifrit.

As far as there is an existence that doesn’t like me, that’ll be enough to cause me hardship. (TLN: talking about possible future enemies-tried my best translating it but still awkward)

“I have a request…”

“What is it?”

“……? ”

Both spirit kings looked at me with the same curious light in their eyes, so I couldn’t help but laugh.

I’ve had times where I thought I was the most unfortunate person in the world.. Now if I think that way, I’ll probably receive divine punishment for thinking that way.

While thinking this, I carefully laid out a suggestion I just thought up.

“My name.. Can you call me Elqueeness again?”

“……..? ”

“If I use the name Ji-hoon..  I feel like I’ll always be entangled with my past memories.  I want to invest in my worth as one of the spirit kings and also your comrade.”
“…….!! ”
I wasn’t used to the name of Elqueeness..  I was stubborn in using my past name, ‘Ji-hoon’.

However Ifrit started calling me ‘Elqueeness’ with the intent of making me ‘self-awaken’.

Ifrit, in her own way, must have been expressing her affection for  me.

It was different from Trowell and Minerva’s ‘acceptance’, which was being considerate of how I felt…  She expressed her affection by ‘forcing’ me to realize the truth in my name.

She may have complained and acted petulant, but her real intention probably was to help me erase my memory as a human.

That is why I started accepting it.  I wanted to escape my past, so I can have a genuine ‘beginning’.

Oh well.  To tell you the truth, the name Ji-hoon didn’t fit this western face.

Trowell and Minerva must have picked up on my feelings, so their eyes became noticeably bright.
Minerva nodded her head calmly while smiling as if this was normal.

“It won’t be too hard.  Elqueeness.  I’m more used to this?”

“Heh Heh..”

“Ah ah, how about this?  As a pet name, let’s shorten Elqueeness and call him ‘El’.  It’ll be cute~”

“Ku..Kul-luk.  Cute..Trowell..”

You are the one who is cute~!

Minerva and Trowell laughed when they saw me fake coughing with a reddened face.

After suddenly hearing the laughter of the spirit kings, the many sylphs that were asleep in the distant flowerbeds woke up and they tilted their head in curiosity.

Small embers were floating in the air and they were low level fire spirits named Kasa.
One Kasa who was shaped like a  butterfly started dancing amongst themselves under the darkened sky, and they made many patterns that were more beautiful than starlight.

Someday.. I’ll think all of this is very natural.  Then I won’t be able to think about being lonely.

This thought was like a spell that encompassed me inside the dizzying happiness.

I have loving companions, and underlings…  Also it may still be awkward…The name that gives love, Father..

“Once again let us congratulate you on being born.  El.  Welcome to the spirit world…”

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