
Chapter Prologue

Year 200x 4/26…’I died.’

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..it really sets the mood. I copied the beginning of a Japanese anime movie I saw not too long ago.
I thought it was a great choice of words.

Actually, in front of my eyes, I saw my dead body.

My name is ‘Kang-Ji-Hoon’.

I’ll be 17 year old this year.  I’m a normal Korean high schooler.


I’ve never doubted the fact that I was normal.

Among my peers, my athletic prowess were normal and my grades were normal.  How could I not be average when my body size and outer appearance were not as outstanding when compared to others?

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It is said that being normal in this world is the most difficult thing.  To me, I thought being normal was the easiest and simplest work.

Just this morning, nay, even couple minutes ago, my thoughts hadn’t changed.

Right until I got into an ‘accident’…

“Waaa…I’m going crazy! Why do I have to suffer this kind of event!!?”

From the beginning, the accident was not anything special.

Korea had too little land, the traffic was hectic, and there were too many drivers that simply had stupid, boorish mindsets.
One of the most common thing to happen were traffic accidents.

Since many were preparing for the entrance exam, people who normally did not study troubled themselves by picking up English vocabulary sheets to memorize.

How could I have known that I would get hit by a car that ignored the signal light?  I was helpless to do anything about it.

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My mind that lost consciousness right before I was hit came back, and the baffling scene was etched into my brain.

I was floating in the air…beneath me, I was staring at my dead body…that was my situation.

‘HaHaHa…so that’s where the saying, if you do something you don’t usually do, then you’ll die, comes from.’

The old saying was right. This ancestral wisdom was not dreamed out of nowhere.

Therefore, did I get the death penalty for ignoring my elders’ advice?

Still…wasn’t the penalty too harsh? Hahaha…

While I laughed in despair as I watched the devastated face of my body, I started to observe my body again.

Murmur Murmur

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The accident happened in broad daylight, right in the middle of a 4 way intersection.  The corpse was eye catching and around the body were ants drawn by candy. Also, it was filled with a crowd of onlookers.

Since the accident was right in the middle of a cross-walk, the road was jammed.  Nearby, the crowd and stalled cars were making a lot of noise.

Until the ambulance clears out my body, the intersection would probably be busy with backed up traffic.

Most of the onlookers had an uneasy look on their face; there were even some people who couldn’t stomach the scene and ran away.

Some douche bag was laughing while taking pictures of the corpse with a camera phone.

It’s because of those kind of people that our country will fall!

..Anyways, it was a busy situation…and right in the middle, I could see my body sprawled out and sticking out like a sore thumb.

Black, overgrown hair of a student who was wearing a thick-rimmed glass(it’s a miracle it didn’t fall off.)..
While wearing our school’s trademark out of fashion uniform, I was holding the English vocabulary sheet that caused the accident in my hand like I was cradling a medicine pot.

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There was a person in front that was nervously pacing back and forth, checking if I was conscious.  It was the driver that ignored the traffic light and hit me with his car.

In an instant, he became a murderer and right now his inside must be rotting.

Who told you to break the traffic law?  When a law is made, there is a good reason to uphold it. KaKaka…

Of course…there is a problem with the weak bodied guy who died after not being hit hard.

On that subject…my body did not have any visible bleeding or scratches.

Even my spirit had thought my body looked fine and tried to go back into the body.

However, I had tried multiple times and yet my body would bounce my spirit back out.
I haven’t breathed in 20 minutes so I was about to give up.

Ah…did I really die such a senseless death?

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