Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 109.1

Changing Identity Part 1

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Jiang Li stayed at the Astral University base for another five days before he left for Earth.


In these past five days, he had absorbed enough spirit chi and continued to practice quite often. He also discussed martial arts with Wang Changrong and had also thoroughly analysed his battle with Meng Xingyun.


Of course, he also bought two bottles of Heavenly Shocking Lightning Beast’s genetic water from the school’s intranet.


It cost 20 million per bottle.


He had almost spent all of the money that Big Black’s had left for him.


Originally, you would need a lot of money if you were to go to Astral University to buy all sorts of supplements. But he had the ability to absorb spirit chi and could therefore save a large sum of money.


It was necessary that he could also help Big Black.


He did some research and found out that it was very effective to inject the genetic water of Heavenly Shocking Lightning Beast into feline animals. The scientists of the elite district had already done similar experiments, it this still required the cooperation of the animal.


This was all classified information that he could take a look at. Through this, he found out about the drawbacks of genetic water as well as many of the secret research findings.

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He downloaded all of the information about Heavenly Shocking Lightning Beast’s genetic water and sent it on to Big Black for his research.


Big Black started establishing his own laboratory, researching on genetic science as well as how to improve his chances at evolution. Big Black had now changed from a flying cat into a scientist cat.


He missed Big Black and the group of small kittens quite a lot since he hadn’t seen them for such a long time.


He also spent the rest of his money to buy supplements for his parents.


Of course, there was another important reason for him to return to Earth, that was Wang Changrong.


Only on Earth could Wang Changrong leave his dimension and contact his acquaintances to try and get a new identity chip. In this society, it was very hard to move around without an identity chip. Cards like these were required everywhere that you went.


Normally, a prisoner that suddenly came could never have acquired an identity chip.


Everyone’s information was stored in the human data depository and could be searched through easily enough. Even if you were to change your appearance, you still couldn’t change your DNA.


However, Wang Changrong had said, convincingly enough, that he had his own ways so Jiang Li could do nothing except to believe him.

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With his identity as a student of Astral University, even if he was to do something slightly out of the line, the law still wouldn’t punish him. This was a special right given to him.


Today, Jiang Li, Lara and Liana had finally stepped foot on the spaceship heading towards Earth.


In the base on Emperor’s planet, there were spaceships heading towards all of the different human bases. As a student of Astral University, they were allowed to travel anywhere freely without having to pay.


It needs to be made clear that wormhole travel was very expensive. The tickets for one flight could  easily cost in the hundreds of thousands. A normal person would never be able to afford it, even if he were to sell everything he had that was of worth.


On the spaceship, Jiang Li once again felt how the space energy was being injected into his cells.


The dimension widened by a third.


By now, it had already become a 500 square meter, 9 meter tall dimension. Wang Changrong also received quite some benefits from it.


He didn’t know how long it had been, but the space ship finally landed on Earth. Jiang Li left the base on Earth and looked up to see a full moon hanging high in the sky to which he felt ever so close with.


Although there wasn’t any spirit chi on Earth and the resources were also relatively scarce, he still loved his home planet. When he had been on other planets, he had missed Earth each and every day.

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Raise your head  and see the moon, bow down and think about your home.


TL note: that is a poem which is about homesickness.


When you raised your head and still couldn’t see the bright moon shining down, how lonely would you have felt?


Jiang Li stood on solid ground. He had a sudden impulse to kiss the ground below him but he managed to control himself. He took his car back to Xing Hua city, bidding farewell with Lara and Liana as he dashed towards his home as quickly as possible.


“Mum, dad! I’m back!”


He sent his parents an email beforehand telling them the time that he would get back home. Everyone in the family have been waiting for him, even Big Black was home, together with Flower Faced Overlord and the other 5 smaller kittens.


The situation at the black market had stabilised recently, Flower Faced Overlord would come to Xing Hua city and do what he pleased. Of course, the most important thing he had to do was to protect Jiang Li’s parents.


“Big brother! You really got into Astral University! Wow! This is your school uniform right? So handsome! I always heard that Astral University’s school uniform looked the best, now I have finaly seen it for myself.” Jiang Xuan jumped up blabbering non stop touching Jiang Li’s uniform as she continued to greet him.


“Has our brother not come back yet?” Jiang Li looked around and frowned.

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“No, he is still in training. The military training was very long and we also couldn’t come in contact with him but the officers from the military would frequently report his safety to us.” Jiang Zhendong looked at his son joyfully: “Astral University, nice, nice, nice. Astral University!”


He didn’t know how to respond, the thing he had hoped for all his life had finally come true.


“Dad, Mum, I bought you both a lot of presents. THese are all from Astral University, look.” He took out all the presents that were filling the whole table. and Jiang Xuan also became dazzled.


“Jiang Li, we need to have a good conversation!”


A spiritual wave travelled over.


It was Big Black.


Jiang Li secretly nodded and spoke with his parents: “I’ll go check on the cats in the back yard.”


As he spoke, Big Black jumped and landed in the back yard. The litter of kittens saw Jiang Li and all started meowing towards him.


“Big Black, this is the genetic water of Heavenly Shocking Lightning Beast. Did you see the information I’ve sent you right?” Jiang Li said seriously.

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