Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 111.1

Tertiary Hypnotist Part 1

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Before, Jiang Li has always been fearful of things and would loose his concentration, but ever since he had entered stasis, and went through life and death brawls to enter into Astral University, he had gradually built up this kind of fearless temperament.


Although he had yet to form his own Dao, he still wouldn’t he scared off by only a few small words.


So what if he had killed Jiang Liu? With his current status, what could Jiang Zhenyue ever do to him?


Plus, he killed Jiang Liu during the exam. Even if they were to bring this up in court, the Jiang family would still need to the get evidence from Astral Univeristy  to investigate it and then they would have to sue Astral University. This was like trying to hit a stone with an egg, Astral University wouldn’t even bother with them.


“Hahaha……” Jiang Zhenyue laughed instead: “You have courage! You even dare to admit it, good, this is good. You will definitelly regret what you admitted today, let’s go!”


He waved his hand and left in the car.


All the people from the Sun and Moon Corporation also got into their cars, disappearing in no time.


Jiang Zhenyue wouldn’t dare to attack them. The Sun and Moon Corporation also needed to abide by the laws, plus, Jiang Li wasn’t a normal person, his status wasn’t so low anymore.


He had killed someone during the training exam, that was legal, what did he have to be afraid of?

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“We need to relocate.” Jiang Zhendong’s face didn’t look good. Although Jiang Zhenyue left, he knew this would be the full outbreak of their problems. Jiang Li’s words today had already been recorded and handed over to the elders of the family: “Li, you were too impulsive.”


“Dad, don’t worry. Even if I withheld myself, they would still have tried to come and deal with us eventually. Jiang Liu had tried to kill me multiple times during the training exercise. I endured all that until I could do so no longer. Only then did I kill them! Indeed, we can no longer continue to live here. Lets move to the Safety Corporation.” Jiang Li comforted his family.


“The protection at Safety Corporation is heavy. I’m the head manager. I’ll go over there to establish our home first. We will wait there until I can think of another place to move the family to.”


“I guess that’s all we can do, I miss this mansion though.” Jiang Zhendong felt the fence.


“This doesn’t really matter, it was only a small fortune in anycase, if we give it up, then we give it up.” Jiang Li said: “The surrounding have all become Jiang Zhenyue’s property. We shouldn’t keep on living here anymore.”


“Sigh, that’s true I guess, let us leave now….”


The family packed up their belongings and left the White Dragon River mansion, they immediately headed for the Safety Corporation’s mountain. This mountain had been completely renovated and its defense system was also much better than the mansion’s. it was like a solitary kingdom.


On the second day, Jiang Li went straight to Jing Hua city and to the spiritual research institute where he acquired his certification as a secondary hypnotist.


Although he had killed Yu Muhua and made enemies with a powerhouse of Jing Hua city, the spiritual research institute was a solitary institute which belonging to the committee of spiritual masters in the elite district. No corporation or family were allowed to intervene in its operation.

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With his current hypnotic ability, he successfully acquired certificate as a secondary hypnotist.


Secondary hypnotist were considerably significant people. They were rare even in Jing Hua city. Therefore, this was a rare occasion and the news immediately attracted many people’s attention who came from the spiritual research institute. Some masters even wanted to invite Jiang Li to the committee. But after seeing that he was a student of Astral University, they immediately stopped their plans and paid less attention to him. It wasn’t a surprise that someone who could get into Astral University could also become a secondary hypnotist.


In the whole of the human society, secondary hypnotists were precious but they were also a far cry from the students of Astral University.


After acquiring a certificate as a secondary hypnotist, Jiang Li knew his worth had sky-rocketed.


Before, he was only paid 1000 star coins per hypnosis, but now it would be different. Even if rich people wanted to make an appointments with him, they would probably need hundreds of thousands of star coins first and still might not even be able to arrange an appointment.


Although there wasn’t much cash on his card right now, but earning money wasn’t really a problem for him anymore.


After he left the spiritual research institute, a car suddenly stopped in front of him. A young man jumped out from inside and said to him straight-forwardly: “You are Jiang Li right? Our boss wants to see you.”


“Who is your boss?” Jiang Li frowned.


“You’ll know once you get there.” This young man was very mysterious and ordered, “Get in the car.”

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“Speak, who is your boss?” Jiang Li asked once again.




The young man shook as if his eyes had become stiff and replied robotically: “My boss is Yu Tong. You killed his son and he wants to negotiate with you.”


“Oh? Your boss has some balls, even the mayor of the Jing Hua city does not dare to use such obvious trap to deal with me? Speak, what does he want to do after I go there?” Jiang Li asked again.


“He’s not going to kill you, he wants to talk with you.” The young man was completely hypnotized and replied honestly: “You are a student of Astral University,. Killing you would bring destruction to the family but you killed our boss’s son. He can’t let this go so he wants to invite you over to talk about the compensation.”


“Me compensate him? He’s dreaming.” Jiang Li couldn’t be bothered talking to this insignificant small figure: “Go back and tell your boss. He’d better not think about revenge or he will die a really sorrowfull death.”


“Yes, yes, yes…”


The young man immediately got into the car to report back. Even after leaving Jiang Li, he was still being controlled because Jiang Li’s spirit was just too strong. He had invaded the mans brain and controlled it. Before meeting another stronger hypnotist, this young man could never disobey any of Jiang Li’s orders.


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Inside an office in the town hall of Jing Hua city.


An authoritative middle aged man was sitting with his fingers knocking on the table making a metallic sounds.


There was a knock on the door.


“Come in.”


The young man entered and without any courtesy he said: “Yu Tong, your son died and so it is. You still hope for compensation, stop dreaming.”


“Hmm?” The authoritative middle aged man stood up. He was Yu Muhua’s father Yu Tong. He was a government official of the town hall in Jing Hua city. He had great power: “Who are you, to speak to me like this? No, you are hypnotized?”


“Wake up!”


At this time, another hypnotist appeared behind Yu Tong’s back. The hypnotist only spoke softly and the young man shook as if he was waking up from a dream. He rubbed his eyes and saw Yu Tong standing in front of him. He immediately became scared shiteless.


“Useless shit!” Yu Tong swore.


“Mr Yu don’t swear at him, he encountered a secondary hypnotist. Of course he would be no match.” This hypnotist spoke softly with a calming power in her voice. The young man was affected by the tone of her words and calmed his heart down as then left in a hurry.

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