Emperor of The Cosmos

Chapter 114.2

Dao Formation Part 2

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You must not make enemies with these sorts of people because there was no way to defend against their attacks. He didn’t even need to be at the scene and countless people would still rush over to kill you.


It was hard even for the police to acquire concrete evidence.


For example, you were in your office, then suddenly, your loyal guard kills you and then suicides. What evidence could the police have?


Although technology was more advanced now, it was still impossible to detect thought hypnosis, because people’s thoughts were intangible.


But, normally, those people who have reached this state would not go out of their wat assassinating people because every single one of them was sitting from high above. They could render the enemy immobile with just a single word.


The event finally ended and Jiang Li and Chu Shan left with the rest of the people. Meanwhile, Wang Kurong was surrounded by journalists. However, he didn’t accept interviews. He walked out with his hands clasped together and all the journalists just moved out of his way automatically.


With him being the centre, everywhere his thought went, all living things with emotions would surrender to him

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“Things really did go perfectly today. Who would’ve thought that brother Kurong could be enlightened to reach eternal stasis. I truely admire him.” On the balcony at the top of Safety Corporation’s mountain, the three of them were standing and enjoying the peace.


Chu Shan’s face couldn’t hide his excitement.


“Too late.” Wang Kurong’s face didn’t change: “This day came too late…”


Jiang Li was feeling his own spiritual state. This time, he had hypnotized two thousand customers. Meanwhile, Chu Shan could only hypnotized 200 or so.


He hypnotized ten times as many as Chu Shan. That means that despite Chu Shan and Jiang Li both being in lesser stasis, Jiang Li’s brain cells were ten times stronger than Chu Shan’s.


“CEO Chu, there’s news that the Sun and Moon Corporation is fully retreating from the black market. Jiang Zhenyue is leaving Jing Hua city I  on a battle ship and heading towards their base on the moon.” This time, a worker reported to Chu Shan.


“Oh? Hahahahaha, that’s sounds like good news!” Chu Shan had already expected such circumstance but he was still surprised that Jiang Zhenyue would leave this fast: “Brother Kurong’s eternal stasis must have really scared him. This is good, it saves us a lot of troubles later on. But after the Sun and Moon Corporation leaves, our supply of solar and lunar essence would be exhausted.”

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“The black market would return to the state it was before.” Jiang Li smiled: “But I feel that the Sun and Moon Corporation wouldn’t just leave so easily. They must have left some cards behind. They are just dodging the bullet for now. But it’s good that they don’t dare to get cocky with us for now. With these 3 month time, I’ll be busy developing with all our might! I’ll use this opportunity to increase my power. Only then will I be able to stay on top of everyone when I get back to Astral University. I didn’t get into top ten this time and that really makes my heart feel uneasy!”


“Indeed, the problem of the Sun and Moon Corporation has been solved and you can now fully focus on your cultivating. The more outstanding you are, the better that Safety Corporation can develop.” Chu Shan smiled and stood up: “Mr Kurong. The Safety Corporation would like to hire you as a director for Jing Hua city, you will manage all the business of the 36 chinese cities. And yout yearly salary will be 30 million star coins, there will also be some other earnings. What do you think about this?”


“Okay, I’m honoured.”


Wang Kurong’s face stayed calm and answered without even thinking about it. No one really knew what he was thinking about right now.


After everything the things have been handed over, Jiang Li finally gasped a sigh of relief. The following three month would be concentrated on cultivation. Originally, he had wanted to fight with the Sun and Moon Corporation but now, Wang Kurong had ascended to  become a tertiary hypnotist and the opposition had just fled. This allowed him a chance to rest peacefully.


“It’s time for me to start cultivating the Emperor Fire Seal.”


He wanted to improve his strength rapidly and the only way ge knew how to do this was by cultivating the Emperor Fire Seal.

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He wondered what secrets were contained in this martial arts.


Late at night.


He was sitting in a secret room of the headquarters of the Safety Corporation’s Jing Hua city site. He went into stasis, seeping his spiritual energy into the opaque stone, and entered a dream almost instantly.


Dream for many millenniums, what era is it now?


The white clothed man appeared once again.


“Do you wish to start the cultivating the Emperor Fire Seal? If you do, this means that your spirit will also be weakened for 30 days.”


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“What? Wasn’t it 49 days before?” Jiang Li was curiuous.


“Your power has grown a lot, so the period of weakness will also be less.” There was not the slightest bit of emotion comeing from the white clothed man’s tone. He asked once again: “Do you wish to begin?”


“Begin!” Jiang Li answered without hesitation.




All he felt was that after he said this, the whole world started shaking. Something seemed to be taken from his brain cells as sort of activation energy. His spirit then started to feel extremely weak but he could still endure and concentrated on the cultivation method for the Emperor Fire Seal.


“Fire, is the origin of all civilization. It’s greatest use is for refining. Any human who uses fire can also eat cooked food and thus lessen the burden on his stomach and gain more energy as well as unlock the wisdom held inside their brain. But fire can also destroy everything, burn everything.


After you learn the Emperor Fire Seal, your desire for food will increase by ten folds and so too will your digestive abilities! Your strength will also be increased significantly. You’re refining ability will be completely different from before.  The very essence of your life shall be improved!”


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