Chapter 8 – Intolerable Bully

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This upper yard disciple had a burly stature with swelling muscles all over his body. He was also around 15 to 16 years old, but he looked as majestic as a black bear. His leg flew as it fiercely swept on Zhong Yue’s knees, and the strength contained in that kick could break a stone pillar in pieces or cleave a big tree in two halves!


Zhong Yue’s body swayed with a muffled sound. His left leg buckled and almost knelt. Now it was even more difficult to shoulder the pressure coming from the two totem poles!

“Named Tian? Tian Feng clan? Could it be the examiner named Tian from the Blue Sky Hall?

Zhong Yue understood the whole story in a flash. The Tian Feng clan had quite some influence within the Sword Sect. That old Qi Refining Warrior named Tian dominated the outer sect’s Blue Sky Hall, and that was equivalent to the Tian Feng clan dominating the choke point to the upper yard. The clan was able to make things easier for its own disciples this way.

And now during Zhong Yue’s examination in the Blue Sky Hall, Zuo Xiangsheng had realized he needed to seize power and dominate the Blue Sky Hall in order to leave a road for destitute disciples. That was why he challenged that old examiner and fought him.

This matter had been started by Zhong Yue and ended with the Tian Feng clan losing control of the Blue Sky Hall. It would naturally attract the Tian Feng clan’s revenge!

“Huh? The totem engraved over my divine totem pole is the Turtle Mountain totem, once activated it carries the weight of mountain ranges, how can you be still standing?”

That upper yard disciple couldn’t hide his surprise when he saw Zhong Yue was still standing after being hit by his kick. He said with praise: “No wonder you can pass the Blue Sky Hall examination by sheer strength alone. But you’re only causing more suffering for yourself. If you had knelt down and stayed outside the Teaching Hall for a few hours in front of the upper yard disciples, we would have considered this matter closed and our Tian Feng clan wouldn’t have embarrassed you any further.”


He kicked again and said with a laugh: “But since you persist and won’t kneel down, I’m afraid you’ll only eat more bitterness.”

Zhong Yue’s legs bent a bit further under the kick. The pressure from the two Turtle Mountain divine totem poles was even heavier and harshly pushed down on him!

“You should be curious why no Qi Refining Warrior came down these few days and received you as a hanger-on, right?”

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That upper yard disciple sent kick after sweeping kick at the bend of Zhong Yue’s legs. Many disciples came and went in front of the Teaching Hall and the place was bustling with activity, but the most those disciple did was to observe from afar. No one came to interfere.

“That is because my Tian Feng clan lost the Blue Sky Hall because of you and other Qi Refining Warriors thought we would be unhappy if they accepted you as a hanger-on. That’s why no Qi Refining Warrior came to find you.”


Zhong Yue was finally swept kneeling on the ground by the kicks. He bunched his hands into fists and supported them against the ground as he struggled to not let his other leg kneel as well. One by one blue veins appeared on his forehead and hands, stretched tight under his skin.

That upper yard disciple fiercely kicked again at Zhong Yue’s right leg and said smiling: “My Tian Feng clan’s higher ups didn’t tell them not to accept you. They refuse to receive you on their own, because the Tian Feng clan can be considered one of the top ten great clans and tribes in the Great Wilderness! You offended my Tian Feng clan and now you have no way out, but my Tian Feng clan doesn’t even need to reveal its face or say anything! Today you only need to kneel here for a few hours and we’ll allow you to leave the Sword Sect on your own.”

Outside the the Teaching Pavilion, many upper yard disciple shook their head one after the other as they witnessed the scene.

One female disciple said as she shook her head: “The Tian Feng clan is one of the ten great clans of the Great Wilderness. To offend the Tian Feng clan and cause them to lose the Blue Sky Hall, I’m afraid that he won’t even be able to find shelter anywhere in the hundred thousand li Great Wilderness, to say nothing of staying in the Sword Sect.”

“What happened?” Some people didn’t know the whole story and asked in a quiet voice.

“I heard that some days ago, master uncle Zuo and master uncle Tian made a rackus in the Blue Sky Hall because of this disciple from the Zhong Mountain clan. Master uncle Zuo wounded master uncle Tian and obtained the right to control the Blue Sky Hall. Tian Feng clan’s leaders became angry after their clan lost the Blue Sky Hall and put pressure on master uncle Zuo, the whole affair caused some very unpleasant troubles.”

“So it was originally like this. Master uncle Zuo is the most remarkable Qi Refining Warrior among the younger generation in the Sword Sect, and many of the sect’s elders hold him in high regard, so the Tian Feng clan can’t do anything to him. But this junior apprentice from the Zhong Mountain Clan doesn’t have any backing whatsoever and I fear that being caught in the middle he’ll have to endure many hardships…”

“Only endure hardships? Look, master uncle Tian of Blue Sky Hall also came to the Teaching Pavilion. Under the guise of teaching, I expect he’s also come to watch this Zhong Mountain clansman’s fall.”

Zhong Yue groaned and lifted his gaze as he heard this discussion. The old Tian Feng clansman from the Blue Sky Hall was indeed sitting in a cultivation room and was looking back at him expressionlessly.


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It was as if something exploded inside Zhong Yue’s brain, humiliation and stubbornness both rushed forth into his head!

“Tian Feng clan…”

Explosive crackles came from inside his body and his bones vibrated with sounds akin to beans being roasted. Mind power visible to the naked eye bubbled out from between his eyebrows and wrapped around his body, shaping into dense dragon scales, dragon claws, and dragon body!


The sound of dragon roar suddenly vibrated forth in continuous waves with no interruption, the low dragon voice becoming louder and clearer. Zhong Yue pushed back against the pressure from the two Turtle Mountain totems and stood up bit by bit even as the dragon body became more and more distinct around his body!

It was as if the Jiao dragon was moving over his body and the scales on its bulky body stood erect one after another.

That upper yard disciple from the Tian Feng clan became shocked. With a hasty shout, the pattern of the two Turtle Mountain totem poles became even brighter and ripples went across the poles. They transformed into two big mountains, two big mountains shaped like a turtle, and pressed down on Zhong Yue’s body!

The Tian Feng clan disciple had already pushed the might of the two totem poles to the extreme limit and he absolutely needed to crush Zhong Yue under the pressure!

“Tian Feng clan!”

Zhong Yue roared loudly and his spin straightened further and further as he stood up, while from behind his back came an supremely wild and infinitely ruthless ominous aura. A frightful and malevolent Jiao dragon head slowly raised up from behind Zhong Yue’s head. Incomparably fiendish light shone from his eyes and it locked its dragon claw on Zhong Yue’s shoulders!

Zhong Yue’s grass sandals were crushed to pieces when he finally straightened his body up entirely, despite the pressure from the two Turtle Mountain totem poles. He abruptly lifted his foot and stamped heavily down. The ground trembled violently and the two Turtle Mountain totems bounced up from the ground due to the shaking. The rippling patterns on them broke with a loud rumble!

The upper yard disciple from the Tian Feng clan repressed a groan. Cracking sounds suddenly came from the two Turtle Mountain totem poles, followed by an explosion. “Pa Pa!” The poles became countless shattered wooden shards flying off everywhere. The totem poles impressively couldn’t repress Zhong Yue anymore and had been broken to pieces by Zhong Yue’s body’s dragon might instead!

“Son of a bitch Tian Feng clan!”

That upper yard disciple from the Tian Feng clan was filled with shock and horror as Zhong Yue swept his leg in his direction. He saw that Zhong Yue’s mind power was unexpectedly high to the degree that it had condensed into a Jiao Dragon’s body twining around his leg. That leg was incredibly sturdy and filled with an explosive power that was difficult to imagine!

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He had been sending kicks after kicks at the bend of Zhong Yue’s legs earlier so he was standing very close to Zhong Yue. This time the burst of power from Zhong Yue that had shattered the Turtle Mountain totem poles had been followed immediately by the kick; he had no opportunity to dodge!

The strength hidden within that kick was many many times greater than the strength of low level demon races like the ones in the Blue Sky Hall assessment. This kick seemed like it could break mountains and topple the ground!

A shaking sound, the a silhouette was sent flying in the air by the kick and violently hit doors and windows of the Teaching Pavilion, shattering those doors and windows into pieces!

That upper yard disciple from the Tian Feng clan flew toward the old Tian Feng clan examiner from the Blue Sky Hall. “Pu Tong!” The disciple landed on his knees in front of the old Tian Feng clansman, his knees knocking on the ground. Fresh blood gurgled out and dyed the floor into a red flower.

Inside that cultivation room many disciples from the Tian Feng clans all stared dumbstruck. The old examiner was also stunned.

The upper yard disciples outside the Teaching Pavilion who were watching the show were also all greatly astonished and were staring blankly. They had believed Zhong Yue would inevitably be cruelly humiliated and made to kneel for hours outside the Teaching Pavilion, then he would be forced to sneak away from the Sword Sect in shame and disgrace.

After all, Zhong Yue had only recently entered the upper yard and his cultivation was only at the Out of Body state, while the Tian Feng clan disciple had been in the upper yard for some time already and his cultivation should have been much higher than Zhong Yue’s.

Not to mention Zhong Yue was barehanded but his opponent still had Turtle Mountain poles to suppress him, two of those poles on top of that!

However Zhong Yue had send that upper yard disciple flying with a single kick!

Zhong Yue put his foot back on the ground and shook his small leather jacket. He raised his head and looked at the cultivation room in the Teaching Pavilion. The old Tian Feng clansman also stared back at him with a gloomy face.

The upper yard disciple on his knees was both ashamed and angry. He tried to struggle up, but with a stuffy snort he had to kneel back down.

Just how heavy was the strength of Zhong Yue’s kick right now? Although he had a deeper cultivation than Zhong Yue and had entered the sect earlier than him, he still was crushed by Zhong Yue’s dragon power. His legs’ muscles, nerves and bones were all shaking in pain and injury. He couldn’t muster any strength from them and could only kneel.

“You court death!”

That upper yard disciple was extremely furious. Suddenly a sharp blade soared in the air from his waist. Beautiful totem patterns were engraved on that sharp blade, it was impressively his soul weapon!

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That upper yard disciple had infused that soul weapon without even thinking twice. “Shua Shua Shua.” The infused soul weapon filled the sky with sword light and killed forth in a beautiful display!

That sword light was clearly a sword array and should be a high level offensive technique from the Sword Sect. Snowy white color filled Zhong Yue’s vision and he had no way to distinguish the real from the illusory!

This was the strength of the Sword Sect’s inheritance. Zhong Yue had also cultivated to the realm of Soul Infusion and could even manage to transform the shape of his mind power, making it visible to the naked eye. However he had never trained in any profound offensive technique. He had no way to cope with this kind of soul weapon and sword art.

The Fire Era Palace Sovereign Sui Picture was a cultivation method, the Jiao Dragon Body Coiling Secrets were a body cultivation method. Not having any offensive technique was equivalent to having strength in the body but no way of displaying it.

The dense and confusing sword light came in front of him in the blink of an eye. The Jiao Dragon twined around Zhong Yue’s body as he leaped back at flying speed, retreating fifty to sixty feet.

The sword light chased after him and a rain of swords fell from the whole sky with a speed even faster than the speed of his retreat. The incomparably sharp sword light blew fur and cut hair, and if you were to be pierced by that light you would end up full of holes even if your body were made of steel!

“Intolerable bully!”

Zhong Yue clenched his teeth and broke his soul out of his body, suddenly infusing it inside a slab of limestone under his feet. With a “Hu” sound the hundred pounds slab of limestone lifted in the air and flew out, smashing toward the Teaching Pavilion!

“Hu Hu Hu-”

He took his soul back as soon as he released it. After throwing the slab of limestone he immediately infused it into another slab of limestone. Suddenly a wave of heavy stones were flying one after the other, forming a straight line as they all pounded toward the Teaching Pavilion!

That upper yard disciple inside the Teaching Pavilion trembled in his heart. He hurriedly called his soul weapon back and directed it to cut the slabs of limestone filling the sky. In a split second rubble flew in every direction and collapsed in a smoke that filled the air like a great fog.

“Useless thing, you can’t even handle a small imp who entered the upper yard only days ago.”

That old Tian Feng clansman had become angry. He pulled his hand back inside his sleeve and flicked a finger. Suddenly the upper yard disciple’s soul weapon flew out through the smoke and dust; it pierced towards Zhong Yue like a flash of lightning. No one had noticed his stealthy actions!

“So fast?” Zhong Yue’s heart jumped. That soul weapon had already reached between his eyebrows!

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