Emperor of the North – Chapter 3: Sunset Peak

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Edited by Owner – Amazing among Amazing

“Father!!! How is Mu’er?!” Seeing the white haired old man walk out of the room, Li Zhenglong and a group of others gathered around him.

“Ai!!! With my current cultivation, I can only suppress the poison of the nether pepper for no more than a year only. After a year, even I will not be able to do anything for him!” The white haired old man, Li Yuncheng, spoke with sympathy and sighed.

Li Zhenglong was reluctant to give up and begged, “Father! Is there truly no way left? You have to save him ah!”

“If it were other toxins, I may be able to trace the source and rid his body of it. However, the cold blooded person just had to envenom the inside of the Lingqu Dan with the notorious nether pepper!”

“The poison circulated through his body the moment he broke into the Houtian Realm and has long entered his bone marrow. I went all out and used up much of my essence, but all that effort has only managed to delay his death by a year. It truly is unfortunate that our Li family finally had such an outstanding seedling but was taken out of the soil!”

Upon finishing, Li Yuncheng’s eyes flashed with a murderous intent.

“Hmph! It truly was unexpected that grandfather who was announced dead by the people outside was not actually dead. But fortunately, even he was no match for the nether pepper poison. Otherwise, the lot of money which I’ve spent would have been worthless! Hehe, just a year.”

After hearing that Li Yuncheng was not able to save Li Mu, Li Feng who stood among the crowd had a slight change of expression. However, no one was able to spot his deviant behavior for he displayed a face of sadness.

“Go in and see him. To fall all the way from heaven to hell, that child has truly suffered!”

Li Yuncheng waved and left. Seeing so, Li Zhengkun hurriedly followed.

“Brother!!!” Li Xue cried and was the first to rush into the room. And among the Li members, only Li Zhenglong followed in. The rest of the members had scattered as a person who was equivalent to a dead man was not worthy of their concern. Instead, Li Yuncheng, whom ‘resurrected from the dead’ became their object of pursuit.

Li Mu had long been awake. At this moment, he sat on the bed in a daze. Everything from the words Li Yuncheng said, all the way to Li Xue, were all heard clearly by him. The thought of only a year left to live, his heart sank.

“Brother, everything was Xue’er’s fault for bringing harm to you. Gugu…” Li Xue threw herself into Li Mu’s arms and wept.

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Li Mu sat motionlessly and both his eyes were lifeless as if he truly was a dead man. Even though Li Yuncheng had suppressed the poison that was within his body, but if whoever was told they had only a year left to live, they would definitely not be able to accept their fate! Moreover, he was the genius of the Li family not too long ago with a bright future ahead of him.

Li Zhenglong sighed as he looked at the state his son was in. For him who had always been strict towards his son was now unsure of what he should say to comfort him, and all he could do was watch quietly.

“It is all Xue’er’s fault! Because Xue’er is no good! Otherwise, Brother would not become like this! Brother, you can scold me or punish me however you like, gugu…gugu..”

Li Xue hugged tightly her brother tightly and the lovable face of hers had cried into a small cat-like face.

Seeing the saddened Li Xue, Li Mu’s heart ached and he patted her back gently. “Brother does not blame Xue’er. This was all directed at brother, and even if it weren’t you, I’m sure they’ll come up with ways to poison me. Xue’er, be good and don’t cry.”

“Really? Does Brother really not blame Xue’er?” Li Xue stopped crying, but her lips stifled and her tears resumed flowing down her cheeks.

“Of course. You’re Brother’s most beloved sister, so how could Brother blame you?”


A month flew by, and in that month, news regarding Li Mu had long been spread throughout the city. For him who was originally a genius to now having only a year left to live, many people had great sympathy for him, but a small number of people were secretly glad towards the misfortune that had befallen him. That was because the talented boy belonged to the Li family. If he were allowed to develop, the people of Muyun City may have to have their surname changed to Li.

But compared to the news about Li Mu, many were more concerned about Li Yuncheng. For Muyun City to now have a martial artist from the Xiantian Realm, that fact itself was enough to change the structure of influence.

However, news pertaining to Li Yuncheng was little as a month ago after suppressing the poison that was within Li Mu’s body, his whereabouts suddenly became unknown. And even the members of the Li family were clueless as to where he had gone.

But like a river flowing downhill that gradually washes the dirt away, after a month had gone by, news concerning Li Mu gradually subsided. And at this moment in the garden of the Li household, Li Mu’s eyes were closed as he lay on the flower patch.

After a month of recovery, Li Mu’s essence had been restored. The him now was still a martial artist in the Houtian Realm, but the essence in his body remained unusable for they were sealed by Li Yuncheng. And according to Li Yuncheng, if any moment he attempts to activate his essence, the poison will immediately spread throughout his body and end his life.

“Mu’er, what are you thinking about?”

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From out of nowhere, Li Yuncheng appeared by the side of Li Mu. Li Mu immediately woke up and opened his eyes.

“Grandpa!” Seeing that the person who had come to see him was Li Yuncheng, Li Mu hurriedly stood up. He was extremely grateful towards his grandfather for saving him. Even though he might not have been successful in saving him entirely, and had only managed to delay the poison, it could still be considered as giving his already ended lifespan an extra year.

The sight of his grandfather suddenly appearing at his side after a month of disappearance was something unexpected.

“About the poison within you, I’ve spent these days asking a number of my friends, but unfortunately, there seemed to not be a way to cure you. Grandfather apologize for being incompetent!”

Li Yuncheng spoke with remorse. Looked into Li Mu’s eyes, his gaze was full of affection.

“I do not blame Grandpa. Grandpa has already done so much for me. And my mind is now clear after all these days. Regarding life or death, rich or poor, it’s all destined. Since heaven does not let me live, then so be it.”

Li Mu smiled indifferently. In these days, life or death had seemed meaningless to him. Having been poisoned by the nether pepper and still be able to live for a year, that itself was already a blessing to him. But to the one who concocted the plan to have him poisoned, the hate had burrowed deep into his bones.

“What fate?! Destined by heaven?! If I had known you were this useless, I would not have used my essence on you! As my grandson, how could you be this useless? To actually follow the fate laid by heaven!” Li Yuncheng suddenly became furious and his affectionate gaze disappeared.

“Grandpa… I…”

“No need to say it! I know what you’d want to tell me. I’m sure you’re about to tell me that you can’t be cured, and thus, your only route left was to wait for heaven to pick you up once again?” Li Yuncheng spoke harshly.

Li Mu was at a loss and nodded. Even though he did not fear death, that did not mean that he wanted to die. Who would want to die after having experienced life?

“For us martial artists, we seek longevity. The reason is to struggle against the laws that binds us on the ground. How can you resign and listen to the heaven’s will, moreover for someone who is poisoned? So what if you’ve only got a year left to live? And so what if you will die? So long as you never give up, then you will not be deemed as useless for being born into this world and return empty-handedly!”

“Mu’er, even though your grandfather has been hidden in the dark in the past with only your father, your big uncle, and a few other members knowing that I was still alive, I have never abandoned the Li family and have been secretly guarding everyone in the family. And even you, I’ve always been watching you.”

“At the age of twelve, you were able to break into the Houtian Realm. Though you may have talent unlike others, your hard work was a part of your success. There is a saying where a loss may turn out to be a gain; you should always look at a bigger picture. Instead of spending your time idly in the household, why not go and see the world?” After saying so, Li Yuncheng patted Li Mu’s shoulder.

“See the world?” Li Mu’s eyes glistened. That was something he had not thought to do.

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“Yes ah. A young person should always be moving. Even though your time may be short, but you may come across opportunities out there. Anyway, anything’s better than staying in the house and wait to be carried up to heaven. Though I may powerless against the poison, as your grandfather, I cannot simply watch as you die. If ever a day comes where there is a cure, grandfather will definitely give his all!” Li Yuncheng spoke and a flash of disappointment crossed his eye.

“Alright! Out to see the world! In fact, I had always wanted to do so, but all these years, father had never let me leave Muyun City.”

“Oh, and grandpa, could you tell me about my mother? I’ve never seen her since my birth, and all these years, the elders would never mention anything about my mother. I would really like to know why.” Li Mu sharply changed the subject.

“Regarding your mother, that truly isn’t something that would do you any good if you knew. No wonder they did not want you to know about it. However, since things had already reached this state… ai, if you wish to know, go ask your father.”

“Enough, I’ve said what I wanted to say and did what I have to do. Now it’s all up to you. I hope there’ll be a day when we will see each other again.”

Having said as much, Li Yuncheng disappeared in front of Li Mu. Seeing him able to do so, Li Mu felt a slight burst of envy.

“What?! You wish to leave? In your current state, that shall be a definite no! How could I let you travel alone out of the city?” In a room within the Li household, Li Zhenglong refused angrily.

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“Brother, Xue’er don’t wish for you to go. Everyone said that you’ve only a year to live…Xue’er wishes to accompany you more. Don’t go, gugu…” Li Xue cried and tugged Li Mu’s pants.

“Father, that is grandpa’s opinion. What’s more, I too, wish to go out there and see. That would definitely make my remaining time more worthwhile. I know that you worry for me, but be at ease. Before I die, I’ll hurry home to see all of you one last time! I’ll not die outside of home!” Li Mu picked up Li Xue while saying his promise.

“Your grandfather? You say that was your grandfather’s opinion? Your grandfather has returned?” Li Zhenglong was startled and asked.

Li Mu nodded before listing the contents of the conversation he had with his grandfather.

“Ai! Since your grandfather said so, then so be it. You may go out, but you must remember to return. Because of me being useless, I could not save you. And even the ability to find the mastermind and avenge you, father was not able to do so.” Li Zhenglong spoke as he looked at his son with a face filled with sadness.

“Father, do not blame yourself, for I have already come to terms with that fact already. However, before I leave, I hope father can tell me about my mother. I’ve already asked grandpa but he wasn’t willing to tell me and directed me to you.”

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“Mu’er, regarding your mother, I had sworn to not tell you anything about her until the day you reached the Xiantian Realm, but now that you’re in this state… ai, what about this, father will tell you everything when you return, alright?”

On the topic of Li Mu’s mother, Li Zhenglong looked at his son with uncertainty, and finally gave a deep long sigh.

“En, alright. Then I’ll go and prepare before leaving.” And with that, he left and closed the door behind him.

About his mother, that had always been a knot in Li Mu’s heart. Even though he and Li Xue may not be from the same mother, he had always wanted to know about his own mother. Since birth, he had no memories of her, and the members of the Li household were even more reluctant to tell him.


Sunset Peak, one of the highest peak within the State of Chu – a scenic beauty of high mountains and swift-flowing streams that had attracted many literary poets to view over countless of years.

At this very moment, at the summit of the Sunset Peak was a young man leading a horse, and with a sword in his hand. Gazing at the vast mountains from the Sunset Peak, he was in a trance.

That young man was Li Mu, who had left the Li household to travel. Already, half a month had passed, and in that half a month, he had traveled to numerous famous mountains and rivers near Muyun City, before riding further away from the city.

Through traveling, Li Mu had become more knowledgeable. Today, he was here at the Sunset Peak to witness the scenic view.

While admiring the distant beauty, Li Mu suddenly felt a trace of murderous intent nearby. Even though he may be a twelve year-old martial artist, he had already entered the Houtian Realm. After stepping into that realm, his senses heightened and became more sensitive.

Sensing the danger, Li Mu immediately pulled out his sword from its sheath and went on guard.

“Sou~!!!” An arrow, followed by a piercing sound from a distance, flew out from among the tall grass and headed straight for his chest

“Who dares to ambush me?”

Li Mu danced with his sword. Although he might not be able to use the essence in his body, his body was already more refined than when he was in the Tenth Points of Guti. With physical strength alone, he deflected the arrow to the ground, only to see that it was a finely crafted iron feathered arrow.

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