Chapter 3 – Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect (1)

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-Three days later, after honoring the ancestor, you will formally become the Prime Disciple of our sect.

The First Elder, while very discontent, still managed to grunt out a response.

Lee Chu Da was still sitting casually, without a trace of surprise. He only chuckled out loud.

-Me becoming the Prime Disciple should warrant a weapon or two for my personal safety, right?

Seeing his comfortable state under heavy pressure, all of the six Elders were surprised. In the end, the boy was only thirteen years old, but his calm demeanor resembled a tyrant that dominated one sphere, having everything under his control. How could a mortal like him have such a courageous spirit.

The First Elder shook his head at Lee Chu Da, telling him:

-Although we accept that you are the Prime Disciple, we can only give you a normal weapon. If you desire a formidable treasure or an Immortal Emperor Merit Law, you would have to contribute enough merits to the sect.

Lee Chu Da smiled; his goal was certainly not an Immortal Emperor Merit Law or a peerless technique. His true aim was the black wooden stick laying on the pedestal. Averting his gaze to the stick, Lee Chu Da continued:

-Fine, I want that wooden stick.

-That wooden stick?

The six Elders swayed their bodies in surprise.

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The stick was only used for gathering the ashes after a ceremonial burning to honor the ancestors. It has always been there and no one had any interest in it. The Elders thought Lee Chu Da would ask for treasures, but this request was outside of their expectation.

Lee Chu Da said with ease.

-Since I am the Prime Disciple, my position is worthy of respect. The stick belongs to the Grand Chamber, and this is the Ancestral Grand Chamber of all of the Sect. Its symbolism is worthy relative to my current position.

After hearing Lee Chu Da’s logic, the six Elders looked around themselves with their eyes wide open. They thought to themselves, this idiotic brat and the goddamn playboy Tam Quy Gia definitely belong together. Just like how an ox seeks another ox, a horse would find another horse.

(TL: Stupid people come together would be the meaning here, it doesn’t translate as poetically in English but I don’t know if we want to keep it in to keep the translation loyal)

-So be it, we shall bestow this stick upon you.

The First Elder was so happy to give this worthless stick to Lee Chu Da just so that he didn’t have to hear his incessant blabbering anymore.

-Many thanks to the honorable Elders.

Lee Chu Da was eagerly waiting for those words. Before his words finished coming out of his mouth, his hands were already holding the stick. This action in the eyes of the six Elders was seen as being very naive.

-Huai Ren, take him to his resting quarter.

Finally, an Elder got impatient and told a nearby disciple to send Lee Chu Da away.

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The events today have stressed the six Elders. Even if the Sect had long gone passed its glory days, it was not destitute enough to accept a waste of a human being as the Prime Disciple.

Led by the disciple, Lee Chu Ya approached a solitary single peak. It was not small; on top of it locates a small villa the size of 36,000 square meters.

The villa had been abandoned for a long time, surrounded by weeds and wild plants. Although it is far away from everything, it was still a part of the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect.

Opening the door, the disciple immediate says:

-Junior disci-, no, senior disciple, this place will be your home from now on.

He only spoke two words but quickly realized his mistakes.

From the time of joining the Sect, Lee Chu Da was his junior disciple, but because he was the Prime Disciple, anyone within the third generation – no matter how young or old – would have to call him senior disciple.

The truth is, according to the rules of the Sect, the Prime Disciple has the right to live in a peak closest to the center. However, all six Elders were unhappy with Lee Chu Da. Thus, he was exiled to this faraway place. The peaks located near the center contained thicker world essence than the collateral mountains and inferior peaks.

-This place will be just fine.

Lee Chu Da naturally proclaimed. He is not a petty man regarding such trivial matters.

-I have brought all the daily necessities to senior disciple earlier.

This junior disciple thoroughly handled matters with ease. Before leaving, he politely said:

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-If you need anything else, just come to the outer area to find me.

-What is your name?

Before the disciple departs, Lee Chu Da casually asked.

The disciple was surprised by the sudden question. He did not think highly of Lee Chu Da. His talents were lacking to the point that he would not be accepted as a regular disciple here. However, Lee Chu Da’s calm and collected demeanor in the Grand Chamber have left an impression on him.

-Senior disciple, this junior disciple’s name is Nan Hoai Ren. I am a caretaker of the outside court.

-My name is Lee Chu Da.

Lee Chu Da gently nodded.

In the last million years, the ones who knew his true origin and name could only be counted on the fingers of one’s hands.

After Nan Hoai Ren’s departure, Lee Chu Da did not idly sit by. He began to clean up the yard and tidy up the whole mountain. After completing the task to an acceptable standard, the deserted mountain resembled more of a home.

Lee Chu Da did everything in a systematic and neat manner, slow but steady. If any accidental bypassers were to witness his cleaning actions, they would not believe that he was only thirteen years old.

After the tedious labor, the sky slowly darkened. Lee Chu Da felt tired and hungry; he slowly sat down in front of the villa. Taking in a deep breath, he took out the wooden stick placed by his waist and carefully observes it. His memories slowly came back to him, causing him to have a bitter smile.

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The world believes that if an Immortal Emperor succeeds in carrying the Heaven’s Will, they will truly become immortal. However, if this was the case, then where are Immortal Emperor Akihito, Immortal Emperor Lunar Devourer, and all the peerless cultivators from each era? Where was their end?

Lee Chu Da slowly regained his composure; he removed the dust and ash from the stick. The stick eventually reveals its real form. This was a stick spanning one meter; after being doused in fire for thousands of years, it still retained its original form without faults. In the eyes of other people however, this was only a regular wooden stick without any magical elements. Lee Chu Da whispers:

– Serpent Punishing Stick.

That day, when Akihito was without the Heaven’s Will; Lee Chu Da, as the master of this future Immortal Emperor, had taught a group of children that would be the loyal supports for Akihito. Since he wanted to groom them well, he specifically took the Serpent Punishing Stick from the Demon Forest.

Those teenagers that would stomp the Nine Worlds under their feets were all victims of this stick. After concluding their training, he left the stick there in the Cleansing Incense Ancient Sect, and there it had remained until now.

Gripping the stick tightly, Lee Chu Da immersed himself even deeper within his memories. Escaping the Heaven Demonic Grotto was successful but time was not merciful. Everyone who used to be his friends and families such as the Medicine God, Immortal Emperor Sanguine, Immortal Emperor Akihito… even the illustrious Black Dragon God that survived three eras have all left this world.

At the beginning of the Desolate Era, he was only a young shepherd. Imprisoned by the Heaven Demon Grotto, he was forced to follow the trajectory envisioned by his master in his crow body. Unable to resist, he flew without rest across the Forbidden Burials, travelling across the Nine Lands, across the Nine Worlds… and in the end still had no choice but to return to the Heaven Demon Grotto.

(TL: Grammar here is weird but I do like the repetition here, makes it more dramatic)

However, because of this, he had experienced the countless dangers and mysteries of the world. He had trodden through lands that even an unbeatable Virtuous Paragon would stray from. His willpower, basked by hardships throughout the eras, became unshakable.

From then on, he was unwilling to become an immortal slave to the Heaven Demon Grotto. He formulated a grand plan in order to cut off all the immortal spirit seals and formations within his soul.

For his own freedom, to regain his body, he continuously led all the geniuses on the road of cultivation. The best of these young ones were able to fight on the peerless road, under the sky, to obtain the Heaven’s Will.

But now, everything was gone. His unshakable spirit was moved by human emotions. Taking his last, deep breath to forget his pain, he has once again strengthened his resolve to destroy all obstacles and penetrate the souls of those in the Heaven Demon Grotto.

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