Chapter 33 A few more motions

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  He Zikai went to the balcony, and turned slightly to his side,making sure Cheng Nuo could not hear him, and put through the phone.

  "Kai, it's me." Before He Zikai spoke, there camea woman's voice fromthe phone.

  "Mm-hmm." He Zikai responded, in a very gentle tone. "Why are you calling now?"

  "I miss you. I want to talk to you." Liu Ziying said coquettishly, with grievance and sadness in her voice.she hadn't heard the man's voice for two months. Just after listening to the concert, she was infected by a piece of music. Her inner feelings suddenly burst out. At this moment, she missed HeZikai very much, so she called.

  He Zikai did not answer and asked softly, "are you all right these days?"

  "Well,I’mfine." Liu Ziying said, in a hoarse voice, and slowly said, "It’sjust can't see you."

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  When he heard her voice, He Zikai couldn't find a word to comfort her for the moment, and in the past, as long as there was a little anxiety in her voice, hewould worry, but now......

  "When willyou graduate?" He Zikaiasked, thinking for a long time.The forthcomingwords unexpectedly was this.

  "Half a yearleft." Liu Ziying said, "Within six months, I will hold an exhibition of paintings, and hand in a graduation painting, and then I can come back."

  "Um." He Zikai answered and paused for a long time before he calmly said four words, "I’ll wait for you."

  “Well,Kai,I love you.”

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  When He Zikai walked into the living room, he saw that there was no one in there. Cheng Nuo was sitting at the tablefor supperwhen he looked at the dining room.

  He Zikai walked up to the restaurant.

  After dinner, He Zikai and Cheng Nuo returned to the bedroom. Cheng Nuo noticed that He Zikai was not quitehimselfthis evening. Not onlyhe did not say a word at dinner but alsoshe always felt strange about his expressions thisnight.

  Was it true that he hadbeen angry because she was late?

  "I'll run a bath for you." Cheng Nuo opened hermouth first, breaking the awkward atmosphere between theytwo.

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  Without waiting for the response fromHe Zikai , Cheng Nuo hurried to the bathroom.

  But before shegot to the bathroom door, He Zikai, who followed behind her,stopped her.

  He Zikai quickly caught up with Cheng Nuo,whopulled Cheng Nuo's arm directly, and pressed Cheng Nuo's whole person on the wall, then approachingher body.

  Cheng Nuo was a little flustered by He Zikai's sudden action. She looked up and looked into his eyes. "wh...what's the matter?"

  "Doyou work overtime today?" He Zikai asked.hefinished hiswork early in the afternoon, in order tocome back early to see this woman, because looking at her face, he felt that hewas enjoying it, but damn it, she came back very late today.If he did not callher, wouldshe be back even later?

  "No, no." Cheng Nuo answered.She thoughtabout it, and preferred tohonestly confess it, "Recently my waistwas painful, and after work I saw near the company a group of elderly women dancing on the square, so I joinedthem for a while."

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  "Backache?" He Zikai frowned and repeated, "Square dance?"

  Did hiswoman actually follow those aunts to the square dance?

  "Well......" Cheng Nuo clearly saw He Zikai's displeasure and dared not to talk more.

  Suddenly, He Zikai confined Cheng Nuo's waistwith his one hand, and as soon as he pulled, Cheng Nuo's whole body clungto him.

  "Exercise in bed can cure backache." He Zikai said evilly, with a smile in his fundus. "tonight, a few more motions, huh?"

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