Empress, please get up. You are really putting this old official in a difficult spot. This old official…… really doesn’t have any solutions. The only thing we can do now is to keep him alive. Unless……”

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Imperial Physician Zhang hurriedly knelt on the ground too.

“Unless what?” Chen Ning suddenly looked up. She had a glimmer of hope.

“But that’s impossible. It’s impossible.” Imperial Physician Zhang shook his head.

“Imperial Physician Zhang, unless what?” Chen Ning kept asking.

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“Unless the world’s best doctor can be invited to treat Jingan Wang. Then Jingan Wang will have hope. But this is something impossible. So, alas!” Imperial Physician Zhang sighed a long sigh.

“Why is it not possible? He’s known as the best doctor in the world. A doctor’s duty is to help people. Imperial Physician Zhang, where does this best doctor in the world live? I’m going to personally invite him here to save Shaobai.” Chen Ning held infinite hope in her eyes. As long as someone could save Shaobai, no matter how hard the road was, she would certainly bring the doctor here.

She suddenly remembered that when Empress Dowager Zhou was sick, it was Chu Shaobai who had travelled thousands of miles on a long journey to seek an elixir from that best doctor in the world. Her heart held more hope.

Mochuan slightly sighed. He pulled her up from the ground and said to Zhuifeng, “Zhuifeng, hurry and leave the capital. Go invite that best doctor in the world. As long as he is willing to save Shaobai, Zhen will give him whatever he wants.”

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Zhuifeng nodded.


Wait. Mochuan, I want to go with Zhuifeng.” Chen Ning suddenly said.

“No. Ning’er, your snake wound is not fully recovered. You also don’t know martial arts. You can’t travel so long and hard. It’s fine if Zhuifeng goes. His qinggong [light flying skill] and martial arts are high. He will definitely come back with the news soon.” Mochuan didn’t even think about it and refused.

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“News? You mean that Zhuifeng won’t be able to invite that doctor?” She immediately heard the meaning behind Mochuan’s words.

Mochuan didn’t look the slightest bit happy. Instead, he was very gloomy. He lightly went, “En” and no longer spoke.


“Empress doesn’t know. The best doctor in the world can be described as reaching the ‘pinnacle of perfection’ and ‘able to rescue someone from death.’ As long as he is willing to help, there is no illness in the world that he cannot treat. Even if someone died, the doctor can still save him.

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“But he has a strange personality. This old official heard that he has three ‘Won’t Save.’ If he doesn’t want to save someone, he would never move a finger no matter what. But if he wants to save someone, even if that person entered the underworld, the doctor can still pull him out.”  Imperial Physician Zhang sighed as he spoke.

“This godly doctor really has a strange personality. Imperial Physician Zhang, what are his three ‘Won’t Save?’ Is Shaobai within the scope of his three ‘Won’t Save?’” Chen Ning asked.

“The first is: He won’t save any noble or high-ranking person. If the person is noble or has unlimited wealth, he absolutely won’t save him even if all the gold in the world is put in front of him. The second is: He won’t save anyone whom he dislikes. The third is: He won’t save anyone who knows martial arts.

“Empress, Jingan Wang violates his first and third ‘Won’t Save.’ So, the godly doctor absolutely will not come. The Emperor probably won’t be able to invite him even if he personally goes himself. So that was why this old official said that this is impossible. Alas.”

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