Mochuan looked at her for a long time before finally reaching out to pull her into his arms.

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“I know that you will do what you have decided to do, so I will not stop you. But you must promise me that no matter what happens, you have to come back unscathed. If you really can’t invite the godly doctor…… You must still come back! If you don’t come back, how do you think I will punish you?”

He stared threateningly at her.

“Mochuan, I will definitely come back! And I will definitely bring the godly doctor back. Believe me!” She looked at him full of confidence.

He nodded and didn’t say any more. He just held her hand tightly.

He knew better than her how difficult that godly doctor was, but he didn’t want to shake her confidence. He also hoped that she really would have a way to invite him and save Chu Shaobai’s life.

“Okay. Get some rest. I will make some preparations for you. You can set off at dawn.”

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Mochuan picked her up and put her on the bed.

“Mochuan, what are you preparing?”

“Of course they are things that you will need. Be good. Wait for me here.”

Mochuan then turned and left.

She lied in bed and closed her eyes. But Chu Shaobai’s thin and sallow face kept appearing in her mind.

Tears unwittingly flowed down the corners of her eyes.

Believe me, Shaobai. I will save you!

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Whether that godly doctor is a human or a ghost and even if he is an immortal from the heavens, I will still bring him back to save your life!

Mochuan returned. His footsteps were silent so she didn’t hear him.


He stood in front of the bed and saw her crying without a sound. His heart pained.

She was crying for another man, but he could only helplessly watch and couldn’t do anything. That was because he felt as bad as she did.

“Silly girl. Don’t cry anymore. Aren’t you afraid that I will be jealous if you cry for Shaobai?”

He hugged her and wiped the tears from her eyes while feigning anger.

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She opened her tearful eyes and said softly, “You will never be jealous of Shaobai.”

“But I am distressed seeing you cry.” He used his fingers to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. “Don’t cry, Ning’er.”

She blinked and leaned her head into his arms. She smiled through her tears.

In this world, only Mochuan understood her and was distressed over her like this.

Her eyes suddenly landed on the big and small bundles that he had brought back. She opened her eyes in amazement.

“What is that, Mochuan?”

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“They’re for you to use on the road. Come. You don’t know how to use certain things. I’ll teach you.”

Mochuan opened the small bundle and took out a belt. He fastened it around her waist.

“This isn’t an ordinary belt. It’s a very delicately crafted weapon. It has a very nice name: Peacock Spreads Its Tail. Do you want to try its power?”

“Peacock Spreads Its Tail? This name is beautiful. Is this a very powerful weapon? Teach me how to use it.” She touched the belt excitedly and curiously.

Mochuan’s face suddenly changed colors. He shouted, “Don’t move. Do not move.”

His body flashed behind her. Cold sweat had appeared on his back.

This girl was really reckless. Her hand was on the mechanism. If she accidentally had pressed down, she would have become a beehive.

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