End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1059: Heaven Rank

He used mana to control the flask with transparent solution and slowly poured the solution onto the drop of Beast God's Blood.

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The solution turned into a transparent thread that doused the Beast God's Blood.

This instantly created wisps of bloody mist and the drop of blood floating within the stone bottle slowly shrunk. After coming in contact with the drop of blood, the transparent solution turned into a kind of amber thick and sticky liquid.

The Beast God's Blood had completely disappeared by the time all the transparent liquid had been poured out, only leaving the amber-colored liquid within the stone bottle.

A special fluctuation was spreading from the stone bottle. It wasn't mana fluctuation, it was a clear Extraordinary Power fluctuation.

It felt like his comprehension towards Laws was rising just from feeling these fluctuations. But it also felt like they were hidden behind a layer of fog, which made people want to tear open that layer of fog.

And the best method to tear open that layer of fog was naturally to drink that golden potion.

Lin Yun vigilantly glanced at the potion. Even he felt like drinking the potion when he sensed that fluctuation.

'No wonder that potion was called the Golden Temptation…'

The power of Laws was the greatest temptation to mages, it was more terrifying than all worldly temptations.

Lin Yun used a rune to seal the stone bottle, completely sealing the spreading fluctuation.

He didn't immediately leave after compounding the potion, he instead started thinking about the refining process.

That process seemed very simple, but it was impossible for anyone below the Artisan realm.

The alchemy knowledge and techniques required were so advanced that it could make a Master Alchemist despair.

It wasn't just the alchemy techniques, it also required knowledge of the runes, control over the materials, precise control over one's actions. This even required array and crafting knowledge.

There would be few alchemists able to reproduce it if this method came out.

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Lin Yun came out of the laboratory with the stone bottle in hand and then hurriedly left the Demiplane.

They had encountered two Heaven Rank Beastmen in a row, and both of them weren't part of the strongest eight tribes… How could the powerful tribes not possess Heaven Rank powerhouses already?

'How come these damned Beastman got a hold of so many mana crystals in such a short time?'

Although there was a huge number of Pseudo Heaven Rank Magic Beasts in the Raging Flame Battlefield, to the point where one could be found every few dozen kilometers.

But there wasn't only one Beastman Tribe here, aside from the several Beastman Tribes, there was still ten human forces. 

There were so many people hunting the magic beasts. And wanting to collect a hundred Pseudo Heaven Rank mana crystals meant that they had to hunt a hundred magic beasts.

Lin Yun's hunting speed definitely was the fastest here, yet he had only obtained about fifty mana crystals.

Apart from the dozen hunted by the mage army and the two given by Morgan, he had gotten rid of about forty magic beasts.

There definitely couldn't be another force in the entire Raging Flame Battlefield hunting the Pseudo Heaven Rank Magic Beasts faster than him. Just how did they get their mana crystals?

Lin Yun thought about it but couldn't understand.

But he had a feeling that the Beastmen already had three or four Heaven Rank powerhouses.

They might have even more, maybe seven or eight Beastmen had already advanced to the Heaven Rank.

Lin Yun felt a chilling sensation as he thought of that number. Seven to eight Heaven Rank Beastmen capable of using Extraordinary Power could completely crush any human force.

They had to unite at this time, they needed a few Heaven Rank powerhouses at the very least in order to reduce that gap. They could only think of counterattacking if they breached that gap.

Raphael and Morgan were waiting for Lin Yun as he got out of the Demiplane. As for the forces of Sky City and the Henry Family, they were currently hunting in the surroundings.

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"Sir Merlin, you came… Was it a success?"

Seeing Lin Yun, Morgan immediately shouted with a pleasantly surprised tone. He couldn't stop drooling as he saw the stone bottle in Lin Yun's hands.

Raphael also had an unconcealable excited expression.

"How did it go? Did everything go well?"

Lin Yun nodded.

"It can be considered a success. I compounded a kind of potion that can be taken by humans and whose effect is similar to the Beastmen merging with the Beast God's Blood. But its only effect is to complete the last step of the transformation, it doesn't increase the power of one's bloodline…"

Before the two could say anything, Lin Yun made his decision on the ownership of the Golden Temptation.

"Sir Morgan, I believe that you understand the current situation. Both you and Sir Raphael are Peak 9th Rank Archmages half a step away from the Heaven Rank. Whoever drinks this potion will be able to advance to the Heaven Rank.

"We should stand united to survive this crisis. Self-preservation should be the first problem we need to solve.

"Sir Raphael is proficient in the field of arrays. After he advances to the Heaven Rank, he would be able to help us escape from Heaven Rank Beastmen by using the power of arrays.

"Even if we meet two Heaven Rank powerhouses, he would be able to help us safely flee…"

Lin Yun had carefully thought about it for a while before deciding to give this bottle of Golden Temptation to Raphael. Moreover, the previous negotiations over the potion had made Lin Yun come to a decision.

But Lin Yun had barely finished his words that Morgan indifferently waved his hands.

"It's fine, just let Sir Raphael drink the potion first. Another drop of Beast God's Blood can be traded once enough mana crystals are gathered. Moreover, new magic beasts keep popping up even after areas are wiped clean.

"The speed at which we can obtain mana crystals is rising extremely fast. Moreover, our side possesses more powerhouses half a step into the Heaven Rank than the Beastman side. 

"Even if those damned Beastmen have enough Beast God's Blood and can advance to the Heaven Rank, there would definitely be less than ten of them.

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"We have the advantage in number. At the current speed, I would be able to gather over a hundred mana crystals within a month with the Henry Family's forces…"

Lin Yun nodded and gave the Golden Temptation to Raphael.

Raphael had an excited expression as he said with a shaky voice, "Sir Merlin, you and Sir Morgan used a lot of mana crystals this time. I'll rapidly pay it back, with 20% interest."

On the side, Morgan waved his hands, pretending to be generous.

"It's fine, Sir Raphael, you should hurry and drink the potion."

Raphael took a moment to calm down before drinking the Golden Temptation. In an instant, dense Law Power surged from Raphael's body.

Raphael slowly floated up, and countless runes containing the aura of Laws fluttered around his body. These endless runes all contained special power.

Especially when floating, every time the angle changed, everyone could see a very different rune. It was like the rune was three-dimensional, but it didn't appear to be three-dimensional when looked at.

Lin Yun attentively watched those runes.

Law Runes were the advanced form of runes!

Each of these Law Runes contained the power and variation of at least ten runes. This was something Heaven Rank powerhouses would start controlling.

The fusion of runes resulted in Law Runes. The fusion of two runes could result in several kinds of transformation, and every extra rune would increase the number of transformations exponentially. And the greater the amount, the more troublesome it was.

Heaven Mages' specific defensive ability was a merged shield made from a Fusion Shield, a Mana Shield, an Elemental Shield and a Runic Shield. It was even stronger, this was a Law Runic Shield.

At least a hundred of Law Runes had to be comprehended in order to use this Law Runic Shield.

The gap between Heaven powerhouses that had just advanced to the 1st Rank and 2nd Rank Heaven powerhouses was so great because of that Law Runic Shield.

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Lin Yun knew from seeing these Law Runes that these fragments of Laws from the Beast God's Blood, these were the most important things to complete the last transformation.

The fragments of Laws could make mages rapidly grasp the power of the Heaven Rank and rapidly control Extraordinary Power. Completing the final transformation would be just as easy as letting a boat be dragged along with the flow.

Those that grasped Extraordinary Power were Heaven Rank powerhouses!

Raphael was surrounded in countless Law Runes. His aura became stronger and stronger until Extraordinary Power slowly spread out.

Soon, those Law Runes merged within Raphael's body and the shadow of a Demiplane could vaguely be seen emerging behind him.

Those Law Runes started merging into that faint Demiplane, making the incorporeal shadow rapidly take shape.

This was the same as directly using the power of the Heaven Rank to establish his Demiplane, it was a lot faster than slowly grasping Extraordinary Power to establish his Demiplane step by step.

Seven-colored rays of light appeared in the sky, followed by a bright light pillar surging from Raphael's body. The light pillar charged into the sky and converged with those seven-colored rays of light.

Ultimately, the seven-colored rays of light dissipated and only left cyan rays of light behind.

At that moment, all elements apart from the wind elements were repelled. The wind elements seemed to be cheering as they converged towards Raphael.

Those wind elements converged into semi-transparent cyan fairies which revolved around Raphael, continuously singing his praises.

At that moment, Raphael became the center of the world.

Extraordinary Power surged and spread in the surroundings. But a kind of powerful pressure suddenly appeared around Raphael. It felt as if the entire world was emitting pressure in Raphael's direction and forced the escaping Extraordinary Power back into his body.

Something appeared in the sky, it looked as if the sky was being flattened by two huge incorporeal hands.

Those cyan fairies disappeared and Raphael slowly floated down with closed eyes.

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