End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1072: Research

'Oh no, that guy definitely hates me now. Not only did he not die, he even advanced to the Heaven Rank...

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'No good, I have to cooperate with Dedale and have the Burning Tower quickly research the method to use Beast God's Blood. Raphael will definitely take his revenge if I don't reach the Heaven Rank before coming across him…'

"Sir Dedale, I told you everything I know, I only hope that you can help me advance after you find the method to use the Beast God's Blood. Naturally, I would provide the Beast God's Blood for my potion."

Dylas sounded somewhat hurried.

'Morgan advanced to the Heaven Rank and I can clearly see that he is trying everything he can to scam me. He doesn't have a very good impression of me and is so close to Mafa Merlin now. He is fiercely hugging Mafa Merlin's thigh and would just keep troubling me.

'I offended Raphael quite badly last time, almost causing his death. And he has already advanced to the Heaven Rank...

'There is also Mafa Merlin who can burst with the power of a Heaven Rank powerhouse.

'Heavens, three Heaven Rank powerhouses… I'm screwed if they want to trouble me…'

Dylas felt somewhat worried, but Dedale wasn't. He said perfunctorily, "Rest assured, Sir Dylas, since you told me that secret, we definitely won't forget you when we finish researching the method to use Beast God's Blood, we will definitely help you advance to the Heaven Rank."

Dylas just calmed down when Dedale suddenly said with an awkward expression, "But, Sir Dylas, there is no use even if we know the effects of the Beast God's Blood. The mana crystals we got from hunting have been completely exchanged for things. 

"We only have three or four mana crystals now, we simply don't have enough to trade for the Beast God's Blood...

"If we want to research it, we need at least a drop of blood. We can't research it without materials. You brought the information back a bit late. It would have been fine if you had come a few days earlier, we had enough to trade for one drop of blood.

"Now, we can only keep gathering enough mana crystals and hope we will soon gather 100 mana crystals to trade for a drop of Beast God's Blood to start the research..."

Dedale had a helpless expression. It seemed that he didn't care too much about this information. In any case, there was no point in being in a hurry since he already knew about the it.

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But Dylas' heart froze when he heard Dedale's words.

'Damn, only a few mana crystals left? You must be kidding me?

'They would gather a hundred before exchanging for a drop of Beast God's Blood?

'That's a hundred!

'Those Pseudo Heaven Rank Magic Beasts aren't ordinary magic beasts. Only in this place could so many strange Pseudo Heaven Rank Magic Beasts appear.

'Even if a Pseudo Heaven Rank Magic Beast is killed here, it will be replaced by a new one shortly after.

'But they would have to hunt without rest for one to two months to save up 100 mana crystals, if they are lucky, they might be able to gather enough.

'But who knows how many Beastmen would have advanced to the Heaven Rank by then?

'There would be no point in worrying about Mafa Merlin then, everyone would die in the Raging Flame Battlefield…'

Dylas was lost in thought, he hadn't expected that. He couldn't tell whether it was true or not when looking at Dedale's expression. But he was the one who couldn't wait.

"Sir Dylas, I want to start the research as soon as possible, but there is nothing I can do without the Beast God's Blood...

"Since you know this secret, you must have a drop of Beast God's Blood, right? How about offering it for research?"

Dedale said that final conclusion with a regretful expression. This stunned Dylas, and after thinking for a bit, Dylas understood what Dedale was doing.

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'Damnit, that Dedale guy actually wants to rip me off at such a time!

'That's a drop of Beast God's Blood! Don't tell me that guy wants me to provide the drop for the experiment?! That's not an inferior material, it's a drop of blood of the Beast God!

'I only have one. That greedy leech… Since he already knows the secret, he wants me to provide the drop of blood?!'

Dylas held his breath. He wanted to vent, but he endured and didn't dare to vent.

Dylas remained silent for a few minutes until Dedale threw him a surprised look and started seeing him off.

"Sir Dylas, is there anything else? I still have a lot of things to do and I'm afraid I don't have time to accompany you…"

Dedale kept a calm expression, as if he didn't care whether Dylas provided the Beast God's Blood. It was as if he didn't think he was tricking Dylas.

Dylas was burning in anger, but he suddenly calmed down as coldness emerged within his heart.

'B*stard, I finally understand. That Dedale simply didn't want to cooperate with me. It wouldn't matter if I had the Beast God's Blood or not.

'That damned guy definitely possesses many mana crystals. The Burning Tower has so many powerhouses, as well as Dedale who could display the power of a Heaven Rank powerhouse. Their hunting speed had been the fastest at the start.

'Moreover, the number of Pseudo Heaven Rank Magic Beasts in the Raging Flame Battlefield is far higher than what it originally was. They definitely gathered a lot of mana crystals. Now that they know that secret, even if they had traded their mana crystals for True Spirit Magic Tools, it wouldn't take long for them to gather a hundred if they started hunting again...

'At that time, he would start researching the Beast God's Blood, and regardless of the results, it would have nothing to do with me. Dedale would be able to use it to keep producing Heaven Rank powerhouses.

'The results of the research would keep on strengthening the Burning Tower after they left the Raging Flame Battlefield.

'Damnit, that greedy leech never planned on cooperating with me.

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'I can only take out that drop of Beast God's Blood now, regardless of the result of the research, I'm bound to get a share.'

As this became clear to Dylas, he felt somewhat helpless. This was an overt plot, a huge hole waiting for him to jump into it. But he had to jump, because the benefits were too great.

As Dedale stood up and started walking away, Dylas no longer hesitated and called out to Dedale.

"Sir Dedale, we can't delay our cooperation on the research of the Beast God's Blood. If this continues, both the Raging Flame Beastmen and Mafa Merlin's side would become far stronger than us.

"That traitorous Morgan Henry is already very close with Mafa Merlin, if another Heaven Rank powerhouse appears on their side, we won't have much of an influence left in this place. Even Sir Dedale's leader position would be taken away.

"Who knows what those b*stards plan to do behind our backs. Moreover, I'm unwilling to let those Andlusan surpass us.

"Since Mafa Merlin was able to figure it out, then we should definitely be able to figure it out too. Moreover, we can't be slow or it would tarnish the reputation of the Odin Kingdom.

"It just happens that I have a drop of Beast God's Blood. I shall give this drop to you, Sir Dedale. Please let your people study it as quickly as possible.

"As a member of the Odin Kingdom, how could I let Andlusan insects surpass us!"

Dylas spoke righteously, saying that he was acting both for the sake of the Odin Kingdom and in order to contribute to everyone.

Dedale let out two chuckles and patted Dylas' shoulder.

"Sir Dylas, since you are happily offering your drop of Beast God's Blood, you can rest assured. Although our Burning Tower isn't specialized in potioneering, our Burning Tower actually has deeply researched God Blood.

"It shouldn't take long for us to study it, and once we are confident, we will share the result of the research with Sir Dylas. The first person to complete the Extraordinary transformation shall be Sir Dylas!"

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Dylas chuckled twice as he painfully gave the Beast God's Blood to Dedale. He couldn't not take it out now, if he wanted to enjoy the fruits of the research, he had to put forward the materials.

'Forget it, in any case, once the results of the research come up, the first to enjoy it would definitely be me. That's enough, that drop of Beast God's Blood would definitely be used on me.' Dylas comforted himself.

He then remained within the Burning Tower's camp while the mages from the Shadow Tower kept hunting Pseudo Heaven Rank Magic Beasts.

The Burning Tower started organizing people to study the Beast God's Blood.

On the other side, Lin Yun was also studying the Beast God's Blood.

He had been able to use the Beast God's Blood to compound the Golden Temptation Potion, but that hadn't been because he had researched Beast God's Blood, it was because he possessed a ready-made complete method he had seen in the decaying library. Moreover, it was tailored for the blood of the Beast God. 

The powerful Gods of the Era of Gods all had their own paths they specialized in. The source of their power was also different and only the blood of a few of them could be used to help people complete their Extraordinary transformation, the Beast God being one of them.

It was because the power came from his bloodline and his blood contained a huge amount of energy and Law Power.

The best part of the Beast God's Blood was its source of power, whose use wasn't limited to the compounding of the Golden Temptation Potion.

It could be used in plenty of recipes, but the most famous one was to use it as a raw material for the Golden Temptation.

There were other uses, but these uses hadn't been documented or written down. At the peak of Noscent, the Beast God's Blood was only considered a bit useful when used to compound the Golden Temptation, its other uses were considered obsolete.

Moreover, the Beast God's Blood was even more effective in the Raging Flame Battlefield, those Beastmen could directly fuse with it and complete the Extraordinary transformation. As long as they were 9th Rank Sword Saint or Arch-warlocks and possessed a drop of Beast God's Blood, they would be able to advance to the Heaven Rank whenever and wherever with no side-effects and only benefits.

If this continued, the Beastmen would have more and more Heaven Rank powerhouses and mankind would be finished.

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