At this point, it seemed more in line with my role today to support Bridget rather than stop her.

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‘I’m a supporter.’

Normally, a supporter is someone who heals an attacker and assists them in their actions.

But what if it goes beyond the realm of ordinary and becomes a celestial-class1used to describe something or someone that is of the highest level or quality, surpassing ordinary standards. support?

‘They shouldn’t just heal the damage, they should be able to remove the cause of the damage in the first place.’

With such a thought, as I lightly slammed my palm on the desk, all the objects that were on it immediately floated in mid-air.

The man, who was causing a fuss while pointing at Bridget, was taken aback by the spectacle unfolding before his eyes.

Wow, truly remarkable abilities. As descendants of a kingdom that thrived and perished in madness, even a simple performance yielded results beyond imagination.

“I only intended to lift a single glass I was drinking from, but ended up lifting all the objects.”

Though it deviated from the plan, she would undoubtedly become a princess who was not to be trifled with.

I wondered if the tiger with missing teeth, despite being underestimated, could still roar with such vigor after getting its teeth sunk into it.

As a signal to choose between surrendering or launching a more aggressive attack, Taeri warned him with a coy smile as the head of a thousand-year-old wizard clan.

“I’m getting angry. Don’t treat my people recklessly.”

“Ma, magic…!”

Yes, it’s magic. That burdensome power that instilled fear and awe in all of you.

Taeri revived the fear that the man had forgotten and playfully twirled a floating fork in the air.

“Step back now. If, even in this situation, you don’t fear me, don’t you think it’s recklessness instead of bravery? I’m giving you a chance to uphold your dignity.”

Anyone with common sense would retreat at this point, and even those who lack it will learn that life is a real battle.

My hands are itching to test the extent of the power of this magic I’m trying for the first time.

“Insulting a knight like that…”

“Why. Are you so angry that you want to throw down your gauntlet and challenge me? A knight who doesn’t even observe proper etiquette towards a princess has no right to request an honorable duel.”

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With justification and power, I ruthlessly pressed down, and as expected, the man didn’t fight back.

The gazes of the onlookers gathered around were shameful, and along with them, members of his group stepped forward one by one in opposition.

“You’re going too far with your words! Even if you’re a princess, haven’t you received the grace of the Emperor? Who do you think has stabilized this land, which was in chaos?”

“The previous princess couldn’t protect this place and fled, didn’t she?”

So, does that mean it’s a subtle way of telling me to shut up in submission to the Emperor of Valoran?

As I was about to see how far this would go, another person came forward and angrily denounced the wizards all at once.

“Since ancient times, the so-called wizards have been shameless and full of themselves. That’s why Izarith is suffering from the wrath of the gods!”

They throw in such an interesting topic. What they just said is all gaslighting.

This is probably how they’ve been harassing the people of Izarith all along. Those who thought they were at fault would have felt guilty and reacted poorly.

That subtle imbalance is what amplified the audacity of these shameless individuals.

“That sucks. So what am I supposed to do?”


“So what’s your point?”

Unfortunately, this time the gaslighting was on the wrong side of the fence.

Taeri wasn’t delicate enough to be wounded by such words, especially considering she wasn’t even the princess herself. She hadn’t experienced enough of the world to forget what she should say when her heart was hurt by someone else’s story, a story that had nothing to do with her.

“We were cursed, and Izaris was ruined. So, did it ruin your life? How did our tragedy cause any harm to Valoran?”


“Right, I couldn’t protect this place. But so what? Why should I apologize to you for something that has nothing to do with you? I feel a great deal of guilt for that, but not to you. I have never done anything wrong that I should apologize for.”

Isn’t that delusion bordering on insanity?

“You really are hopeless.”

The tactic of recounting old stories while stirring up wounds, it was vile and well-executed. So, I will use an even more powerful and convenient method of shock therapy.

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Inspired by the sight of Anshi raising her staff, Taeri condensed mana into the fork she was playing with in the air, enlarging its size.

Then, with the feeling of thrusting it in front of the men, now transformed into the size of a greatsword, she lowered it as it was.

Even as she did so, she wondered if it would work, but to her surprise, a trident was stuck in the marble floor, sending dust flying.

People all around screamed and cowered on the floor.

‘Once again, I’m gaining notoriety like this.’

Though it was perplexing, if a woman drew her sword, something had to be done.

To deliver the final blow, Taeri grabbed the armrest and stood up, and at that precise moment, a creaking, eerie melody emanated from the chair.

It was just an ordinary noise, but now even that became terrifying.

“I am the princess of Izarith and the only blood relative of the Sonetti who first trod these lands. I am the master of this place, not your emperor, and I have never granted a foreigner the privilege of treading like this in my territory, and I never will, so don’t forget that the only reason you are able to put on your shoes and tread this ground, even for a moment, is because my mercy allows it.”

As she spoke, she lightly tapped the damaged floor with her shoe, causing a small whirlwind of crushed stones to swirl.

The unnatural phenomenon sent shivers down their spines, but the calm and quiet threat conveyed an even more ominous warning.

“You insolent fools, I must say you’ve put quite an effort into your journey… But it’s not difficult to make it vanish like a midsummer night’s dream. Some of you might have experienced it firsthand, and that’s why I hope you won’t provoke me for no reason. Let’s continue living as uncomfortable neighbors for now.”

Perhaps due to the successive events that demonstrated her capability, even though it was a veiled threat, the princess, as seen through the eyes of the people, appeared like a queen who could effortlessly foil any opposition.

The suppressed fear lingered in the air, weighing heavily on the atmosphere for a long time.

It was the moment when Taeri, who had exerted excessive energy in her performance, thought, ‘Ah, I want to rest now.’

Just like magic coming true as desired, the entire hall seemed to hold its breath for a moment, and amidst the crowd of people unable to move a finger, a regular sound of footsteps resonated.

The man who captured the attention of many walked straight towards the queenly princess, without any hesitation or fidgeting.

“Good to see you again, Your Highness.”

What met the eye was an unbuttoned collar with a couple of buttons undone, a white shirt carelessly tucked into his pants, and a coat that was clearly put on haphazardly.

However, what could be felt from his approach was an aura of conqueror’s coldness.

As the chandelier’s light traced the sharp jawline, he tilted his head and casually glanced at the trembling men before unleashing his words without any preamble.

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“Get lost.”

“V-viceroy… sir.”

“Get out right now. If you don’t want more beatings.”

As if there was no need for further words, he pointed towards the exit, and the terrified men, with wobbly legs, vanished as if fleeing for their lives.

Having confirmed their disappearance, Claude finally knelt before the princess and gently kissed the back of her hand.

Did the viceroy just say that? As if proving a point, his lips lightly touched her soft hand.

“Yes, indeed. We meet again.”

No matter what he is to others, to Taeri, he remained a beloved protagonist.

He was the only savior she could rely on in this world.

When she displayed a warm smile, a wave of blue spread throughout the crowd, witnessing the affectionate scene of the two.

They stood side by side, a pair that was thought to never match, yet they created such a harmonious picture.

Although the truth resided within each of their hearts, that picture alone was a merry happy ending.

* * *

Confirming that the teahouse was closed, Claude burst into the wine bar as if he were flying. Initially, he had no intention of revealing his presence.

If the princess were not here, he would have drawn attention unnecessarily and caught by the talkative nobles.

However, the moment he stepped inside, that concern became futile.

In his place, a presence that already commanded everyone’s attention was radiating power throughout the room.

Invisible waves surged, accompanied by the sound of shattering and breaking, as a woman in a calm coat stood up in the space filled with conventional dresses and suits, appearing like a solitary executor.

— I hope you won’t provoke me for no reason. Let’s continue living as uncomfortable neighbors for now.

It was icy intimidation, but it was probably a lie. At least that’s how Claude saw it.

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Despite appearing angry, the princess’s emotions were quite inflated.

Rather, from a distance, she looked relaxed and confident.

There was an air of superiority about her, as if she knew how the story would end, giving the impression that she was in complete control.

I know your future like the back of my hand, you little ants, so shut up and don’t complain. That kind of feeling?

If it was her intention, it could be considered a brilliant tactic worthy of a standing ovation, but……

‘Surprising. I didn’t expect to see that.’

Since yesterday, Claude couldn’t find the same passion in her, so it felt oddly unfamiliar.

While it may be understandable for her to appear indifferent, there was no trace of the same enthusiasm or assertiveness.

Observing her today, as she stepped forward to protect her people, Claude sensed a considerable affection emanating from her.

Considering their positions, it was only natural, but why did such a strong flame ignite in the dry firewood overnight?

Without wavering, Claude averted his gaze from the princess, whom he still regarded with unwavering trust, and directed a disdainful expression towards the subversive troublemaker who had led her here.

“Princess, how do you know this woman?”

“Who? Oh……”

The princess, with a puzzled expression on her face, quickly came up with a suitable answer.

“She was a childhood friend.”

“……A friend?”

As he couldn’t hide the trembling in his eyes, a snickering voice stuck to the princess’s side.

“Oh my, who is this? What brings a nobody like you to a place with so many fruitful opportunities? I’m the princess’s friend, you know! Hehe!”

Damn it. Why of all the troublesome people, did this annoying chatterbox have to cling to the princess’s side?

‘How do I get rid of this?’

I must detach them. This crazy fly……

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