“You sound very certain.”

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“Why won’t it be certain? Even if you don’t run away and stay together, a child is just someone else’s burden. But if you think you should have stayed and died together because you are an enemy, then I have nothing to say.”

You were a child then, and no matter how great you thought you were, you were a child.

The princess, seemingly unscathed by the blow to her temper, replied grimly.

“I know that much.”

“If you know that, then why……!”

Why ask. You’re making me feel bad!

“But is the viceroy angry?”

“No, I’m not.”

“You’re sulking.”

“I’m not sulking.”

“Why, there’s something that you can sense, but can’t quite pinpoint exactly. For example, is it a little sour or very sour? Oh, did you also add salt? Is it that kind of explosive sensation? That’s the feeling I’m talking about. I do understand it to some extent.”

“What do you understand…”

I understand. You’re trying to make a comparison right now.

As she suppressed her inexplicable frustration, she added an excuse in a tone that implied she had put some thought into it this time.

“However, the legitimacy of reasons can vary.”

Talking about legitimacy.

“If we consider legitimacy, then the statement is even more incorrect.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“If the princess were to die, the lineage of Izarith would come to an end. If there is a desire to revive the country someday, we must find a way to keep the princess alive. An heir is the only hope for the future.”

Despite his rapid-fire tirade, Claude looked dumbfounded, unsure of why he was saying this.

He finds himself in a position where he needs to frustrate the woman in front of him, taking away both her land and her inheritance.

‘Why did I make such a slip of the tongue?’

And yet, the princess continues to wear that expression.

‘It makes people uncomfortable.’

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Taeri also noticed his strange mentality and quietly closed her mouth after a short while.

It’s somewhat comforting to know that there is someone who diligently refutes her insensitive remarks and even feels sorry, paying attention to her every word and even noticing her feelings.

Feeling somewhat grateful for this aspect, there was a faint smile the moment their eyes met, but Claude quickly turned his head away upon seeing it.

“Please understand that I lack the skill of using gentle words.”

“I understand.”

She truly understood. As someone who had suddenly found herself in a foreign world through reincarnation, if she couldn’t trust the protagonist, who could she trust? It seemed like she would have to get along with the protagonist if she wanted to find a way back.

In response to Claude’s expression, which seemed to have many more nagging comments to make, she decided to let it go and continued the conversation.

“And please stop dwelling on the past and focus on the people who are currently living.”

“The people who are living?”

“It seems like you don’t know anything. There are many people who have survived here, in this hotel and in the apothecary district. They are all living well after surviving, so go and see for yourself.”

The hotel, yes, but the apothecary district?

Claude had dropped a hint, and Taeru had tried to remember it somehow, but no matter how much she searched, she’d never seen such a place name in the game.

“Where is it?”

“East of the old city, in the ruins. Most of the surviving Izarithins live there. It’s more of a refugee settlement.”

The princess, who appeared without any warning, was not at all welcoming to him, but it would likely be a different story for the wizards.

He’ll have the opportunity to tease and make fun of those prickly, haughty, and insolent wizards, seeing them reduced to tears and snot.

Ah, it would be a great chance to play with them. With a hint of regret, Taeri suddenly asked him.

“When are you available?”


Available? Available for what? Why would she need my availability?

“Why do you—”

“You told me to go.”

“But why are you curious about my availability to go there?”

“You said to let youknow if I need help.”

No, does that mean she wants me to go with her? To that place? He couldn’t control his wavering eyes.

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“I don’t know how to get to the ruins. I’ve never been to the apothecary district. You know I don’t have any close acquaintances here.”

Are we friends now. Claude’s expression showed his desire to ask that question, but unfortunately, he didn’t.

Among all the people here, Taeri felt the closest to him, knew him the best, and had the strongest sense of familiarity. The protagonist.

Then, taking a deep breath, the man made his reason for refusal perfectly clear in one concise, clean sentence.

“If I go there, I will die.”

“Die……? Ahh.”

“It’s a place where the knights of the Empire don’t usually hang around. If I go there, they’ll come out in groups with staves.”

“To crack your skull open?”

“……Why do you speak so harshly?”

In the ruins, there are the true indigenous mages of Izaris, the genuine sorcerers, who have gathered together to survive. To them, Claude’s presence is nothing more than an unwelcome invader, worthy of being crushed without hesitation.

Naturally, they wouldn’t have any reason to like him. They would treat him like a rabbit that foolishly wandered into a tiger’s den, attempting to devour him with their magic.

And that’s the norm. It is the princess here who is abnormal.

‘I almost made a mistake.’

Taeri, who had always been biased towards the protagonist, was almost confused by the unfamiliar position he found himself in.

The princess and the knight.

While it might easily develop into a romantic relationship in other settings, it wasn’t the case in this game.

In a way, he should have poisoned the juice he just drank and attempted assassination. Or slapped her, or gouged out her eyes, or…….

‘He didn’t do anything.’

He let out a big yawn in frustration.

“Ah, sorry. I’m sorry. It was a genuine mistake. I hardly slept because I arrived in the early morning.”

“Yes, I can imagine. You’ve certainly been through a lot.”

Claude responded curtly, as if he knew it well enough.

“You handled a lot on your own in the forest.”


Having faced thembefore, she had already defeated them multiple times.

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The moment she clickedthe left mouse button to select YES, the screen went black and she fell into the middle of the forest.

Without understanding what’s going on, she relentlessly fought against charging monsters, killed them with all her might, and in the midst of it all, she encountered a bloodied elf and rescued him. Slowly piecing together her memories, she managed to find her way into a village.

The only fortunate thing was that she had experienced killing most of the monsters that appeared, at least twenty times each.

She knew their weaknesses and where to strike to land critical hits, allowing her to narrowly escape with her life.

‘Of course, I didn’t hunt alone.’

Perhaps the bloodlust of the deranged elf had also tinged her instincts.

“Are you injured? You appear to be in good health without needing to ask.”

“I’m not injured.”

“Then what was that blood?”

The question was sudden and unexpected. It lacked any context or explanation, seemingly unrelated to the ongoing conversation.

“It was from an elf.”

However, Taeri calmly responded without flinching.

“I was with an injured elf.”

Claude’s seemingly compliant demeanor became unsettling as more information poured in.

“He must be a high elf, I saw the higher spirits cooperating with him.”

“Why would an elf be here…….”

“He must have had his reasons. I don’t know why he was doing that at that time.”

“Do you know him?”

“No, I don’t know him.”

But why does it sound like he knows something? Taeri couldn’t help but smirk at Claude’s desire to retort, evident in his resolute expression.

“Well, thanks for the trouble. I bothered you with all sorts of questions.”

While doing so, she recalled the elf she had met in the early morning, Ezreal.

To be honest, it was a bit of a stretch to say that I had met him.

In the midst of fighting barehanded, I happened to pick up his dagger and used it, and after exchanging a barrage of insults and returning it, we just happened to be going in the same direction for a while.

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Of course, even then, that guy was relentless in his swearing and irritability.

He was a key NPC who would alternate between being an ally and an enemy to the protagonist, providing assistance. Taeri, who had recognized his true identity at a glance, cautiously walked alongside him without making any hasty moves, keeping her breath held.

“I’ll cover the rest of the expenses next time. There might be another opportunity to pay in the future.”

As she anticipated the days to come, Taeri glanced briefly at Claude’s waist, where his sheathed sword rested, causing him to instinctively turn his upper body and hide in a defensive stance.

“Take care from now on. I’ll probably need a lot of help, so I’ll make sure to be someone who can help you in return.”

Taeri, who had been filled with despair just earlier that morning, decided to hold onto a sliver of hope.

If the man in front of her could slay dragons, she believed that if she could assist him in achieving that, she could finally bring the story to an end and return home. Just like she had done up until now, she would muster her strength, endure, and live tenaciously.

‘Why are we doing this? Why should we help each other and survive?’

Claude, however, was taken aback like never before. The princess’s intense determination to make him her companion caught him off guard, leaving his mind in a whirl.

He hastily got up as if trying to escape from the situation.

“Today has been quite a disturbance. I should probably be on my way. I actually have a mountain of things to take care of…”

Even with his feeble excuses, the princess relentlessly pursued him, refusing to slow down.

“Why are you following me?”

“I’m seeing you off.”

Seeing me off… I must be going crazy.

Even though I clearly expressed that there was no need and that I would be more comfortable alone, she insisted on waving her hand and coming all the way to the doorstep.

Once I escape from here, this whirlwind of madness in my emotions will finally come to an end. As Claude focused his gaze and prepared to leap down the lined-up stairs, that firm hand suddenly appeared, grabbing his sleeve tightly.

“Just a moment!”

Oh no, not again, why!

“If you want to meet again, where can I contact you?”

It wasn’t even ‘Can I contact you?’ but ‘Where can I contact you?’ that she asked just before we parted ways.

She must think I’m her butler. But I have no right to refuse. It’s all because of this stupid tongue that ruined things today.

Both offering help first and trying to tease each other, it was all his own doing.

For the first time in his life, Claude ended up revealing where he lived to a woman.

On the crumpled tablecloth, which he tossed to the floor, he scribbled his address, one letter at a time.

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