(((Author's Note: Huhuhu sorry if this chapter is a little long. I just felt that all these ideas must be inside one chapter only...)))

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The Demonic Tower stood loftily in front of Delia, making her feel the pressure that is emanating out from it.

The demon, who was now inside the Demonic Tower, could be heard snickering, as he seemed to be delighted with Delia's reaction regarding his tower.
As Delia stared at the tower warily, the demon inside suddenly waved his hand as he started to summon something.

"Oi you three students of mine. I shall be saving your useless asses! So don't resist me now!"

At the instant that the Demon said these words, a frightening suction force appeared from the tower, which targeted the Grand Symbolist, the Grand Celestial, and the Grand Devourer, who were under the onslaught of Delia's allies.
Nobody was able to do anything against this suction force, which led to the three being sucked inside the Demonic Tower.

Once these three were rescued. The demon's head stuck out of the tower as he started taunting Delia.
"What's the matter little girl? I thought you will make me suffer. Where is that bravado of yours now?" The Demon said as his eyes glowed red. "Come on, I am waiting for you to come here!"

"Tsk!" Even with the protection of her black ooze, Delia realized that this ooze was of no help to her at all right now.
For whatever reason there is, the Demonic Tower that the demon just summoned now seemed to be immune to the effects of her black ooze!

"Hehehehe… I am originally around the Seventh Stage of Power. But because of my long term imprisonment in this place, my strength has fallen down significantly." The demon said leisurely as the Demonic Tower started to float. "With my strength weakened, the power that my Demonic Tower has right now was weakened too. But even if my tower is like this, its current power is still enough to beat you!"


The Demonic Tower suddenly disappeared from its current position, and before Delia could fully grasp what happened, the Demonic Tower suddenly appeared above her!

The Demonic Tower's massive body loomed above Delia, with the demon's head excited laughter booming out of its window.

"Let's see if your spear can take this! SMASH!"


The entirety of the Demonic Tower shot down towards Delia, who could only jump out of the way at the very last second.

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The whole Red Moon then trembled as the Demonic Tower hit the ground, with massive cracks spreading from the impact site.

A crater, which was around a kilometer in radius, appeared around the Demonic Tower's impact site, which showcased its sheer power.

Strong gusts of winds were buffeted from the tower, as if its movement alone was able to generate enough force to move even the air!
Delia, who was able to avoid the attack of the Demonic Tower, was thrown away by these powerful winds.

Her body was not just powerful enough right now even to resist these winds.

>> The angel said anxiously as she caught Delia from the air. The angel's raging expression earlier was now gone, as it was replaced with anxiousness and worry.

The angel seemed to have also realized the horror of the Demonic Tower, and the subtle panic in her eyes was enough to show that.

>> The angel as she flew farther and farther away from the Demonic Tower. >>

"You are s**ting me right now." Delia croaked out as she heard what the angel just said. "Something that powerful exists here? Why did you not even detect it? And how the hell was it able to withstand the effects of my black ooze?"

>> The angel replied sadly as she bowed down her head. >>
"…" After hearing this answer, the luster on Delia's eyes dimmed as she understood the graveness of their current situation.
But even with that, the determined expression on Delia's face did not disappear, as it only became more pronounced.

"Tsk, don't beat up yourself with this. What's done is done already." Delia muttered as she saw the Demonic Tower rising to the air again, with the demon's eyes focused intently on Delia.
There was no doubt that the Demonic Tower was targeting Delia right now, which showed the demon's intent to kill Delia right now.
With her body still powerless because of the black ooze, Delia knew that if she gets hit by the Demonic Tower, she will have no way to defend herself.

She will be turned into a pile of mush once the tower lands a clean hit on her!
"Angle, turn right!" Delia shouted as the Demonic Tower came smashing down towards them for the second time.

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The angel deftly avoided the tower by dodging to the right just like what Delia said, but one of her wings got clipped by the tower's edge.
The angel could only let out a grunt of pain as she folded that injured wings of hers.
While the Demonic Tower was still on the ground, the angel let out a shout as she flew up to the sky.
She seemed to be attempting to leave the moon's atmosphere, in sheer hopes that the Demonic Tower will stop pursing them there.
But that hope was immediately extinguished as the Demonic Tower rocketed off to the sky, with its top portion heading murderously towards Delia and the angel!


This was all that Delia could think off as the tower approached them once more.

Because of the effects of the black ooze, Delia and her angel were unable to use any of their powers for another 3 minutes.

This means that inside that 3-minute mark, Delia and her angel could only use their physical and mental prowess to survive the onslaught of the Demonic Tower.

If they slip up inside these 3 minutes, it will be sure death for the both of them!

"Angel, dive down!"
The angel made this desperate evasive maneuver in the air, which allowed her to narrowly evade the tower by a hairbreadth.
Without wasting any second, the angel dived back to the moon, with Delia still on tight hold on her!
The tower, which was always slow to move after each attack, took around 3 seconds before it followed the descending angel.

But even if the tower was 3 seconds late, its sheer speed and momentum allowed it to catch up with the angel immediately!

"Angel, turn left!" Delia shouted angrily, allowing the angel to evade the tower once more.
"…" At the instant that they were left some breathing room by their latest dodge, Delia's eyes narrowed as she started to analyze their current situation.
"This tower… every time it attacks us, it will take it around 3 seconds before it can attack again. That means… that we only have 3 seconds of time to move away from the tower, and find a position where we can dodge the tower's next attack! Each attack of the tower usually lasts for around 1 second. Combining these two means that there will be 4 seconds of time for each attacks to happen. Right now, there's around 2 minutes and 52 seconds of time left before we can use our powers again. Divide that by 4 seconds, and we get around 43 attacks left! That means that we still have to dodge for 43 more times before we can use our powers again!"

Delia's face turned grimmer as she reached this conclusion.
After all, each dodge that they made required every utmost bit of their concentration, and yet they still have to dodge for 43 more times before they can use their powers again!

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That's just BS!

"Ugh… but even if it sucks, I have no choice but to do this!" Delia thought to herself as she gritted her teeth. "As long as we survived long enough to use our powers again, I am sure that we can make a counter-attack against this Demon!"

With this conviction formed inside her heart, Delia forced herself to calm down as she and the angel did their best to sharpen their minds.
They knew that the Demon will win if his tower manages to hit them.
As for Delia and the angel, they will win if they survive the next 43 attacks!
"With the speed of that tower, I can only make predictions on how it will smash us." Delia thought to herself as she bit her lip. "That means that our survival right now depends on how good my predictive abilities are!"

With that kind of pressure on her shoulders, Delia obviously looked visibly strained, although the manic light inside her eyes showed her conviction to live!
"Come on!" Delia shouted out as she flipped her finger at the Demon. "Let's see who's better in mind games here!"
While Delia was busy fighting for her life and Emperor Litch was off to conquer another moon, the remaining group was also on their way to join the skirmish.
Alina, along with Queen Mother, Professor Frances, Astria, and the other Symbolists were currently streaking through the outer space using their space vehicles.

These vehicles were obtained inside the weapon armory, along with the weapons that are now on the hands of the Symbolists.
After having some discussions with [Asteria], Alina and the others had decided to leave the Blue Moon, as they made the search for Emperor Litch as their first priority.

With the Green Moon already destroyed, the only place that Emperor Litch can go to were either the Red Moon or the Yellow Moon. As for the Blue Moon, it is highly likely that the Emperor will conquer it last, most probably due to his own personality.
Right now, their space entourage was assuming a V-shaped formation, with Alina and other strong people at the front, and the weaker Symbolists at the back.
This formation ensures that the stronger people will be able to fend any attackers that might target them now, while ensuring the safety of the people at the back.
It's a pretty good formation, which they hastily decided to use after a few considerations.
The way that all of them moved right now seemed to show that they were all united. However, that was not truly the case.

"Oh come on! You will just have to touch hands! What the hell is wrong with that?" [Asteria], who looked to be extremely frustrated right now, shouted these words as she glared at Alina and Astria.

These two women had their arms crossed in front of their chests as they gave [Asteria] uncompromising looks.

"You want me to touch this woman? I will never do that!" Alina said as she sneered at Astria.

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"I feel the same too. I never, ever, wanted my skin to be in contact with this woman!" Astria replied as she flipped her finger on Alina's face. "If you want to look for Alex, just use a different way!"

"You stubborn hoomans!" [Asteria] looked like she was about to tear her hair off as she glared at the two women. "There are two moons that Alex can go to right now, and we are not sure on which one he is currently headed to! In order for us to know that, we need the power of your Divine Sensory Organs!"

"I know that Alina's Eyes and Astria's Nose are already powerful on their own. But those are not enough to see or hear where Alex could be going next!" [Asteria] said as she let out a sigh. "So if we want to find Alex, your Divine Sensory Organs must reach a higher level! And for your organs to reach that higher level, they must be connected with each other!"
"That is why you want us to hold hands." Alina mumbled as she let out a deep breath. "If I and Astria hold our hands together, my eyes and her nose will be linked with each other. Once that happens, both of them will act as one organ, with higher capabilities compared to before. If we use that to look for Alex, I am sure that we will be able to easily find him."
Astria nodded after Alina talked, showing that she understood what Alina just said.

"Exactly! So you two understand it!" [Asteria] shouted as she spread her hands in front of her. "If you understand it, then why don't you two hold your hands together now? What's with all these hesitation moves?"

"I just don't want to hold her hand."
"I just don't want to hold her hand."

"Fine, we shall do it." Upon seeing [Asteria's] face, which looked to be in deep despair, both Alina and Astria were forced to relent. "But we will only do this for Alex."

"Ugh, just stop talking now ok?" [Asteria] said as she massaged her forehead. "Do it quick, and end it quickly too. We don't want to catch the Emperor's attention after all."

"This is just for Alex…" Both Alina and Astria said as they let out resigned sighs.
They then looked at each other as distaste appeared on their faces.
Both of them seemed to be cringing as they tentatively pushed their arms forward, with their upper bodies leaned back and their heads looking at the sides. Their legs looked to be as rigid as steel as it seemed like it took everything for these two women just to take a small step forward.
Just looking at these two women's awkward poses was enough to frustrate anyone, and [Asteria] obviously had enough already.

"You whiny hoomans! If you don't want to touch, then I shall force this!" [Asteria] roared out as she flew towards Alina and Astria's hand.
She held each one of their hands, and under some slight protests between the two, [Asteria] slowly pulled their hands until they touched each other.

At the moment that the contact was made, a silvery blast of light covered the two women, which forced [Asteria] away from the two.

Upon seeing this silver light, [Asteria] let out a deep breath as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.
"Now, isn't that just easy?"

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