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{{Mr. Thompson, it will be better for you to admit guilt. Making this investigation drag on will just be a hassle for the both of us.}}

||Hassle? Didn't you hear what I was saying before? I am not one of those rebels! I just happened to be at the Mountain of Enlightenment when the rebels made their move! I said it numerous times already under different inspectors, yet none of you still believed me! Why are you TimeMasters always like this?||

 {{Mr. Thompson, we have gathered multiple evidences that all pointed to you being a member of the rebel Immortals. Your statements and denials hold no power against these evidences, so you will surely be judged as guilty. The only way that you can get off lightly is to confess your sins. That way, your time in prison will be reduced…}}

||Shut your mouth, you filthy TimeMaster! I said it earlier, and I will say it again. I am not a rebel, and I never had any intentions of rebelling against the TimeMasters! I am only looking for my sister who has been missing for 4 months already!||

{{Mr. Thompson, speaking of this sister of yours... is her name Elise Thompson?}}

||You… why do you know that name? That is my sister's name! Did you and your friend discover her location now? Quick, tell it to me!||

{{Mr. Thompson. I regret to inform this to you, but your sister, Elise Thompson, was one of the rebels captured in a small-scale operation 4 months ago. Due to her crimes of being in a small rebel group, she was dumped in the Trash Prefecture, where she still spends her time. She was punished with a lifetime imprisonment, which means that she won't be leaving the Trash Prefecture anytime soon…}}

||My sister was captured as a rebel? You must be lying!||

{{I am not lying, Mr. Thompson. Surely you already heard rumors about your sister joining the rebellion. I can confirm the truthfulness of these rumors, and if you want, I can show you the documents pertaining to her stint in this rebel group.}}

||There's no need for you to do that. I think I believe you.||

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{{Thank you for that answer, Mr. Thompson. Now if you can just do that in your confession…}}

||Sigh, so Elise left me behind because she decided to become a rebel? Why did she do that?||

{{Mr. Thompson, because of your sister's allegiance with a rebel group, your claim to be uninvolved with the rebels are all in doubt now. So please just confess to your sins already. It will make it easier for the both of us…}}

||Hmph, if you want to know the truth, why don't you use a spell to view the past? Won't that verify any of my statements?||

{{Mr. Thompson, only the high-tiered TImeMasters can view the past with great accuracy. Unfortunately for the law department, none of these high-tiered TimeMasters are present. Only if the case was controversial that a high-tiered TimeMaster will help us out. For your case Mr. Thompson, there will be none of this special treatment. You're just one of the numerous people caught in the Mountain of Enlightenment, so the best treatment that you can get is your time with me right now.}}

||Tsk, you damned TImeMasters are really doing everything that you can to prosecute us cultivators. You can't even provide me with a proper judicial treatment! If this is how I am treated, then how about the real rebels? Are they being tortured right now? Are your friends having fun with them? Tsk, all of you are just sick bastards!||

{{Mr. Thompson, if you continue infuriating me, I might add some more years on your sentence. So please keep it proper.}}


{{So Mr. Thompson. Just like what I said before, I think you should confess already. Even if, in the slightest chance, you are actually innocent, there is no going out for you now. You have been found among the other rebels, which makes you a rebel already. So please Mr. Thompson, confess already.}}

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||You sure have the guts to speak to me that way when you are facing your own problems too.||

{{Mr. Thompson, please stay quiet. If you talk more…}}

||Aren't you the guy that lost all of his Time because of the Future-Gazing Ritual? What was your name again? Ah right, you're called CEO Smith! Yes, that's your title! Hahaha, so you're actually working here now! How does it feel doing a menial job like this? Are you feeling happy with your life now?||

{{Mr. Thompson, please close your mouth. Continuing to speak in a disrespectful way will just-}}

||From what I have heard in the news, it was said that you activated the Future-Gazing Ritual because you want to find a way to fight the rebel Immortals. For someone like you, that is certainly a noble move. But after you activated the ritual, instead of it showing the future, what you only got was a painful backlash. You did not see any future at all. What came out of that ritual was a golden claw, which proceeded to attack you and all the CEO's that participated the ritual.||

{{Mr. Thompson. Any more words will-}}

||This sudden attack rendered you and the other CEO's at the brink of death. If it were not for the timely assistance of the Great TImeMaster, all of you could have been dead already.||

{{Mr. Thompson…}}

||Because of that botched ritual, you lost all of your assets. What remained of your Time was used to pay your bills, while all of your properties and treasures were given to the other CEOs, as a form of 'compensation' for the injuries that you have caused on them.||


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||All of your employees and servants left you, except for your secretary, who still stayed close with you. From what the news said, she did not demand anything from you. She only wanted to stay with you. Now that's just romantic. What was her name again? Right, it's Andrea! Hey CEO Smith, since this Andrea is living with you now, does that mean that you are having a sexy time with-||


{{Careful there, Mr. Thompson. I may be tolerant of your words, but I will never let you off anymore, now that you started insulting Andrea.}}

||Haaak… Oi CEO Smith, you are choking me right now!||

{{What did you say, Mr. Thompson? I can't really hear you.}}

||I said, haak! You are choking me!|

{{Again, I could not understand what you are saying. Can you please say it in a clearer tone?}}

||You… you bastard! Haaak!||


||Argh! Okay, I admit my sins already! Haak! I admit that I am a rebel! There, are you happy now? Haaak!||

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{{Good, Mr. Thompson. You clearly did the right thing by confessing already. You will save a lot of lives by doing this. Wait, are you okay, Mr. Thompson? You seem to have trouble breathing earlier. Are you feeling fine right now?}}

||Piss off, you f**ker! You were trying to choke me earlier!||

{{Mr. Thompson. Now that you have confessed to your sins, you will be immediately incarcerated effective today. If you have any relatives that you want to say goodbye to, today is the only day that you can do it.}}

||…You are one sleazy, despicable bastard. Is this how desperate you are to keep your current job? Do you need Time so much that you are willing to assault me just to make me confess? Hmph, you must have needed a lot of Time to be this desperate. Are you in debt right now? Heh, someone as lavish as you might have a debt or two somewhere…||Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

{{Since you are not mentioning any of your relatives, then I can assume that there will be none of them that will talk to you. In that case, you will be sent to your prison already.}}

||Wait! That fast? Can't you even just-||

{{The state hopes that you will take this as a lesson, Mr. Thompson. We hope that after you served your time, you will be a changed man, someone who will be focused for the betterment of the society.}}

||…CEO Smith, I hope someone will take your Andrea away. Someone as pretty as her must be a fresh meat for your CEO friends. Hehehe, you better watch out for her. You never know, someone might come snatching her away before you could even notice it…||

{{Just go to your designated destination now, Mr. Thompson.}}

||Hmph! This will not be the last day that you will see me! Just you wait!||


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